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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import os.path
import re
import codecs
import ldap
import ldap.filter
import six
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.openstack.common import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
LDAP_VALUES = {'TRUE': True, 'FALSE': False}
CONTROL_TREEDELETE = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.805'
'sub': ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE}
LDAP_DEREF = {'always': ldap.DEREF_ALWAYS,
'default': None,
'finding': ldap.DEREF_FINDING,
'never': ldap.DEREF_NEVER,
'searching': ldap.DEREF_SEARCHING}
LDAP_TLS_CERTS = {'never': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER,
'demand': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND,
'allow': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW}
_utf8_encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
def utf8_encode(value):
"""Encode a basestring to UTF-8.
If the string is unicode encode it to UTF-8, if the string is
str then assume it's already encoded. Otherwise raise a TypeError.
:param value: A basestring
:returns: UTF-8 encoded version of value
:raises: TypeError if value is not basestring
if isinstance(value, six.text_type):
return _utf8_encoder(value)[0]
elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
return value
raise TypeError("value must be basestring, "
"not %s" % value.__class__.__name__)
_utf8_decoder = codecs.getdecoder('utf-8')
def utf8_decode(value):
"""Decode a from UTF-8 into unicode.
If the value is a binary string assume it's UTF-8 encoded and decode
it into a unicode string. Otherwise convert the value from its
type into a unicode string.
:param value: value to be returned as unicode
:returns: value as unicode
:raises: UnicodeDecodeError for invalid UTF-8 encoding
if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
return _utf8_decoder(value)[0]
return six.text_type(value)
def py2ldap(val):
"""Type convert a Python value to a type accepted by LDAP (unicode).
The LDAP API only accepts strings for values therefore convert
the value's type to a unicode string. A subsequent type conversion
will encode the unicode as UTF-8 as required by the python-ldap API,
but for now we just want a string representation of the value.
:param val: The value to convert to a LDAP string representation
:returns: unicode string representation of value.
if isinstance(val, bool):
return u'TRUE' if val else u'FALSE'
return six.text_type(val)
def ldap2py(val):
"""Convert an LDAP formatted value to Python type used by OpenStack.
Virtually all LDAP values are stored as UTF-8 encoded strings.
OpenStack prefers values which are Python types, e.g. unicode,
boolean, integer, etc.
:param val: LDAP formatted value
:returns: val converted to preferred Python type
return LDAP_VALUES[val]
except KeyError:
return int(val)
except ValueError:
return utf8_decode(val)
def convert_ldap_result(ldap_result):
"""Convert LDAP search result to Python types used by OpenStack.
Each result tuple is of the form (dn, attrs), where dn is a string
containing the DN (distinguished name) of the entry, and attrs is
a dictionary containing the attributes associated with the
entry. The keys of attrs are strings, and the associated values
are lists of strings.
OpenStack wants to use Python types of its choosing. Strings will
be unicode, truth values boolean, whole numbers int's, etc. DN's will
also be decoded from UTF-8 to unicode.
:param ldap_result: LDAP search result
:returns: list of 2-tuples containing (dn, attrs) where dn is unicode
and attrs is a dict whose values are type converted to
OpenStack preferred types.
py_result = []
at_least_one_referral = False
for dn, attrs in ldap_result:
if dn is None:
# this is a Referral object, rather than an Entry object
at_least_one_referral = True
dict((kind, [ldap2py(x) for x in values])
for kind, values in six.iteritems(attrs))))
if at_least_one_referral:
LOG.debug(('Referrals were returned and ignored. Enable referral '
'chasing in keystone.conf via [ldap] chase_referrals'))
return py_result
def safe_iter(attrs):
if attrs is None:
elif isinstance(attrs, list):
for e in attrs:
yield e
yield attrs
def parse_deref(opt):
return LDAP_DEREF[opt]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(_('Invalid LDAP deref option: %(option)s. '
'Choose one of: %(options)s') %
{'option': opt,
'options': ', '.join(LDAP_DEREF.keys()), })
def parse_tls_cert(opt):
return LDAP_TLS_CERTS[opt]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(_(
'Invalid LDAP TLS certs option: %(option)s. '
'Choose one of: %(options)s') % {
'option': opt,
'options': ', '.join(LDAP_TLS_CERTS.keys())})
def ldap_scope(scope):
return LDAP_SCOPES[scope]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
_('Invalid LDAP scope: %(scope)s. Choose one of: %(options)s') % {
'scope': scope,
'options': ', '.join(LDAP_SCOPES.keys())})
def prep_case_insensitive(value):
"""Prepare a string for case-insensitive comparison.
