# Keystone: OpenStack Identity Service Keystone is an identity service for [OpenStack](http://www.openstack.org). This project aims to address the current use cases in Swift and Nova which are: * RESTful token auth for Swift * Many-to-many relationship between identity and tenant for Nova. # Documentation Learn about installing, configuring, managing, and developing the OpenStack Identity Service at the [OpenStack Documentation](http://docs.openstack.org/) site. NOTE: Contributors probably don't want to install keystone from packaging, and should instead follow the directions below. # For Contributors ## What's in the box? ### Services * Keystone - identity store and authentication service * Auth_Token - WSGI middleware that can be used to handle token auth protocol (WSGI or remote proxy) * Echo - A sample service that responds by returning call details ### Also included: * Auth_Basic - Stub for WSGI middleware that will be used to handle basic auth * Auth_OpenID - Stub for WSGI middleware that will be used to handle openid auth protocol (to be implemented) * RemoteAuth - WSGI middleware that can be used in services (like Swift, Nova, and Glance) when Auth middleware is running remotely ### Built-In commands: * bin/keystone - Provides HTTP API for users and administrators * bin/keystone-admin - Provides HTTP API for administrators * bin/keystone-service - Provides HTTP API for users * bin/keystone-manage - Provides command-line interface for managing all aspects of Keystone By default, configuration parameters are parsed from `etc/keystone.conf`. ## Installing Dependencies Keystone maintains a list of PyPi dependencies, designed for use by [pip](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip). *However*, your system may need additional dependencies that `pip` (and by extension, PyPi) cannot satisfy. A list of such dependences is maintained in the `tools/pip-requires` file, and should be installed prior to using `pip`. You may also need to prefix `pip install` with `sudo`, depending on your environment. # Describe dependencies (including non-PyPi dependencies) $ cat tools/pip-requires # Install all PyPi dependencies (for production, testing, and development) $ pip install -r tools/pip-requires ## Updating your PYTHONPATH There are a number of methods for getting Keystone into your PYTHON PATH, the easiest of which is: # Fake-install the project by symlinking Keystone into your Python site-packages $ python setup.py develop You should then be able to `import keystone` from your Python shell without issue: >>> import keystone >>> ## Testing Keystone To run the entire test suite, with test progress shown in realtime, use: $ ./run_tests.sh --with-progress ## Running Keystone Starting both Admin and Service API endpoints: $ ./bin/keystone Starting the auth server only (exposes the Service API): $ ./bin/keystone-auth Starting the admin server only (exposes the Admin API): $ ./bin/keystone-admin By default, configuration parameters (such as the IP and port binding for each service) are parsed from `etc/keystone.conf`. ## Configuring Keystone Keystone gets its configuration from command-line parameters or a `.conf` file. While command line parameters take precedence, Keystone looks in the following location to find a configuration file: 1. Command line parameter 2. /etc/keystone.conf 3. /etc/keystone/keystone.conf 4. /etc/keystone.conf Additional configuration templates are maintained in `keystone/test/etc/` that may be useful as a reference. ## Contributing Changes Refer to our [Gerrit-Jenkins-Github Workflow](http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritJenkinsGithub). ## Writing Documentation ### Editing and Building the API Developer Guide Users of the Keystone API are often developers making ReSTful API calls to Keystone. The guide to provide them information is therefore called a `Developer Guide`. Developer in this case is not to be confused with contributors working on the Keystone codebase itself. The developer guides are automatically generated from XML and other artifacts that live in the [OpenStack Manuals project](https://launchpad.net/openstack-manuals). To build the Developer Guide from source, you need [Maven](http://maven.apache.org/). To build the docs and publish a new PDF: $ cd to folder with the pom.xml file $ mvn clean generate-sources && cp target/docbkx/pdf/identitydevguide.pdf ../../keystone/content/identitydevguide.pdf The output will go into the `target` folder (the source is in `src`). Output generated is PDF and webhelp. ### Editing and Building the Admin Guide The Admin guide is written in RST and built using sphinx. From the `keystone` folder: $ python setup.py build_sphinx && firefox build/sphinx/html/index.html # Additional Information: ## Sample data A set of sample data can be loaded by running a shell script: $ ./bin/sampledata The script calls `keystone-manage` to import the sample data. After starting keystone or running `keystone-manage` a `keystone.db` sqlite database should be created in the keystone folder, per the default configuration. ## Demo To run client demo (with all auth middleware running locally on sample service): $ ./examples/echo/bin/echod $ python examples/echo/echo_client.py ## CURL commands
    # Get an unscoped token
    $ curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "joeuser", "password": "secrete"}}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tokens

