Shuquan Huang bac4d9d21a Put py34 first in the env order of tox
To solve the problem of "db type could not be determined" on py34 we
have to run first the py34 env to, then, run py27. This patch puts py34
first on the tox.ini list of envs to avoid this problem to happen.

Change-Id: I36ec1829229081b6bc935ecc0d27836c8699a753
Closes-Bug: #1489059
2015-12-02 23:04:52 +08:00

143 lines
5.2 KiB

minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
envlist = py34,py27,pep8,docs,genconfig,releasenotes
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands = bash tools/ '{posargs}'
whitelist_externals = bash
passenv = http_proxy HTTP_PROXY https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY no_proxy NO_PROXY PBR_VERSION
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands =
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=keystone \
keystone/tests/unit/auth/ \
keystone/tests/unit/backend/domain_config/ \
keystone/tests/unit/backend/role/ \
keystone/tests/unit/backend/ \
keystone/tests/unit/backend/domain_config/ \
keystone/tests/unit/backend/domain_config/ \
keystone/tests/unit/backend/role/ \
keystone/tests/unit/tests/ \
keystone/tests/unit/tests/ \
keystone/tests/unit/catalog/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/common/ \
keystone/tests/unit/contrib/ \
keystone/tests/unit/external/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/tests/ \
keystone/tests/unit/tests/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/ \
keystone/tests/unit/token/ \
keystone/tests/unit/token/ \
keystone/tests/unit/token/ \
commands =
flake8 {posargs}
# Run bash8 during pep8 runs to ensure violations are caught by
# the check and gate queues
bashate examples/pki/
# Check that .po and .pot files are valid.
bash -c "find keystone -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0| \
xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null"
downloadcache = ~/cache/pip
commands = python testr --coverage --testr-args='{posargs}'
commands = {posargs}
commands = oslo_debug_helper {posargs}
basepython = python3.4
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
setenv = OS_TEST_PATH=./keystone/tests/functional
commands = python testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
filename= *.py,keystone-all,keystone-manage
show-source = true
# H405: multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line
# D100: Missing docstring in public module
# D101: Missing docstring in public class
# D102: Missing docstring in public method
# D103: Missing docstring in public function
# D104: Missing docstring in public package
# D105: Missing docstring in magic method
# D202: No blank lines allowed after docstring.
# D203: 1 blank required before class docstring.
# D205: Blank line required between one-line summary and description.
# D400: First line should end with a period.
# D401: First line should be in imperative mood.
ignore = H405,D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D203,D205,D400,D401
bash -c "rm -rf doc/build"
bash -c "rm -rf doc/source/api"
python build_sphinx
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
commands = oslo-config-generator --config-file=config-generator/keystone.conf
deps = .[bandit]
commands = bandit -c bandit.yaml -r keystone -n5 -p gate
import_exceptions =
local-check-factory = keystone.tests.hacking.checks.factory