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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
from oslo_log import log
from pycadf import cadftaxonomy as taxonomy
from six.moves.urllib import parse
from keystone import auth
from keystone.auth import plugins as auth_plugins
from keystone.common import dependency
from keystone.contrib.federation import constants as federation_constants
from keystone.contrib.federation import utils
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.models import token_model
from keystone import notifications
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
METHOD_NAME = 'mapped'
@dependency.requires('federation_api', 'identity_api',
'resource_api', 'token_provider_api')
class Mapped(auth.AuthMethodHandler):
def _get_token_ref(self, auth_payload):
token_id = auth_payload['id']
response = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id)
return token_model.KeystoneToken(token_id=token_id,
def authenticate(self, context, auth_payload, auth_context):
"""Authenticate mapped user and set an authentication context.
:param context: keystone's request context
:param auth_payload: the content of the authentication for a
given method
:param auth_context: user authentication context, a dictionary
shared by all plugins.
In addition to ``user_id`` in ``auth_context``, this plugin sets
``group_ids``, ``OS-FEDERATION:identity_provider`` and
if 'id' in auth_payload:
token_ref = self._get_token_ref(auth_payload)
handle_scoped_token(context, auth_payload, auth_context, token_ref,
handle_unscoped_token(context, auth_payload, auth_context,
self.resource_api, self.federation_api,
def handle_scoped_token(context, auth_payload, auth_context, token_ref,
federation_api, identity_api, token_provider_api):
token_audit_id = token_ref.audit_id
identity_provider = token_ref.federation_idp_id
protocol = token_ref.federation_protocol_id
user_id = token_ref.user_id
group_ids = token_ref.federation_group_ids
send_notification = functools.partial(
notifications.send_saml_audit_notification, 'authenticate',
context, user_id, group_ids, identity_provider, protocol,
utils.assert_enabled_identity_provider(federation_api, identity_provider)
mapping = federation_api.get_mapping_from_idp_and_protocol(
identity_provider, protocol)
utils.validate_groups(group_ids, mapping['id'], identity_api)
except Exception:
# NOTE(topol): Diaper defense to catch any exception, so we can
# send off failed authentication notification, raise the exception
# after sending the notification
auth_context['user_id'] = user_id
auth_context['group_ids'] = group_ids
auth_context[federation_constants.IDENTITY_PROVIDER] = identity_provider
auth_context[federation_constants.PROTOCOL] = protocol
def handle_unscoped_token(context, auth_payload, auth_context,
resource_api, federation_api, identity_api):
def is_ephemeral_user(mapped_properties):
return mapped_properties['user']['type'] == utils.UserType.EPHEMERAL
def build_ephemeral_user_context(auth_context, user, mapped_properties,
identity_provider, protocol):
auth_context['user_id'] = user['id']
auth_context['group_ids'] = mapped_properties['group_ids']
auth_context[federation_constants.IDENTITY_PROVIDER] = (
auth_context[federation_constants.PROTOCOL] = protocol
def build_local_user_context(auth_context, mapped_properties):
user_info = auth_plugins.UserAuthInfo.create(mapped_properties,
auth_context['user_id'] = user_info.user_id
assertion = extract_assertion_data(context)
identity_provider = auth_payload['identity_provider']
protocol = auth_payload['protocol']
utils.assert_enabled_identity_provider(federation_api, identity_provider)
group_ids = None
# NOTE(topol): The user is coming in from an IdP with a SAML assertion
# instead of from a token, so we set token_id to None
token_id = None
# NOTE(marek-denis): This variable is set to None and there is a
# possibility that it will be used in the CADF notification. This means
# operation will not be mapped to any user (even ephemeral).
user_id = None
mapped_properties, mapping_id = apply_mapping_filter(
identity_provider, protocol, assertion, resource_api,
federation_api, identity_api)
if is_ephemeral_user(mapped_properties):
user = setup_username(context, mapped_properties)
user_id = user['id']
group_ids = mapped_properties['group_ids']
utils.validate_groups_cardinality(group_ids, mapping_id)
build_ephemeral_user_context(auth_context, user,
identity_provider, protocol)
build_local_user_context(auth_context, mapped_properties)
except Exception:
# NOTE(topol): Diaper defense to catch any exception, so we can
# send off failed authentication notification, raise the exception
# after sending the notification
outcome = taxonomy.OUTCOME_FAILURE
notifications.send_saml_audit_notification('authenticate', context,
user_id, group_ids,
protocol, token_id,
outcome = taxonomy.OUTCOME_SUCCESS
notifications.send_saml_audit_notification('authenticate', context,
user_id, group_ids,
protocol, token_id,
def extract_assertion_data(context):
assertion = dict(utils.get_assertion_params_from_env(context))
return assertion
def apply_mapping_filter(identity_provider, protocol, assertion,
resource_api, federation_api, identity_api):
idp = federation_api.get_idp(identity_provider)
utils.validate_idp(idp, protocol, assertion)
mapped_properties, mapping_id = federation_api.evaluate(
identity_provider, protocol, assertion)
# NOTE(marek-denis): We update group_ids only here to avoid fetching
# groups identified by name/domain twice.
# NOTE(marek-denis): Groups are translated from name/domain to their
# corresponding ids in the auth plugin, as we need information what
# ``mapping_id`` was used as well as idenity_api and resource_api
# objects.
group_ids = mapped_properties['group_ids']
mapped_properties['group_names'], mapping_id,
identity_api, resource_api))
mapped_properties['group_ids'] = list(set(group_ids))
return mapped_properties, mapping_id
def setup_username(context, mapped_properties):
"""Setup federated username.
Function covers all the cases for properly setting user id, a primary
identifier for identity objects. Initial version of the mapping engine
assumed user is identified by ``name`` and his ``id`` is built from the
name. We, however need to be able to accept local rules that identify user
by either id or name/domain.
The following use-cases are covered:
1) If neither user_name nor user_id is set raise exception.Unauthorized
2) If user_id is set and user_name not, set user_name equal to user_id
3) If user_id is not set and user_name is, set user_id as url safe version
of user_name.
:param context: authentication context
:param mapped_properties: Properties issued by a RuleProcessor.
:type: dictionary
:raises: exception.Unauthorized
:returns: dictionary with user identification
:rtype: dict
user = mapped_properties['user']
user_id = user.get('id')
user_name = user.get('name') or context['environment'].get('REMOTE_USER')
if not any([user_id, user_name]):
msg = _("Could not map user while setting ephemeral user identity. "
"Either mapping rules must specify user id/name or "
"REMOTE_USER environment variable must be set.")
raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
elif not user_name:
user['name'] = user_id
elif not user_id:
user_id = user_name
user['id'] = parse.quote(user_id)
return user