
158 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
import os
import fixtures
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import options as db_options
from keystone.common import sql
from keystone.tests import unit
def run_once(f):
"""A decorator to ensure the decorated function is only executed once.
The decorated function is assumed to have a one parameter.
def wrapper(one):
if not wrapper.already_ran:
wrapper.already_ran = True
wrapper.already_ran = False
return wrapper
# NOTE(I159): Every execution all the options will be cleared. The method must
# be called at the every fixture initialization.
def initialize_sql_session():
# Make sure the DB is located in the correct location, in this case set
# the default value, as this should be able to be overridden in some
# test cases.
def _load_sqlalchemy_models(version_specifiers):
"""Find all modules containing SQLAlchemy models and import them.
This creates more consistent, deterministic test runs because tables
for all core and extension models are always created in the test
database. We ensure this by importing all modules that contain model
The database schema during test runs is created using reflection.
Reflection is simply SQLAlchemy taking the model definitions for
all models currently imported and making tables for each of them.
The database schema created during test runs may vary between tests
as more models are imported. Importing all models at the start of
the test run avoids this problem.
version_specifiers is a dict that contains any specific driver versions
that have been requested. The dict is of the form:
{<module_name> : {'versioned_backend' : <name of backend requested>,
'versionless_backend' : <name of default backend>}
For example:
{'keystone.assignment': {'versioned_backend' : 'V8_backends',
'versionless_backend' : 'backends'},
'keystone.identity': {'versioned_backend' : 'V9_backends',
'versionless_backend' : 'backends'}
The version_specifiers will be used to load the correct driver. The
algorithm for this assumes that versioned drivers begin in 'V'.
keystone_root = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(keystone_root):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Slice the keystone_root off the root to ensure
# we do not end up with a module name like:
# Users.home.openstack.keystone.assignment.backends.sql
root = root[len(keystone_root):]
if root.endswith('backends') and '' in files:
# The root will be prefixed with an instance of os.sep, which will
# make the root after replacement '.<root>', the 'keystone' part
# of the module path is always added to the front
module_root = ('keystone.%s' %
root.replace(os.sep, '.').lstrip('.'))
module_components = module_root.split('.')
module_without_backends = ''
for x in range(0, len(module_components) - 1):
module_without_backends += module_components[x] + '.'
module_without_backends = module_without_backends.rstrip('.')
this_backend = module_components[len(module_components) - 1]
# At this point module_without_backends might be something like
# 'keystone.assignment', while this_backend might be something
# 'V8_backends'.
if module_without_backends.startswith('keystone.contrib'):
# All the sql modules have now been moved into the core tree
# so no point in loading these again here (and, in fact, doing
# so might break trying to load a versioned driver.
if module_without_backends in version_specifiers:
# OK, so there is a request for a specific version of this one.
# We therefore should skip any other versioned backend as well
# as the non-versioned one.
version = version_specifiers[module_without_backends]
if ((this_backend != version['versioned_backend'] and
this_backend.startswith('V')) or
this_backend == version['versionless_backend']):
# No versioned driver requested, so ignore any that are
# versioned
if this_backend.startswith('V'):
module_name = module_root + '.sql'
class Database(fixtures.Fixture):
"""A fixture for setting up and tearing down a database."""
def __init__(self, version_specifiers=None):
super(Database, self).__init__()
if version_specifiers is None:
version_specifiers = {}
def setUp(self):
super(Database, self).setUp()
self.engine = sql.get_engine()
self.addCleanup(sql.ModelBase.metadata.drop_all, bind=self.engine)
def recreate(self):