Gage Hugo b9c8963d0a Fixed multiple warnings in tox -edocs
There are multiple tracebacks and warnings being thrown whenever
the keystone docs are built due to documents being moved/deleted as
well as formatting issues in a couple places.

This fixes a few of the warnings due to broken links and fixes a few
of the method docs.

This Patch:

Change-Id: I11cbbc7a10fa24dcbf67c76e3061a39a58529c06
Partial-Bug: #1602422
2016-12-07 16:26:53 -06:00

653 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Copyright 2011 - 2012 Justin Santa Barbara
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import calendar
import collections
import grp
import hashlib
import itertools
import os
import pwd
import uuid
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import reflection
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import passlib.hash
import six
from six import moves
from keystone.common import authorization
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _, _LE, _LW
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
'tenant_id', 'project_id', 'user_id',
'public_bind_host', 'admin_bind_host',
'compute_host', 'admin_port', 'public_port',
'public_endpoint', 'admin_endpoint', ]
# NOTE(stevermar): This UUID must stay the same, forever, across
# all of keystone to preserve its value as a URN namespace, which is
# used for ID transformation.
RESOURCE_ID_NAMESPACE = uuid.UUID('4332ecab-770b-4288-a680-b9aca3b1b153')
def resource_uuid(value):
"""Convert input to valid UUID hex digits."""
return value
except ValueError:
if len(value) <= 64:
if six.PY2 and isinstance(value, six.text_type):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
return uuid.uuid5(RESOURCE_ID_NAMESPACE, value).hex
raise ValueError(_('Length of transformable resource id > 64, '
'which is max allowed characters'))
def flatten_dict(d, parent_key=''):
"""Flatten a nested dictionary.
Converts a dictionary with nested values to a single level flat
dictionary, with dotted notation for each key.
items = []
for k, v in d.items():
new_key = parent_key + '.' + k if parent_key else k
if isinstance(v, collections.MutableMapping):
items.extend(list(flatten_dict(v, new_key).items()))
items.append((new_key, v))
return dict(items)
class SmarterEncoder(jsonutils.json.JSONEncoder):
"""Help for JSON encoding dict-like objects."""
def default(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, dict) and hasattr(obj, 'iteritems'):
return dict(obj.iteritems())
return super(SmarterEncoder, self).default(obj)
def verify_length_and_trunc_password(password):
"""Verify and truncate the provided password to the max_password_length."""
max_length = CONF.identity.max_password_length
if len(password) > max_length:
if CONF.strict_password_check:
raise exception.PasswordVerificationError(size=max_length)
msg = _LW("Truncating user password to %d characters.")
LOG.warning(msg, max_length)
return password[:max_length]
return password
except TypeError:
raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='string', target='password')
def hash_access_key(access):
hash_ = hashlib.sha256()
if not isinstance(access, six.binary_type):
access = access.encode('utf-8')
return hash_.hexdigest()
def hash_user_password(user):
"""Hash a user dict's password without modifying the passed-in dict."""
password = user.get('password')
if password is None:
return user
return dict(user, password=hash_password(password))
def hash_password(password):
"""Hash a password. Hard."""
password_utf8 = verify_length_and_trunc_password(password).encode('utf-8')
return passlib.hash.sha512_crypt.hash(
password_utf8, rounds=CONF.crypt_strength)
def check_password(password, hashed):
"""Check that a plaintext password matches hashed.
hashpw returns the salt value concatenated with the actual hash value.
It extracts the actual salt if this value is then passed as the salt.
if password is None or hashed is None:
return False
password_utf8 = verify_length_and_trunc_password(password).encode('utf-8')
return passlib.hash.sha512_crypt.verify(password_utf8, hashed)
def attr_as_boolean(val_attr):
"""Return the boolean value, decoded from a string.
We test explicitly for a value meaning False, which can be one of
several formats as specified in oslo strutils.FALSE_STRINGS.
All other string values (including an empty string) are treated as
meaning True.
return strutils.bool_from_string(val_attr, default=True)
def get_blob_from_credential(credential):
blob = jsonutils.loads(credential.blob)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise exception.ValidationError(
message=_('Invalid blob in credential'))
if not blob or not isinstance(blob, dict):
raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='blob',
return blob
def convert_ec2_to_v3_credential(ec2credential):
blob = {'access': ec2credential.access,
'secret': ec2credential.secret}
return {'id': hash_access_key(ec2credential.access),
'user_id': ec2credential.user_id,
'project_id': ec2credential.tenant_id,
'blob': jsonutils.dumps(blob),
'type': 'ec2',
'extra': jsonutils.dumps({})}
def convert_v3_to_ec2_credential(credential):
blob = get_blob_from_credential(credential)
return {'access': blob.get('access'),
'secret': blob.get('secret'),
'user_id': credential.user_id,
'tenant_id': credential.project_id,
def unixtime(dt_obj):
"""Format datetime object as unix timestamp.
:param dt_obj: datetime.datetime object
:returns: float