This is defined in RFC4518. For simplicity, all this function does is
lowercase all the characters, strip leading and trailing whitespace,
and compress sequences of spaces to a single space.
value = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', value.strip().lower())
return value
def is_ava_value_equal(attribute_type, val1, val2):
"""Returns True if and only if the AVAs are equal.
When comparing AVAs, the equality matching rule for the attribute type
should be taken into consideration. For simplicity, this implementation
does a case-insensitive comparison.
Note that this function uses prep_case_insenstive so the limitations of
that function apply here.
return prep_case_insensitive(val1) == prep_case_insensitive(val2)
def is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2):
"""Returns True if and only if the RDNs are equal.
* RDNs must have the same number of AVAs.
* Each AVA of the RDNs must be the equal for the same attribute type. The
order isn't significant. Note that an attribute type will only be in one
AVA in an RDN, otherwise the DN wouldn't be valid.
* Attribute types aren't case sensitive. Note that attribute type
comparison is more complicated than implemented. This function only
compares case-insentive. The code should handle multiple names for an
attribute type (e.g., cn, commonName, and are the same).
Note that this function uses is_ava_value_equal to compare AVAs so the
limitations of that function apply here.
if len(rdn1) != len(rdn2):
return False
for attr_type_1, val1, dummy in rdn1:
found = False
for attr_type_2, val2, dummy in rdn2:
if attr_type_1.lower() != attr_type_2.lower():
found = True
if not is_ava_value_equal(attr_type_1, val1, val2):
return False
if not found:
return False
return True
def is_dn_equal(dn1, dn2):
"""Returns True if and only if the DNs are equal.
Two DNs are equal if they've got the same number of RDNs and if the RDNs
are the same at each position. See RFC4517.
Note that this function uses is_rdn_equal to compare RDNs so the
limitations of that function apply here.
:param dn1: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
:param dn2: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
if not isinstance(dn1, list):
dn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn(dn1)
if not isinstance(dn2, list):
dn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn(dn2)
if len(dn1) != len(dn2):
return False
for rdn1, rdn2 in zip(dn1, dn2):
if not is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2):
return False
return True
def dn_startswith(descendant_dn, dn):
"""Returns True if and only if the descendant_dn is under the dn.
:param descendant_dn: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
:param dn: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
if not isinstance(descendant_dn, list):
descendant_dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(descendant_dn)
if not isinstance(dn, list):
dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(dn)
if len(descendant_dn) <= len(dn):
return False
return is_dn_equal(descendant_dn[len(dn):], dn)
class LDAPHandler(object):
'''Abstract class which defines methods for a LDAP API provider.
Native Keystone values cannot be passed directly into and from the
python-ldap API. Type conversion must occur at the LDAP API
boudary, examples of type conversions are:
* booleans map to the strings 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'
* integer values map to their string representation.
* unicode strings are encoded in UTF-8
In addition to handling type conversions at the API boundary we
have the requirement to support more than one LDAP API
provider. Currently we have:
* python-ldap, this is the standard LDAP API for Python, it
requires access to a live LDAP server.
* Fake LDAP which emulates python-ldap. This is used for
testing without requiring a live LDAP server.
To support these requirements we need a layer that performs type
conversions and then calls another LDAP API which is configurable
(e.g. either python-ldap or the fake emulation).
We have an addtional constraint at the time of this writing due to
limitations in the logging module. The logging module is not
capable of accepting UTF-8 encoded strings, it will throw an
encoding exception. Therefore all logging MUST be performed prior
to UTF-8 conversion. This means no logging can be performed in the
ldap APIs that implement the python-ldap API because those APIs
are defined to accept only UTF-8 strings. Thus the layer which
performs type conversions must also do the logging. We do the type
conversions in two steps, once to convert all Python types to
unicode strings, then log, then convert the unicode strings to
There are a variety of ways one could accomplish this, we elect to
use a chaining technique whereby instances of this class simply
call the next member in the chain via the "conn" attribute. The
chain is constructed by passing in an existing instance of this
class as the conn attribute when the class is instantiated.
