Mustafa Kemal Gilor ff632a81fb
[PooledLDAPHandler] Ensure result3() invokes message.clean()
result3 does not invoke message.clean() when an exception is thrown
by `message.connection.result3()` call, causing pool connection
associated with the message to be marked active forever. This causes
a denial-of-service on ldappool.

The fix ensures message.clean() is invoked by wrapping the offending
call in try-except-finally and putting the message.clean() in finally

Closes-Bug: #1998789

Change-Id: I59ebf0fa77391d49b2349e918fc55f96318c42a6
Signed-off-by: Mustafa Kemal Gilor <>
2022-12-06 17:48:43 +03:00

345 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from unittest import mock
import fixtures
import ldappool
from keystone.common import provider_api
import keystone.conf
from keystone.identity.backends import ldap
from keystone.identity.backends.ldap import common as common_ldap
from keystone.tests import unit
from keystone.tests.unit import fakeldap
from keystone.tests.unit import test_backend_ldap
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs
class LdapPoolCommonTestMixin(object):
"""LDAP pool specific common tests used here and in live tests."""
def cleanup_pools(self):
def test_handler_with_use_pool_enabled(self):
# by default use_pool and use_auth_pool is enabled in test pool config
user_ref = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(self.user_foo['id'])
self.assertDictEqual(self.user_foo, user_ref)
handler = common_ldap._get_connection(CONF.ldap.url, use_pool=True)
self.assertIsInstance(handler, common_ldap.PooledLDAPHandler)
@mock.patch.object(common_ldap.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'connect')
@mock.patch.object(common_ldap.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'simple_bind_s')
def test_handler_with_use_pool_not_enabled(self, bind_method,
self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', use_pool=False)
self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', use_auth_pool=True)
user_api = ldap.UserApi(CONF)
handler = user_api.get_connection(user=None, password=None,
# use_auth_pool flag does not matter when use_pool is False
# still handler is non pool version
self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, common_ldap.PythonLDAPHandler)
@mock.patch.object(common_ldap.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'connect')
@mock.patch.object(common_ldap.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'simple_bind_s')
def test_handler_with_end_user_auth_use_pool_not_enabled(self, bind_method,
# by default use_pool is enabled in test pool config
# now disabling use_auth_pool flag to test handler instance
self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', use_auth_pool=False)
user_api = ldap.UserApi(CONF)
handler = user_api.get_connection(user=None, password=None,
self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, common_ldap.PythonLDAPHandler)
# For end_user_auth case, flag should not be false otherwise
# it will use, admin connections ldap pool
handler = user_api.get_connection(user=None, password=None,
self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, common_ldap.PooledLDAPHandler)
def test_pool_size_set(self):
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_size, ldappool_cm.size)
def test_pool_retry_max_set(self):
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_retry_max, ldappool_cm.retry_max)
def test_pool_retry_delay_set(self):
# just make one identity call to initiate ldap connection if not there
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_retry_delay, ldappool_cm.retry_delay)
def test_pool_use_tls_set(self):
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.use_tls, ldappool_cm.use_tls)
def test_pool_timeout_set(self):
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
def test_pool_use_pool_set(self):
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.use_pool, ldappool_cm.use_pool)
def test_pool_connection_lifetime_set(self):
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
def test_max_connection_error_raised(self):
who = CONF.ldap.user
cred = CONF.ldap.password
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
ldappool_cm.size = 2
# 3rd connection attempt should raise Max connection error
with ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) as _: # conn1
with ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) as _: # conn2
with ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) as _: # conn3
except Exception as ex:
ldappool_cm.size = CONF.ldap.pool_size
def test_pool_size_expands_correctly(self):
who = CONF.ldap.user
cred = CONF.ldap.password
# get related connection manager instance
ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
ldappool_cm.size = 3
def _get_conn():
return ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred)
# Open 3 connections first
with _get_conn() as _: # conn1
self.assertEqual(1, len(ldappool_cm))
with _get_conn() as _: # conn2
self.assertEqual(2, len(ldappool_cm))
with _get_conn() as _: # conn2
self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm))
# Then open 3 connections again and make sure size does not grow
# over 3
with _get_conn() as c1: # conn1
