# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import encodeutils import six from six.moves import http_client import keystone.conf from keystone.i18n import _ CONF = keystone.conf.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) # Tests use this to make exception message format errors fatal _FATAL_EXCEPTION_FORMAT_ERRORS = False def _format_with_unicode_kwargs(msg_format, kwargs): try: return msg_format % kwargs except UnicodeDecodeError: try: kwargs = {k: encodeutils.safe_decode(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} except UnicodeDecodeError: # NOTE(jamielennox): This is the complete failure case # at least by showing the template we have some idea # of where the error is coming from return msg_format return msg_format % kwargs class Error(Exception): """Base error class. Child classes should define an HTTP status code, title, and a message_format. """ code = None title = None message_format = None def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): try: message = self._build_message(message, **kwargs) except KeyError: # if you see this warning in your logs, please raise a bug report if _FATAL_EXCEPTION_FORMAT_ERRORS: raise else: LOG.warning('missing exception kwargs (programmer error)') message = self.message_format super(Error, self).__init__(message) def _build_message(self, message, **kwargs): """Build and returns an exception message. :raises KeyError: given insufficient kwargs """ if message: return message return _format_with_unicode_kwargs(self.message_format, kwargs) class ValidationError(Error): message_format = _("Expecting to find %(attribute)s in %(target)s." " The server could not comply with the request" " since it is either malformed or otherwise" " incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.") code = int(http_client.BAD_REQUEST) title = http_client.responses[http_client.BAD_REQUEST] class URLValidationError(ValidationError): message_format = _("Cannot create an endpoint with an invalid URL:" " %(url)s.") class PasswordValidationError(ValidationError): message_format = _("Password validation error: %(detail)s.") class PasswordRequirementsValidationError(PasswordValidationError): message_format = _("The password does not match the requirements:" " %(detail)s.") class PasswordHistoryValidationError(PasswordValidationError): message_format = _("The new password cannot be identical to a " "previous password. The number of previous " "passwords that must be unique is " "%(unique_count)s.") class PasswordAgeValidationError(PasswordValidationError): message_format = _("You cannot change your password at this time due " "to the minimum password age. Once you change your " "password, it must be used for %(min_age_days)d day(s) " "before it can be changed. Please try again in " "%(days_left)d day(s) or contact your administrator to " "reset your password.") class SchemaValidationError(ValidationError): # NOTE(lbragstad): For whole OpenStack message consistency, this error # message has been written in a format consistent with WSME. message_format = _("%(detail)s") class ValidationTimeStampError(Error): message_format = _("Timestamp not in expected format." " The server could not comply with the request" " since it is either malformed or otherwise" " incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.") code = int(http_client.BAD_REQUEST) title = http_client.responses[http_client.BAD_REQUEST] class InvalidOperatorError(ValidationError): message_format = _("The given operator %(_op)s is not valid." " It must be one of the following:" " 'eq', 'neq', 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', or 'gte'.") class ValidationExpirationError(Error): message_format = _("The 'expires_at' must not be before now." " The server could not comply with the request" " since it is either malformed or otherwise" " incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.") code = int(http_client.BAD_REQUEST) title = http_client.responses[http_client.BAD_REQUEST] class StringLengthExceeded(ValidationError): message_format = _("String length exceeded. The length of" " string '%(string)s' exceeds the limit" " of column %(type)s(CHAR(%(length)d)).") class ValidationSizeError(Error): message_format = _("Request attribute %(attribute)s must be" " less than or equal to %(size)i. The server" " could not comply with the request because" " the attribute size is invalid (too large)." " The client is assumed to be in error.") code = int(http_client.BAD_REQUEST) title = http_client.responses[http_client.BAD_REQUEST] class AmbiguityError(ValidationError): message_format = _("There are multiple %(resource)s entities named" " '%(name)s'. Please use ID instead of names to" " resolve the ambiguity.") class CircularRegionHierarchyError(Error): message_format = _("The specified parent region %(parent_region_id)s " "would create a circular region hierarchy.") code = int(http_client.BAD_REQUEST) title = http_client.responses[http_client.BAD_REQUEST] class ForbiddenNotSecurity(Error): """When you want to return a 403 Forbidden response but not security. Use this for errors where the message is always safe to present to the user and won't give away extra information. """ code = int(http_client.FORBIDDEN) title = http_client.responses[http_client.FORBIDDEN] class PasswordVerificationError(ForbiddenNotSecurity): message_format = _("The password length must be less than or equal " "to %(size)i. The server could not comply with the " "request because the password is invalid.") class RegionDeletionError(ForbiddenNotSecurity): message_format = _("Unable to delete region %(region_id)s because it or " "its child regions have associated endpoints.") class SecurityError(Error): """Security error exception. Avoids exposing details of security errors, unless in insecure_debug mode. """ amendment = _('(Disable insecure_debug mode to suppress these details.)') def __deepcopy__(self): """Override the default deepcopy. Keystone :class:`keystone.exception.Error` accepts an optional message that will be used when rendering the exception object as a string. If not provided the object's message_format attribute is used instead. :class:`keystone.exception.SecurityError` is a little different in