Here is a brief explanation of why other possible approaches were
not used:
To perform the wrapping operations in the correct order
the type convesion class would have to subclass each of
the API providers. This is awkward, doubles the number of
classes, and does not scale well. It requires the type
conversion class to be aware of all possible API
Decorators provide an elegant solution to wrap methods and
would be an ideal way to perform type conversions before
calling the wrapped function and then converting the
values returned from the wrapped function. However
decorators need to be aware of the method signature, it
has to know what input parameters need conversion and how
to convert the result. For an API like python-ldap which
has a large number of different method signatures it would
require a large number of specialized
decorators. Experience has shown it's very easy to apply
the wrong decorator due to the inherent complexity and
tendency to cut-n-paste code. Another option is to
parameterize the decorator to make it "smart". Experience
has shown such decorators become insanely complicated and
difficult to understand and debug. Also decorators tend to
hide what's really going on when a method is called, the
operations being performed are not visible when looking at
the implemation of a decorated method, this too experience
has shown leads to mistakes.
Chaining simplifies both wrapping to perform type conversion as
well as the substitution of alternative API providers. One simply
creates a new instance of the API interface and insert it at the
front of the chain. Type conversions are explicit and obvious.
If a new method needs to be added to the API interface one adds it
to the abstract class definition. Should one miss adding the new
method to any derivations of the abstract class the code will fail
to load and run making it impossible to forget updating all the
derived classes.
def __init__(self, conn=None):
self.conn = conn
def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def set_option(self, option, invalue):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def get_option(self, option):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def unbind_s(self):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def search_s(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def search_ext(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def delete_s(self, dn):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
class PythonLDAPHandler(LDAPHandler):
'''Implementation of the LDAPHandler interface which calls the
python-ldap API.
Note, the python-ldap API requires all string values to be UTF-8
encoded. The KeystoneLDAPHandler enforces this prior to invoking
the methods in this class.
def __init__(self, conn=None):
super(PythonLDAPHandler, self).__init__(conn=conn)
def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None):
LOG.debug("LDAP init: url=%s", url)
LOG.debug('LDAP init: use_tls=%s tls_cacertfile=%s tls_cacertdir=%s '
'tls_req_cert=%s tls_avail=%s',
use_tls, tls_cacertfile, tls_cacertdir,
tls_req_cert, ldap.TLS_AVAIL)
if debug_level is not None:
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, debug_level)
using_ldaps = url.lower().startswith("ldaps")
if use_tls and using_ldaps:
raise AssertionError(_('Invalid TLS / LDAPS combination'))
if use_tls:
if not ldap.TLS_AVAIL:
raise ValueError(_('Invalid LDAP TLS_AVAIL option: %s. TLS '
'not available') % ldap.TLS_AVAIL)
if tls_cacertfile:
# NOTE(topol)
# python ldap TLS does not verify CACERTFILE or CACERTDIR
# so we add some extra simple sanity check verification
# Also, setting these values globally (i.e. on the ldap object)
# works but these values are ignored when setting them on the
# connection
if not os.path.isfile(tls_cacertfile):
raise IOError(_("tls_cacertfile %s not found "
"or is not a file") %
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, tls_cacertfile)
elif tls_cacertdir:
# NOTE(topol)
# python ldap TLS does not verify CACERTFILE or CACERTDIR
# so we add some extra simple sanity check verification
# Also, setting these values globally (i.e. on the ldap object)
# works but these values are ignored when setting them on the
# connection
if not os.path.isdir(tls_cacertdir):
raise IOError(_("tls_cacertdir %s not found "
"or is not a directory") %
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, tls_cacertdir)
if tls_req_cert in LDAP_TLS_CERTS.values():
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, tls_req_cert)
LOG.debug("LDAP TLS: invalid TLS_REQUIRE_CERT Option=%s",
self.conn = ldap.initialize(url)
self.conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
if alias_dereferencing is not None:
self.conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEREF, alias_dereferencing)
self.page_size = page_size
if use_tls:
if chase_referrals is not None:
self.conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, int(chase_referrals))
def set_option(self, option, invalue):
return self.conn.set_option(option, invalue)
def get_option(self, option):
return self.conn.get_option(option)
def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
return self.conn.simple_bind_s(who, cred, serverctrls, clientctrls)
def unbind_s(self):
return self.conn.unbind_s()
def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
return self.conn.add_s(dn, modlist)
def search_s(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
return self.conn.search_s(base, scope, filterstr,
attrlist, attrsonly)
def search_ext(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
return self.conn.search_ext(base, scope,
filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
serverctrls, clientctrls,
timeout, sizelimit)
def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
# The resp_ctrl_classes parameter is a recent addition to the
# API. It defaults to None. We do not anticipate using it.
# To run with older versions of python-ldap we do not pass it.
return self.conn.result3(msgid, all, timeout)
def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
return self.conn.modify_s(dn, modlist)
def delete_s(self, dn):
return self.conn.delete_s(dn)
def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
return self.conn.delete_ext_s(dn, serverctrls, clientctrls)
class KeystoneLDAPHandler(LDAPHandler):
'''Convert data types and perform logging.