    # Get a token for a tenant
    $ curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "joeuser", "password": "secrete"}, "tenantName": "customer-x"}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tokens

    # Get an admin token
    $ curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "admin", "password": "secrete"}}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:35357/v2.0/tokens
## Load Testing
   # Create post data
   $ echo '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "joeuser", "password": "secrete", "tenantName": "customer-x"}}}' > post_data

   # Call Apache Bench
   $ ab -c 30 -n 1000 -T "application/json" -p post_data
## NOVA Integration Initial support for using keystone as nova's identity component has been started. # clone projects bzr clone lp:nova git clone git://github.com/openstack/keystone.git # link keystone into the nova root dir ln -s keystone/keystone nova/keystone # run nova-api based on the paste config in keystone nova/bin/nova-api --api_paste_config=keystone/examples/paste/nova-api-paste.ini Assuming you added the test data using bin/sampledata, you can then use joeuser/secrete ## Swift Integration - Quick Start 1. Install Swift, either from trunk or version 1.4.1 (once it's released) or higher. Do the standard SAIO install with the included TempAuth to be sure you have a working system to start with. This step is beyond the scope of this quick start; see http://swift.openstack.org/development_saio.html for a Swift development set up guide. Once you have a working Swift install, go ahead and shut it down for now (the default Swift install uses the same ports Keystone wants): $ swift-init all stop 2. Obtain and install a source copy of Keystone: $ git clone https://github.com/openstack/keystone.git ~/keystone ... $ cd ~/keystone && sudo python setup.py develop ... 3. Start up the Keystone service: $ cd ~/keystone/bin && ./keystone Starting the Legacy Authentication component Service API listening on Admin API listening on 4. In another window, edit the `~/keystone/keystone/test/sampledata.py` file, find the `swift.publicinternets.com` text and replace it with the URL to your Swift cluster using the following format (note that we're going to change Swift to run on port 8888 later): `` 5. Create the sample data entries: $ cd ~/keystone/bin && ./sampledata ... 6. Reconfigure Swift's proxy server to use Keystone instead of TempAuth. Here's an example `/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf`: [DEFAULT] bind_port = 8888 user = [pipeline:main] pipeline = catch_errors cache keystone proxy-server [app:proxy-server] use = egg:swift#proxy account_autocreate = true [filter:keystone] use = egg:keystone#tokenauth auth_protocol = http auth_host = auth_port = 35357 admin_token = 999888777666 delay_auth_decision = 0 service_protocol = http service_host = service_port = 8100 service_pass = dTpw [filter:cache] use = egg:swift#memcache set log_name = cache [filter:catch_errors] use = egg:swift#catch_errors 7. Start Swift back up with the new configuration: $ swift-init main start ... 8. Use `swift` to check everything works (note: you currently have to create a container or upload something as your first action to have the account created; there's a Swift bug to be fixed soon): $ swift -A -U joeuser -K secrete post container $ swift -A -U joeuser -K secrete stat -v StorageURL: Auth Token: 74ce1b05-e839-43b7-bd76-85ef178726c3 Account: AUTH_1234 Containers: 1 Objects: 0 Bytes: 0 Accept-Ranges: bytes X-Trans-Id: tx25c1a6969d8f4372b63912f411de3c3b **Note: Keystone currently allows any valid token to do anything with any account.** But, it works as a demo! ## LDAP Setup on a Mac Using macports: sudo port install openldap It appears the package `python-ldap` needs to be recompiled to work. So, download it from: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-ldap/2.4.1 After unpacking, edit `setup.cfg` as shown below: library_dirs = /opt/local/lib include_dirs = /opt/local/include /usr/include/sasl Then, run: python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install # Relevant Standards and Technologies [Overlap of Identity Technologies](https://sites.google.com/site/oauthgoog/Overlap) Keystone could potentially integrate with: 1. [WebID](http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/spec/) (See also [FOAF+SSL](http://www.w3.org/wiki/Foaf+ssl)) 2. [OpenID](http://openid.net/) and/or [OpenIDConnect](http://openidconnect.com/) 3. [OAUTH2](http://oauth.net/2/) 4. [SAML](http://saml.xml.org/)