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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This file handles all flask-restful resources for /v3/credentials
import hashlib
import flask
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from six.moves import http_client
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone.common import rbac_enforcer
from keystone.common import validation
from keystone.credential import schema
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.server import flask as ks_flask
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs
ENFORCER = rbac_enforcer.RBACEnforcer
class CredentialResource(ks_flask.ResourceBase):
collection_key = 'credentials'
member_key = 'credential'
def _blob_to_json(ref):
# credentials stored via ec2tokens before the fix for #1259584
# need json_serailzing, as that's the documented API format
blob = ref.get('blob')
if isinstance(blob, dict):
ref = ref.copy()
ref['blob'] = jsonutils.dumps(blob)
return ref
def _assign_unique_id(self, ref, trust_id=None):
# Generates an assigns a unique identifier to a credential reference.
if ref.get('type', '').lower() == 'ec2':
blob = jsonutils.loads(ref.get('blob'))
except (ValueError, TabError):
raise exception.ValidationError(
message=_('Invalid blob in credential'))
if not blob or not isinstance(blob, dict):
raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='blob',
if blob.get('access') is None:
raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='access',
ref = ref.copy()
ref['id'] = hashlib.sha256(
# update the blob with the trust_id, so credentials created with
# a trust scoped token will result in trust scoped tokens when
# authentication via ec2tokens happens
if trust_id is not None:
blob['trust_id'] = trust_id
ref['blob'] = jsonutils.dumps(blob)
return ref
return super(CredentialResource, self)._assign_unique_id(ref)
def _list_credentials(self):
filters = ['user_id', 'type']
hints = self.build_driver_hints(filters)
refs = PROVIDERS.credential_api.list_credentials(hints)
refs = [self._blob_to_json(r) for r in refs]
return self.wrap_collection(refs, hints=hints)
def _get_credential(self, credential_id):
ref = PROVIDERS.credential_api.get_credential(credential_id)
return self.wrap_member(self._blob_to_json(ref))
def get(self, credential_id=None):
# Get Credential or List of credentials.
if credential_id is None:
# No Parameter passed means that we're doing a LIST action.
return self._list_credentials()
return self._get_credential(credential_id)
def post(self):
# Create a new credential
credential = flask.request.json.get('credential', {})
validation.lazy_validate(schema.credential_create, credential)
trust_id = getattr(self.oslo_context, 'trust_id', None)
ref = self._assign_unique_id(
self._normalize_dict(credential), trust_id=trust_id)
ref = PROVIDERS.credential_api.create_credential(ref['id'], ref)
return self.wrap_member(ref), http_client.CREATED
def patch(self, credential_id):
# Update Credential
credential = flask.request.json.get('credential', {})
validation.lazy_validate(schema.credential_update, credential)
ref = PROVIDERS.credential_api.update_credential(
credential_id, credential)
return self.wrap_member(ref)
def delete(self, credential_id):
# Delete credentials
return (PROVIDERS.credential_api.delete_credential(credential_id),
class CredentialAPI(ks_flask.APIBase):
_name = 'credentials'
_import_name = __name__
resource_mapping = []
resources = [CredentialResource]
APIs = (CredentialAPI,)