This LDAP inteface wraps the python-ldap based interfaces. The
python-ldap interfaces require string values encoded in UTF-8. The
OpenStack logging framework at the time of this writing is not
capable of accepting strings encoded in UTF-8, the log functions
will throw decoding errors if a non-ascii character appears in a
Prior to the call Python data types are converted to a string
representation as required by the LDAP APIs.
Then logging is performed so we can track what is being
sent/received from LDAP. Also the logging filters security
sensitive items (i.e. passwords).
Then the string values are encoded into UTF-8.
Then the LDAP API entry point is invoked.
Data returned from the LDAP call is converted back from UTF-8
encoded strings into the Python data type used internally in
def __init__(self, conn=None):
super(KeystoneLDAPHandler, self).__init__(conn=conn)
self.page_size = 0
def _disable_paging(self):
# Disable the pagination from now on
self.page_size = 0
def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None):
return self.conn.connect(url, page_size, alias_dereferencing,
use_tls, tls_cacertfile, tls_cacertdir,
tls_req_cert, chase_referrals,
def set_option(self, option, invalue):
return self.conn.set_option(option, invalue)
def get_option(self, option):
return self.conn.get_option(option)
def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
LOG.debug("LDAP bind: who=%s", who)
who_utf8 = utf8_encode(who)
cred_utf8 = utf8_encode(cred)
return self.conn.simple_bind_s(who_utf8, cred_utf8,
serverctrls, clientctrls)
def unbind_s(self):
LOG.debug("LDAP unbind")
return self.conn.unbind_s()
def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
ldap_attrs = [(kind, [py2ldap(x) for x in safe_iter(values)])
for kind, values in modlist]
logging_attrs = [(kind, values
if kind != 'userPassword'
else ['****'])
for kind, values in ldap_attrs]
LOG.debug('LDAP add: dn=%s attrs=%s',
dn, logging_attrs)
dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
ldap_attrs_utf8 = [(kind, [utf8_encode(x) for x in safe_iter(values)])
for kind, values in ldap_attrs]
return self.conn.add_s(dn_utf8, ldap_attrs_utf8)
def search_s(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Remove "None" singletons from this list, which
# allows us to set mapped attributes to "None" as defaults in config.
# Without this filtering, the ldap query would raise a TypeError since
# attrlist is expected to be an iterable of strings.
if attrlist is not None:
attrlist = [attr for attr in attrlist if attr is not None]
LOG.debug('LDAP search: base=%s scope=%s filterstr=%s '
'attrs=%s attrsonly=%s',
base, scope, filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly)
if self.page_size:
ldap_result = self._paged_search_s(base, scope,
filterstr, attrlist)
base_utf8 = utf8_encode(base)
filterstr_utf8 = utf8_encode(filterstr)
if attrlist is None:
attrlist_utf8 = None
attrlist_utf8 = map(utf8_encode, attrlist)
ldap_result = self.conn.search_s(base_utf8, scope,
attrlist_utf8, attrsonly)
py_result = convert_ldap_result(ldap_result)
return py_result
def search_ext(self, base, scope,
filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
if attrlist is not None:
attrlist = [attr for attr in attrlist if attr is not None]
LOG.debug('LDAP search_ext: base=%s scope=%s filterstr=%s '
'attrs=%s attrsonly=%s'
'serverctrls=%s clientctrls=%s timeout=%s sizelimit=%s',
base, scope, filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
serverctrls, clientctrls, timeout, sizelimit)
return self.conn.search_ext(base, scope,
filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
serverctrls, clientctrls,
timeout, sizelimit)
def _paged_search_s(self, base, scope, filterstr, attrlist=None):
res = []
lc = ldap.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl(
controlValue=(self.page_size, ''))
base_utf8 = utf8_encode(base)
filterstr_utf8 = utf8_encode(filterstr)
if attrlist is None:
attrlist_utf8 = None
attrlist = [attr for attr in attrlist if attr is not None]
attrlist_utf8 = map(utf8_encode, attrlist)
msgid = self.conn.search_ext(base_utf8,
# Endless loop request pages on ldap server until it has no data
while True:
# Request to the ldap server a page with 'page_size' entries
rtype, rdata, rmsgid, serverctrls = self.conn.result3(msgid)
# Receive the data
pctrls = [c for c in serverctrls
if c.controlType == ldap.LDAP_CONTROL_PAGE_OID]
if pctrls:
# LDAP server supports pagination
est, cookie = pctrls[0].controlValue
if cookie:
# There is more data still on the server
# so we request another page
lc.controlValue = (self.page_size, cookie)
msgid = self.conn.search_ext(base_utf8,
# Exit condition no more data on server
LOG.warning(_('LDAP Server does not support paging. '
'Disable paging in keystone.conf to '
'avoid this message.'))