that it only uses the message provided to the initializer when keystone is in `insecure_debug` mode. Instead it will use its `message_format`. This is to ensure that sensitive details are not leaked back to the caller in a production deployment. This dual mode for string rendering causes some odd behaviour when combined with oslo_i18n translation. Any object used as a value for formatting a translated string is deep copied. The copy causes an issue. The deep copy process actually creates a new exception instance with the rendered string. Then when that new instance is rendered as a string to use for substitution a warning is logged. This is because the code tries to use the `message_format` in secure mode, but the required kwargs are not in the deep copy. The end result is not an error because when the KeyError is caught the instance's ``message`` is used instead and this has the properly translated message. The only indication that something is wonky is a message in the warning log. """ return self def _build_message(self, message, **kwargs): """Only returns detailed messages in insecure_debug mode.""" if message and CONF.insecure_debug: if isinstance(message, six.string_types): # Only do replacement if message is string. The message is # sometimes a different exception or bytes, which would raise # TypeError. message = _format_with_unicode_kwargs(message, kwargs) return _('%(message)s %(amendment)s') % { 'message': message, 'amendment': self.amendment} return _format_with_unicode_kwargs(self.message_format, kwargs) class Unauthorized(SecurityError): message_format = _("The request you have made requires authentication.") code = int(http_client.UNAUTHORIZED) title = http_client.responses[http_client.UNAUTHORIZED] class InsufficientAuthMethods(Error): # NOTE(notmorgan): This is not a security error, this is meant to # communicate real information back to the user. message_format = _("Insufficient auth methods received for %(user_id)s. " "Auth Methods Provided: %(methods)s.") code = 401 title = 'Unauthorized' class PasswordExpired(Unauthorized): message_format = _("The password is expired and needs to be changed for " "user: %(user_id)s.") class AuthPluginException(Unauthorized): message_format = _("Authentication plugin error.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AuthPluginException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.authentication = {} class UserDisabled(Unauthorized): message_format = _("The account is disabled for user: %(user_id)s.") class AccountLocked(Unauthorized): message_format = _("The account is locked for user: %(user_id)s.") class AuthMethodNotSupported(AuthPluginException): message_format = _("Attempted to authenticate with an unsupported method.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AuthMethodNotSupported, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.authentication = {'methods': CONF.auth.methods} class AdditionalAuthRequired(AuthPluginException): message_format = _("Additional authentications steps required.") def __init__(self, auth_response=None, **kwargs): super(AdditionalAuthRequired, self).__init__(message=None, **kwargs) self.authentication = auth_response class Forbidden(SecurityError): message_format = _("You are not authorized to perform the" " requested action.") code = int(http_client.FORBIDDEN) title = http_client.responses[http_client.FORBIDDEN] class ForbiddenAction(Forbidden): message_format = _("You are not authorized to perform the" " requested action: %(action)s.") class CrossBackendNotAllowed(Forbidden): message_format = _("Group membership across backend boundaries is not " "allowed. Group in question is %(group_id)s, " "user is %(user_id)s.") class InvalidPolicyAssociation(Forbidden): message_format = _("Invalid mix of entities for policy association: " "only Endpoint, Service, or Region+Service allowed. " "Request was - Endpoint: %(endpoint_id)s, " "Service: %(service_id)s, Region: %(region_id)s.") class InvalidDomainConfig(Forbidden): message_format = _("Invalid domain specific configuration: %(reason)s.") class NotFound(Error): message_format = _("Could not find: %(target)s.") code = int(http_client.NOT_FOUND) title = http_client.responses[http_client.NOT_FOUND] class EndpointNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find endpoint: %(endpoint_id)s.") class PolicyNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find policy: %(policy_id)s.") class PolicyAssociationNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find policy association.") class RoleNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find role: %(role_id)s.") class ImpliedRoleNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("%(prior_role_id)s does not imply %(implied_role_id)s.") class InvalidImpliedRole(Forbidden): message_format = _("%(role_id)s cannot be an implied roles.") class DomainSpecificRoleMismatch(Forbidden): message_format = _("Project %(project_id)s must be in the same domain " "as the role %(role_id)s being assigned.") class DomainSpecificRoleNotWithinIdPDomain(Forbidden): message_format = _("role: %(role_name)s must be within the same domain as " "the identity provider: %(identity_provider)s.") class RoleAssignmentNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find role assignment with role: " "%(role_id)s, user or group: %(actor_id)s, " "project or domain: %(target_id)s.") class RegionNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find region: %(region_id)s.") class ServiceNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find service: %(service_id)s.") class DomainNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find domain: %(domain_id)s.") class ProjectNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find project: %(project_id)s.") class TokenNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find token: %(token_id)s.") class UserNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find user: %(user_id)s.") class GroupNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find group: %(group_id)s.") class MappingNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find mapping: %(mapping_id)s.") class TrustNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find trust: %(trust_id)s.") class TrustUseLimitReached(Forbidden): message_format = _("No remaining uses for trust: %(trust_id)s.") class CredentialNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find credential: %(credential_id)s.") class VersionNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find version: %(version)s.") class EndpointGroupNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find Endpoint Group: %(endpoint_group_id)s.") class IdentityProviderNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find Identity Provider: %(idp_id)s.") class ServiceProviderNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find Service Provider: %(sp_id)s.") class FederatedProtocolNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _("Could not find federated protocol %(protocol_id)s for" " Identity Provider: %(idp_id)s.") class PublicIDNotFound(NotFound): # This is used internally and mapped to either User/GroupNotFound or, # Assertion before the exception leaves Keystone. message_format = "%(id)s" class DomainConfigNotFound(NotFound): message_format = _('Could not find %(group_or_option)s in domain ' 'configuration for domain %(domain_id)s.') class ConfigRegistrationNotFound(Exception): # This is used internally between the domain config backend and the # manager, so should not escape to the client. If it did, it is a coding # error on our part, and would end up, appropriately, as a 500 error. pass class Conflict(Error): message_format = _("Conflict occurred attempting to store %(type)s -" " %(details)s.") code = int(http_client.CONFLICT) title = http_client.responses[http_client.CONFLICT] class UnexpectedError(SecurityError): """Avoids exposing details of failures, unless in insecure_debug mode.""" message_format = _("An unexpected error prevented the server " "from fulfilling your request.") debug_message_format = _("An unexpected error prevented the server " "from fulfilling your request: %(exception)s.") def _build_message(self, message, **kwargs): # Ensure that exception has a value to be extra defensive for # substitutions and make sure the exception doesn't raise an # exception. kwargs.setdefault('exception', '') return super(UnexpectedError, self)._build_message( message or self.debug_message_format, **kwargs) code = int(http_client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) title = http_client.responses[http_client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR] class TrustConsumeMaximumAttempt(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("Unable to consume trust %(trust_id)s. Unable to " "acquire lock.") class CertificateFilesUnavailable(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("Expected signing certificates are not available " "on the server. Please check Keystone " "configuration.") class MalformedEndpoint(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("Malformed endpoint URL (%(endpoint)s)," " see ERROR log for details.") class MappedGroupNotFound(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("Group %(group_id)s returned by mapping " "%(mapping_id)s was not found in the backend.") class MetadataFileError(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("Error while reading metadata file: %(reason)s.") class DirectMappingError(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("Local section in mapping %(mapping_id)s refers " "to a remote match that doesn't exist " "(e.g. {0} in a local section).") class AssignmentTypeCalculationError(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _( 'Unexpected combination of grant attributes - ' 'User: %(user_id)s, Group: %(group_id)s, Project: %(project_id)s, ' 'Domain: %(domain_id)s.') class NotImplemented(Error): message_format = _("The action you have requested has not" " been implemented.") code = int(http_client.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) title = http_client.responses[http_client.NOT_IMPLEMENTED] class Gone(Error): message_format = _("The service you have requested is no" " longer available on this server.") code = int(http_client.GONE) title = http_client.responses[http_client.GONE] class ConfigFileNotFound(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _("The Keystone configuration file %(config_file)s " "could not be found.") class KeysNotFound(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _('No encryption keys found; run keystone-manage ' 'fernet_setup to bootstrap one.') class MultipleSQLDriversInConfig(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _('The Keystone domain-specific configuration has ' 'specified more than one SQL driver (only one is ' 'permitted): %(source)s.') class MigrationNotProvided(Exception): def __init__(self, mod_name, path): super(MigrationNotProvided, self).__init__(_( "%(mod_name)s doesn't provide database migrations. The migration" " repository path at %(path)s doesn't exist or isn't a directory." ) % {'mod_name': mod_name, 'path': path}) class UnsupportedTokenVersionException(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _('Token version is unrecognizable or ' 'unsupported.') class SAMLSigningError(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _('Unable to sign SAML assertion. It is likely ' 'that this server does not have xmlsec1 ' 'installed or this is the result of ' 'misconfiguration. Reason %(reason)s.') class OAuthHeadersMissingError(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _('No Authorization headers found, cannot proceed ' 'with OAuth related calls. If running under ' 'HTTPd or Apache, ensure WSGIPassAuthorization ' 'is set to On.') class TokenlessAuthConfigError(ValidationError): message_format = _('Could not determine Identity Provider ID. The ' 'configuration option %(issuer_attribute)s ' 'was not found in the request environment.') class CredentialEncryptionError(Exception): message_format = _("An unexpected error prevented the server " "from accessing encrypted credentials.") class LDAPServerConnectionError(UnexpectedError): debug_message_format = _('Unable to establish a connection to ' 'LDAP Server (%(url)s).') class LDAPInvalidCredentialsError(UnexpectedError): message_format = _('Unable to authenticate against Identity backend - ' 'Invalid username or password')