.. -*- rst -*- ============= Credentials ============= In exchange for a set of authentication credentials that the user submits, the Identity service generates and returns a token. A token represents the authenticated identity of a user and, optionally, grants authorization on a specific project or domain. You can list all credentials, and create, show details for, update, and delete a credential. Create credential ================= .. rest_method:: POST /v3/credentials Relationship: ``https://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/credentials`` Creates a credential. The following example shows how to create an EC2-style credential. The credential blob is a string that contains a JSON-serialized dictionary with the ``access`` and ``secret`` keys. This format is required when you specify the ``ec2`` type. To specify other credentials, such as ``access_key``, change the type and contents of the data blob. Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: 413,415,405,404,403,401,400,503,409 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential: credential - project_id: project_id - type: credential_type - blob: credential_blob - user_id: credential_user_id Request Example --------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/admin/credential-create-request.json :language: javascript Response Parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential: credential - user_id: credential_user_id - links: credential_links - blob: credential_blob - project_id: project_id - type: credential_type - id: credential_id Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/admin/credential-create-response.json :language: javascript List credentials ================ .. rest_method:: GET /v3/credentials Relationship: ``https://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/credentials`` Lists all credentials. Optionally, you can include the ``user_id`` or ``type`` query parameter in the URI to filter the response by a user or credential type. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: 413,405,404,403,401,400,503 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - user_id: user_id_query - type: credential_type_not_required Response Parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - user_id: credential_user_id - links: credentials_links - blob: credential_blob - credentials: credentials - project_id: project_id - type: credential_type - id: credential_id Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/admin/credentials-list-response.json :language: javascript Show credential details ======================= .. rest_method:: GET /v3/credentials/{credential_id} Relationship: ``https://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/credential`` Shows details for a credential. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: 413,405,404,403,401,400,503 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential_id: credential_id_path Response Parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential: credential - user_id: credential_user_id - links: credential_links - blob: credential_blob - project_id: project_id - type: credential_type - id: credential_id Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/admin/credential-show-response.json :language: javascript Update credential ================= .. rest_method:: PATCH /v3/credentials/{credential_id} Relationship: ``https://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/credential`` Updates a credential. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: 413,415,405,404,403,401,400,503,409 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential_id: credential_id_path - credential: credential - project_id: project_id - type: credential_type_not_required - blob: credential_blob_not_required - user_id: credential_user_id_not_required Request Example --------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/admin/credential-update-request.json :language: javascript Response Parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential: credential - user_id: credential_user_id - links: credential_links - blob: credential_blob - project_id: project_id - type: credential_type - id: credential_id Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/admin/credential-update-response.json :language: javascript Delete credential ================= .. rest_method:: DELETE /v3/credentials/{credential_id} Relationship: ``https://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/credential`` Deletes a credential. Normal response codes: 204 Error response codes: 413,415,405,404,403,401,400,503,409 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - credential_id: credential_id_path