return res
def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
ldap_result = self.conn.result3(msgid, all, timeout, resp_ctrl_classes)
LOG.debug('LDAP result3: msgid=%s all=%s timeout=%s '
'resp_ctrl_classes=%s ldap_result=%s',
msgid, all, timeout, resp_ctrl_classes, ldap_result)
py_result = convert_ldap_result(ldap_result)
return py_result
def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
ldap_modlist = [
(op, kind, (None if values is None
else [py2ldap(x) for x in safe_iter(values)]))
for op, kind, values in modlist]
logging_modlist = [(op, kind, (values if kind != 'userPassword'
else ['****']))
for op, kind, values in ldap_modlist]
LOG.debug('LDAP modify: dn=%s modlist=%s',
dn, logging_modlist)
dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
ldap_modlist_utf8 = [
(op, kind, (None if values is None
else [utf8_encode(x) for x in safe_iter(values)]))
for op, kind, values in ldap_modlist]
return self.conn.modify_s(dn_utf8, ldap_modlist_utf8)
def delete_s(self, dn):
LOG.debug("LDAP delete: dn=%s", dn)
dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
return self.conn.delete_s(dn_utf8)
def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
LOG.debug('LDAP delete_ext: dn=%s serverctrls=%s clientctrls=%s',
dn, serverctrls, clientctrls)
dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
return self.conn.delete_ext_s(dn_utf8, serverctrls, clientctrls)
def register_handler(prefix, handler):
_HANDLERS[prefix] = handler
def _get_connection(conn_url):
for prefix, handler in six.iteritems(_HANDLERS):
if conn_url.startswith(prefix):
return handler()
return PythonLDAPHandler()
def filter_entity(entity_ref):
"""Filter out private items in an entity dict.
:param entity_ref: the entity dictionary. The 'dn' field will be removed.
'dn' is used in LDAP, but should not be returned to the user. This
value may be modified.
:returns: entity_ref
if entity_ref:
entity_ref.pop('dn', None)
return entity_ref
class BaseLdap(object):
DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "dc=example,dc=com"
DUMB_MEMBER_DN = 'cn=dumb,dc=nonexistent'
NotFound = None
notfound_arg = None
options_name = None
model = None
attribute_options_names = {}
immutable_attrs = []
attribute_ignore = []
tree_dn = None
def __init__(self, conf):
self.LDAP_URL = conf.ldap.url
self.LDAP_USER = conf.ldap.user
self.LDAP_PASSWORD = conf.ldap.password
self.LDAP_SCOPE = ldap_scope(conf.ldap.query_scope)
self.alias_dereferencing = parse_deref(conf.ldap.alias_dereferencing)
self.page_size = conf.ldap.page_size
self.use_tls = conf.ldap.use_tls
self.tls_cacertfile = conf.ldap.tls_cacertfile
self.tls_cacertdir = conf.ldap.tls_cacertdir
self.tls_req_cert = parse_tls_cert(conf.ldap.tls_req_cert)
self.attribute_mapping = {}
self.chase_referrals = conf.ldap.chase_referrals
self.debug_level = conf.ldap.debug_level
if self.options_name is not None:
self.suffix = conf.ldap.suffix
if self.suffix is None:
self.suffix = self.DEFAULT_SUFFIX
dn = '%s_tree_dn' % self.options_name
self.tree_dn = (getattr(conf.ldap, dn)
or '%s,%s' % (self.DEFAULT_OU, self.suffix))
idatt = '%s_id_attribute' % self.options_name
self.id_attr = getattr(conf.ldap, idatt) or self.DEFAULT_ID_ATTR
objclass = '%s_objectclass' % self.options_name
self.object_class = (getattr(conf.ldap, objclass)
for k, v in six.iteritems(self.attribute_options_names):
v = '%s_%s_attribute' % (self.options_name, v)
self.attribute_mapping[k] = getattr(conf.ldap, v)
