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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_policy import policy
from keystone.common.policies import base
project_policies = [
name=base.IDENTITY % 'get_project',
# FIXME(lbragstad): The default check_str here should change to be just
# a role. The OR_TARGET_PROJECT bit of this check_str should actually
# be moved into keystone. A system administrator should be able to get
# any project in the deployement. A domain administrator should be
# able to get any project within their domain. A project administrator
# should be able to get their project or children of their project
# (maybe). This is going to require policy checks in code that make
# keystone smarter about handling these cases. Until we have those in
# place, we should keep scope_type commented out. Otherwise, we risk
# exposing information to people who don't have the correct
# authorization.
# scope_types=['system', 'project'],
description='Show project details.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}',
'method': 'GET'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'list_projects',
# FIXME(lbragstad): This is set to 'system' until keystone is smart
# enough to tailor list_project responses for project-scoped tokens
# without exposing information that doesn't pertain to the scope of the
# token used to make the request. System administrators should be able
# to list all projects in the deployment. Domain administrators should
# be able to list all projects within their domain. Project
# administrators should be able to list projects they administer or
# possibly their children. Until keystone is smart enought to handle
# those cases, keep scope_types set to 'system'.
description='List projects.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects',
'method': 'GET'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'list_user_projects',
# FIXME(lbragstad): This is going to require keystone to be smarter
# about how it authorizes this API. A system administrator should be
# able to list all projects for a user. A domain administrator should
# be able to list all projects to users within their domain. A user
# should be able to list projects for themselves, including the
# hierarchy in place. Until we have those cases covered in code and
# tested, we should keep scope_types commented out.
# scope_types=['system', 'project'],
description='List projects for user.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/users/{user_id}/projects',
'method': 'GET'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'create_project',
# FIXME(lbragstad): System administrators should be able to create
# projects anywhere in the deployment. Domain administrators should
# only be able to create projects within their domain. Project
# administrators should only be able to create children projects of the
# project they administer. Until keystone is smart enough to handle
# those checks in code, keep this as a system-level operation for
# backwards compatibility.
description='Create project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects',
'method': 'POST'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'update_project',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comment for create_project as to why
# this is limited to only system-scope.
description='Update project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}',
'method': 'PATCH'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'delete_project',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comment for create_project as to why
# this is limited to only system-scope.
description='Delete project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}',
'method': 'DELETE'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'list_project_tags',
# FIXME(lbragstad): We need to make sure we check the project in the
# token scope when authorizing APIs for project tags. System
# administrators should be able to tag any project with anything.
# Domain administrators should only be able to tag projects within
# their domain. Project administrators should only be able to tag their
# project. Until we have support for these cases in code and tested, we
# should keep scope_types commented out.
# scope_types=['system', 'project'],
description='List tags for a project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags',
'method': 'GET'},
{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags',
'method': 'HEAD'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'get_project_tag',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comments as to why this is commented
# out.
# scope_types=['system', 'project'],
description='Check if project contains a tag.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags/{value}',
'method': 'GET'},
{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags/{value}',
'method': 'HEAD'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'update_project_tags',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comment for create_project as to why
# this is limited to only system-scope.
description='Replace all tags on a project with the new set of tags.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags',
'method': 'PUT'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'create_project_tag',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comment for create_project as to why
# this is limited to only system-scope.
description='Add a single tag to a project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags/{value}',
'method': 'PUT'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'delete_project_tags',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comment for create_project as to why
# this is limited to only system-scope.
description='Remove all tags from a project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags',
'method': 'DELETE'}]),
name=base.IDENTITY % 'delete_project_tag',
# FIXME(lbragstad): See the above comment for create_project as to why
# this is limited to only system-scope.
description='Delete a specified tag from project.',
operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects/{project_id}/tags/{value}',
'method': 'DELETE'}])
def list_rules():
return project_policies