  - |
    [`bug 1651989 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1651989>`_]
    Due to ``bug 1547684``, when using the ``policy.v3cloudsample.json``
    sample file, a domain admin token was being treated as a cloud admin.
    Since the ``is_admin_project`` functionality only supports
    project-scoped tokens, we automatically set any domain scoped token to have
    the property ``is_admin_project`` to ``False``.

    [`bug 1547684 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1547684>`_]
    A typo in the ``policy.v3cloudsample.json`` sample file was causing
    `oslo.policy` to not load the file. See the ``upgrades`` section for
    more details.
  - |
    [`bug 1547684 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1547684>`_]
    A minor change to the ``policy.v3cloudsample.json`` sample file was
    performed so the sample file loads correctly. The ``cloud_admin``
    rule has changed from::

      "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or domain_id:admin_domain_id)"

    To the properly written::

      "role:admin and (is_admin_project:True or domain_id:admin_domain_id)"

    Adjust configuration tools as necessary, see the ``fixes`` section for more
    details on this change.