attr_mapping_opt = ('%s_additional_attribute_mapping' %
attr_mapping = (getattr(conf.ldap, attr_mapping_opt)
self.extra_attr_mapping = self._parse_extra_attrs(attr_mapping)
ldap_filter = '%s_filter' % self.options_name
self.ldap_filter = getattr(conf.ldap,
ldap_filter) or self.DEFAULT_FILTER
allow_create = '%s_allow_create' % self.options_name
self.allow_create = getattr(conf.ldap, allow_create)
allow_update = '%s_allow_update' % self.options_name
self.allow_update = getattr(conf.ldap, allow_update)
allow_delete = '%s_allow_delete' % self.options_name
self.allow_delete = getattr(conf.ldap, allow_delete)
member_attribute = '%s_member_attribute' % self.options_name
self.member_attribute = getattr(conf.ldap, member_attribute, None)
self.structural_classes = self.DEFAULT_STRUCTURAL_CLASSES
if self.notfound_arg is None:
self.notfound_arg = self.options_name + '_id'
attribute_ignore = '%s_attribute_ignore' % self.options_name
self.attribute_ignore = getattr(conf.ldap, attribute_ignore)
self.use_dumb_member = getattr(conf.ldap, 'use_dumb_member')
self.dumb_member = (getattr(conf.ldap, 'dumb_member') or
self.subtree_delete_enabled = getattr(conf.ldap,
def _not_found(self, object_id):
if self.NotFound is None:
return exception.NotFound(target=object_id)
return self.NotFound(**{self.notfound_arg: object_id})
def _parse_extra_attrs(self, option_list):
mapping = {}
for item in option_list:
ldap_attr, attr_map = item.split(':')
except Exception:
'Invalid additional attribute mapping: "%s". '
'Format must be <ldap_attribute>:<keystone_attribute>'),
mapping[ldap_attr] = attr_map
return mapping
def _is_dumb_member(self, member_dn):
"""Checks that member is a dumb member.
:param member_dn: DN of member to be checked.
return (self.use_dumb_member
and is_dn_equal(member_dn, self.dumb_member))
def get_connection(self, user=None, password=None):
conn = _get_connection(self.LDAP_URL)
conn = KeystoneLDAPHandler(conn=conn)
if user is None:
user = self.LDAP_USER
if password is None:
password = self.LDAP_PASSWORD
# not all LDAP servers require authentication, so we don't bind
# if we don't have any user/pass
if user and password:
conn.simple_bind_s(user, password)
return conn
def _id_to_dn_string(self, object_id):
return u'%s=%s,%s' % (self.id_attr,
def _id_to_dn(self, object_id):
return self._id_to_dn_string(object_id)
conn = self.get_connection()
search_result = conn.search_s(
self.tree_dn, self.LDAP_SCOPE,
u'(&(%(id_attr)s=%(id)s)(objectclass=%(objclass)s))' %
{'id_attr': self.id_attr,
'id': ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(
'objclass': self.object_class})
if search_result:
dn, attrs = search_result[0]
return dn
return self._id_to_dn_string(object_id)
def _dn_to_id(dn):
return utf8_decode(ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(dn))[0][0][1])
def _ldap_res_to_model(self, res):
obj = self.model(id=self._dn_to_id(res[0]))
# LDAP attribute names may be returned in a different case than
# they are defined in the mapping, so we need to check for keys
# in a case-insensitive way. We use the case specified in the
# mapping for the model to ensure we have a predictable way of
# retrieving values later.
lower_res = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in six.iteritems(res[1]))
for k in obj.known_keys:
if k in self.attribute_ignore:
map_attr = self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k)
if map_attr is None:
