--- deprecations: - > [`blueprint deprecated-as-of-ocata `_] The catalog backend ``endpoint_filter.sql`` has been deprecated in the `Ocata` release, it has been consolidated with the ``sql`` backend. It is recommended to replace the ``endpoint_filter.sql`` catalog backend with the ``sql`` backend. The ``endpoint_filter.sql`` backend will be removed in the `Pike` release. - > [`blueprint deprecated-as-of-ocata `_] Various KVS backends and config options have been deprecated and will be removed in the `Pike` release. This includes: * ``keystone.common.kvs.backends.inmemdb.MemoryBackend`` * ``keystone.common.kvs.backends.memcached.MemcachedBackend`` * ``keystone.token.persistence.backends.kvs.Token`` * all config options under ``[kvs]`` in `keystone.conf` * the config option ``[memcached] servers`` in `keystone.conf`