self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm))
c1.connected = False
with _get_conn() as c2: # conn2
self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm))
c2.connected = False
with _get_conn() as c3: # conn3
c3.connected = False
self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm))
with _get_conn() as c1: # conn1
self.assertEqual(1, len(ldappool_cm))
with _get_conn() as c2: # conn2
self.assertEqual(2, len(ldappool_cm))
with _get_conn() as c3: # conn3
self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm))
def test_password_change_with_pool(self):
old_password = self.user_sna['password']
# authenticate so that connection is added to pool before password
# change
with self.make_request():
user_ref = PROVIDERS.identity_api.authenticate(
self.user_sna['enabled'] = True
self.assertUserDictEqual(self.user_sna, user_ref)
new_password = 'new_password'
user_ref['password'] = new_password
PROVIDERS.identity_api.update_user(user_ref['id'], user_ref)
# now authenticate again to make sure new password works with
# connection pool
with self.make_request():
user_ref2 = PROVIDERS.identity_api.authenticate(
self.assertUserDictEqual(user_ref, user_ref2)
# Authentication with old password would not work here as there
# is only one connection in pool which get bind again with updated
# no old bind is maintained in this case.
with self.make_request():
@mock.patch.object(fakeldap.FakeLdap, 'search_ext')
def test_search_ext_ensure_pool_connection_released(self, mock_search_ext):
"""Test search_ext exception resiliency.
Call search_ext function in isolation. Doing so will cause
search_ext to borrow a connection from the pool and associate
it with an AsynchronousMessage object. Borrowed connection ought
to be released if anything goes wrong during LDAP API call. This
test case intentionally throws an exception to ensure everything
goes as expected when LDAP connection raises an exception.
class CustomDummyException(Exception):
# Throw an exception intentionally when LDAP
# connection search_ext function is called
mock_search_ext.side_effect = CustomDummyException()
self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', pool_size=1)
pool = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
user_api = ldap.UserApi(CONF)
# setUp primes the pool so pool
# must have one connection
self.assertEqual(1, len(pool))
for i in range(1, 10):
handler = user_api.get_connection()
# Just to ensure that we're using pooled connections
self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, common_ldap.PooledLDAPHandler)
# LDAP API will throw CustomDummyException. In this scenario
# we expect LDAP connection to be made available back to the
# pool.
lambda: handler.search_ext(
['mail', 'userPassword']
# Pooled connection must not be evicted from the pool
self.assertEqual(1, len(pool))
# Ensure that the connection is inactive afterwards
with pool._pool_lock:
for slot, conn in enumerate(pool._pool):
self.assertEqual(mock_search_ext.call_count, i)
@mock.patch.object(fakeldap.FakeLdap, 'result3')
def test_result3_ensure_pool_connection_released(self, mock_result3):
"""Test search_ext-->result3 exception resiliency.
Call search_ext function, grab an AsynchronousMessage object and
call result3 with it. During the result3 call, LDAP API will throw
an exception.The expectation is that the associated LDAP pool
connection for AsynchronousMessage must be released back to the
LDAP connection pool.
class CustomDummyException(Exception):
# Throw an exception intentionally when LDAP
# connection result3 function is called
mock_result3.side_effect = CustomDummyException()
self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', pool_size=1)
pool = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url]
user_api = ldap.UserApi(CONF)
# setUp primes the pool so pool
# must have one connection
self.assertEqual(1, len(pool))
for i in range(1, 10):
handler = user_api.get_connection()
# Just to ensure that we're using pooled connections
self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, common_ldap.PooledLDAPHandler)
msg = handler.search_ext(
['mail', 'userPassword']
# Connection is in use, must be already marked active
# Pooled connection must not be evicted from the pool
self.assertEqual(1, len(pool))
# LDAP API will throw CustomDummyException. In this
# scenario we expect LDAP connection to be made
# available back to the pool.
lambda: handler.result3(msg)
# Connection must be set inactive
# Pooled connection must not be evicted from the pool
self.assertEqual(1, len(pool))
self.assertEqual(mock_result3.call_count, i)
class LDAPIdentity(LdapPoolCommonTestMixin,
"""Executes tests in existing base class with pooled LDAP handler."""
def setUp(self):
common_ldap.PooledLDAPHandler, 'Connector', fakeldap.FakeLdapPool))
super(LDAPIdentity, self).setUp()
# storing to local variable to avoid long references
self.conn_pools = common_ldap.PooledLDAPHandler.connection_pools
# super class loads db fixtures which establishes ldap connection
# so adding dummy call to highlight connection pool initialization
# as its not that obvious though its not needed here
def config_files(self):
config_files = super(LDAPIdentity, self).config_files()
return config_files