# Ignore attributes that are mapped to None.
v = lower_res[map_attr.lower()]
except KeyError:
obj[k] = v[0]
except IndexError:
obj[k] = None
return obj
def check_allow_create(self):
if not self.allow_create:
action = _('LDAP %s create') % self.options_name
raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
def check_allow_update(self):
if not self.allow_update:
action = _('LDAP %s update') % self.options_name
raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
def check_allow_delete(self):
if not self.allow_delete:
action = _('LDAP %s delete') % self.options_name
raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
def affirm_unique(self, values):
if values.get('name') is not None:
except exception.NotFound:
raise exception.Conflict(type=self.options_name,
details=_('Duplicate name, %s.') %
if values.get('id') is not None:
except exception.NotFound:
raise exception.Conflict(type=self.options_name,
details=_('Duplicate ID, %s.') %
def create(self, values):
conn = self.get_connection()
object_classes = self.structural_classes + [self.object_class]
attrs = [('objectClass', object_classes)]
for k, v in six.iteritems(values):
if k == 'id' or k in self.attribute_ignore:
if v is not None:
attr_type = self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k)
if attr_type is not None:
attrs.append((attr_type, [v]))
extra_attrs = [attr for attr, name
in six.iteritems(self.extra_attr_mapping)
if name == k]
for attr in extra_attrs:
attrs.append((attr, [v]))
if 'groupOfNames' in object_classes and self.use_dumb_member:
attrs.append(('member', [self.dumb_member]))
conn.add_s(self._id_to_dn(values['id']), attrs)
return values
def _ldap_get(self, object_id, ldap_filter=None):
conn = self.get_connection()
query = (u'(&(%(id_attr)s=%(id)s)'
% {'id_attr': self.id_attr,
'id': ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(
'filter': (ldap_filter or self.ldap_filter or ''),
'object_class': self.object_class})
attrs = list(set((self.attribute_mapping.values() +
res = conn.search_s(self.tree_dn, self.LDAP_SCOPE, query, attrs)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
return None
return res[0]
except IndexError:
return None
def _ldap_get_all(self, ldap_filter=None):
conn = self.get_connection()
query = u'(&%s(objectClass=%s))' % (ldap_filter or
self.ldap_filter or
'', self.object_class)
attrs = list(set((self.attribute_mapping.values() +
return conn.search_s(self.tree_dn,
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
return []
def _ldap_get_list(self, search_base, scope, query_params=None,
conn = self.get_connection()
query = u'(objectClass=%s)' % self.object_class
if query_params:
def calc_filter(attrname, value):
val_esc = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(value)
return '(%s=%s)' % (attrname, val_esc)
query = (u'(&%s%s)' %
(query, ''.join([calc_filter(k, v) for k, v in
return conn.search_s(search_base, scope, query, attrlist)
def get(self, object_id, ldap_filter=None):
res = self._ldap_get(object_id, ldap_filter)
if res is None:
raise self._not_found(object_id)
return self._ldap_res_to_model(res)
def get_by_name(self, name, ldap_filter=None):
query = (u'(%s=%s)' % (self.attribute_mapping['name'],
res = self.get_all(query)
return res[0]
except IndexError:
raise self._not_found(name)
def get_all(self, ldap_filter=None):
return [self._ldap_res_to_model(x)
for x in self._ldap_get_all(ldap_filter)]
def update(self, object_id, values, old_obj=None):
if old_obj is None:
old_obj = self.get(object_id)
modlist = []
for k, v in six.iteritems(values):
if k == 'id' or k in self.attribute_ignore:
# attribute value has not changed
if k in old_obj and old_obj[k] == v:
if k in self.immutable_attrs:
msg = (_("Cannot change %(option_name)s %(attr)s") %
{'option_name': self.options_name, 'attr': k})
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
if v is None:
if old_obj.get(k) is not None:
self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k),
current_value = old_obj.get(k)
if current_value is None:
op = ldap.MOD_ADD
modlist.append((op, self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k), [v]))
elif current_value != v:
op = ldap.MOD_REPLACE
modlist.append((op, self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k), [v]))
if modlist:
conn = self.get_connection()
conn.modify_s(self._id_to_dn(object_id), modlist)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
raise self._not_found(object_id)
return self.get(object_id)
def delete(self, object_id):
conn = self.get_connection()
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
raise self._not_found(object_id)
def deleteTree(self, object_id):
conn = self.get_connection()
tree_delete_control = ldap.controls.LDAPControl(CONTROL_TREEDELETE,
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
raise self._not_found(object_id)
def add_member(self, member_dn, member_list_dn):
"""Add member to the member list.
:param member_dn: DN of member to be added.
:param member_list_dn: DN of group to which the
member will be added.
:raises: exception.Conflict: If the user was already a member.
self.NotFound: If the group entry didn't exist.
conn = self.get_connection()
mod = (ldap.MOD_ADD, self.member_attribute, member_dn)
conn.modify_s(member_list_dn, [mod])
raise exception.Conflict(_('Member %(member)s is already a member'
' of group %(group)s') % {
'member': member_dn,
'group': member_list_dn})
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
raise self._not_found(member_list_dn)
def remove_member(self, member_dn, member_list_dn):
"""Remove member from the member list.
:param member_dn: DN of member to be removed.
:param member_list_dn: DN of group from which the
member will be removed.
:raises: self.NotFound: If the group entry didn't exist.
ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE: If the user wasn't a member.
conn = self.get_connection()
mod = (ldap.MOD_DELETE, self.member_attribute, member_dn)
conn.modify_s(member_list_dn, [mod])
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
raise self._not_found(member_list_dn)
def _delete_tree_nodes(self, search_base, scope, query_params=None):
conn = self.get_connection()
query = u'(objectClass=%s)' % self.object_class
if query_params:
query = (u'(&%s%s)' %
(query, ''.join(['(%s=%s)'
% (k, ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(v))
for k, v in
not_deleted_nodes = []
# RFC 4511 (The LDAP Protocol) defines a list containing only the
# OID "1.1" as indicating that no attributes should be returned.
# The following code only needs the DN of the entries.
request_no_attributes = ['1.1']
nodes = conn.search_s(search_base, scope, query,
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
LOG.debug('Could not find entry with dn=%s', search_base)
raise self._not_found(self._dn_to_id(search_base))
for node_dn, _t in nodes:
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
if not_deleted_nodes:
LOG.warn(_("When deleting entries for %(search_base)s, could not"
" delete nonexistent entries %(entries)s%(dots)s"),
{'search_base': search_base,
'entries': not_deleted_nodes[:3],
'dots': '...' if len(not_deleted_nodes) > 3 else ''})
class EnabledEmuMixIn(BaseLdap):
"""Emulates boolean 'enabled' attribute if turned on.
Creates groupOfNames holding all enabled objects of this class, all missing
objects are considered disabled.
* $name_enabled_emulation - boolean, on/off
* $name_enabled_emulation_dn - DN of that groupOfNames, default is
Where ${name}s is the plural of self.options_name ('users' or 'tenants'),
${tree_dn} is self.tree_dn.
def __init__(self, conf):
super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).__init__(conf)
enabled_emulation = '%s_enabled_emulation' % self.options_name
self.enabled_emulation = getattr(conf.ldap, enabled_emulation)
enabled_emulation_dn = '%s_enabled_emulation_dn' % self.options_name
self.enabled_emulation_dn = getattr(conf.ldap, enabled_emulation_dn)
if not self.enabled_emulation_dn:
self.enabled_emulation_dn = ('cn=enabled_%ss,%s' %
(self.options_name, self.tree_dn))
def _get_enabled(self, object_id):
conn = self.get_connection()
dn = self._id_to_dn(object_id)
query = '(member=%s)' % dn
enabled_value = conn.search_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn,
query, ['cn'])
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
return False
return bool(enabled_value)
def _add_enabled(self, object_id):
if not self._get_enabled(object_id):
conn = self.get_connection()
modlist = [(ldap.MOD_ADD,
conn.modify_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn, modlist)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
attr_list = [('objectClass', ['groupOfNames']),
if self.use_dumb_member:
conn.add_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn, attr_list)
def _remove_enabled(self, object_id):
conn = self.get_connection()
modlist = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE,
conn.modify_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn, modlist)
def create(self, values):
if self.enabled_emulation:
enabled_value = values.pop('enabled', True)
ref = super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).create(values)
if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore:
if enabled_value:
ref['enabled'] = enabled_value
return ref
return super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).create(values)
def get(self, object_id, ldap_filter=None):
ref = super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).get(object_id, ldap_filter)
if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore and self.enabled_emulation:
ref['enabled'] = self._get_enabled(object_id)
return ref
def get_all(self, ldap_filter=None):
if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore and self.enabled_emulation:
# had to copy BaseLdap.get_all here to ldap_filter by DN
tenant_list = [self._ldap_res_to_model(x)
for x in self._ldap_get_all(ldap_filter)
if x[0] != self.enabled_emulation_dn]
for tenant_ref in tenant_list:
tenant_ref['enabled'] = self._get_enabled(tenant_ref['id'])
return tenant_list
return super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).get_all(ldap_filter)
def update(self, object_id, values, old_obj=None):
if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore and self.enabled_emulation:
data = values.copy()
enabled_value = data.pop('enabled', None)
ref = super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).update(object_id, data, old_obj)
if enabled_value is not None:
if enabled_value:
ref['enabled'] = enabled_value
return ref
return super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).update(
object_id, values, old_obj)
def delete(self, object_id):
if self.enabled_emulation:
super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).delete(object_id)