return calendar.timegm(dt_obj.utctimetuple())
def auth_str_equal(provided, known):
"""Constant-time string comparison.
:params provided: the first string
:params known: the second string
:returns: True if the strings are equal.
This function takes two strings and compares them. It is intended to be
used when doing a comparison for authentication purposes to help guard
against timing attacks. When using the function for this purpose, always
provide the user-provided password as the first argument. The time this
function will take is always a factor of the length of this string.
result = 0
p_len = len(provided)
k_len = len(known)
for i in moves.range(p_len):
a = ord(provided[i]) if i < p_len else 0
b = ord(known[i]) if i < k_len else 0
result |= a ^ b
return (p_len == k_len) & (result == 0)
def setup_remote_pydev_debug():
if CONF.pydev_debug_host and CONF.pydev_debug_port:
from pydev import pydevd
except ImportError:
import pydevd
return True
except Exception:
'Error setting up the debug environment. Verify that the '
'option --debug-url has the format <host>:<port> and that a '
'debugger processes is listening on that port.'))
def get_unix_user(user=None):
"""Get the uid and user name.
This is a convenience utility which accepts a variety of input
which might represent a unix user. If successful it returns the uid
and name. Valid input is:
A string is first considered to be a user name and a lookup is
attempted under that name. If no name is found then an attempt
is made to convert the string to an integer and perform a
lookup as a uid.
An integer is interpreted as a uid.
None is interpreted to mean use the current process's
effective user.
If the input is a valid type but no user is found a KeyError is
raised. If the input is not a valid type a TypeError is raised.
:param object user: string, int or None specifying the user to
:returns: tuple of (uid, name)
if isinstance(user, six.string_types):
user_info = pwd.getpwnam(user)
except KeyError:
i = int(user)
except ValueError:
raise KeyError("user name '%s' not found" % user)
user_info = pwd.getpwuid(i)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("user id %d not found" % i)
elif isinstance(user, int):
user_info = pwd.getpwuid(user)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("user id %d not found" % user)
elif user is None:
user_info = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())
user_cls_name = reflection.get_class_name(user,
raise TypeError('user must be string, int or None; not %s (%r)' %
(user_cls_name, user))
return user_info.pw_uid, user_info.pw_name
def get_unix_group(group=None):
"""Get the gid and group name.
This is a convenience utility which accepts a variety of input
which might represent a unix group. If successful it returns the gid
and name. Valid input is:
A string is first considered to be a group name and a lookup is
attempted under that name. If no name is found then an attempt
is made to convert the string to an integer and perform a
lookup as a gid.
An integer is interpreted as a gid.
None is interpreted to mean use the current process's
effective group.
If the input is a valid type but no group is found a KeyError is
raised. If the input is not a valid type a TypeError is raised.
:param object group: string, int or None specifying the group to
:returns: tuple of (gid, name)
if isinstance(group, six.string_types):
group_info = grp.getgrnam(group)
except KeyError:
# Was an int passed as a string?
# Try converting to int and lookup by id instead.
i = int(group)
except ValueError:
raise KeyError("group name '%s' not found" % group)
group_info = grp.getgrgid(i)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("group id %d not found" % i)
elif isinstance(group, int):
group_info = grp.getgrgid(group)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("group id %d not found" % group)
elif group is None:
group_info = grp.getgrgid(os.getegid())
group_cls_name = reflection.get_class_name(group,
raise TypeError('group must be string, int or None; not %s (%r)' %
(group_cls_name, group))
return group_info.gr_gid, group_info.gr_name
def set_permissions(path, mode=None, user=None, group=None, log=None):
"""Set the ownership and permissions on the pathname.
Each of the mode, user and group are optional, if None then
that aspect is not modified.
Owner and group may be specified either with a symbolic name
or numeric id.
:param string path: Pathname of directory whose existence is assured.
:param object mode: ownership permissions flags (int) i.e. chmod,
if None do not set.
:param object user: set user, name (string) or uid (integer),
if None do not set.
:param object group: set group, name (string) or gid (integer)
if None do not set.
:param logger log: logging.logger object, used to emit log messages,
if None no logging is performed.
if user is None:
user_uid, user_name = None, None
user_uid, user_name = get_unix_user(user)
if group is None:
group_gid, group_name = None, None
group_gid, group_name = get_unix_group(group)
if log:
if mode is None:
mode_string = str(mode)
mode_string = oct(mode)
log.debug("set_permissions: "
"path='%s' mode=%s user=%s(%s) group=%s(%s)",
path, mode_string,
user_name, user_uid, group_name, group_gid)
# Change user and group if specified
if user_uid is not None or group_gid is not None:
if user_uid is None:
user_uid = -1
if group_gid is None:
group_gid = -1
os.chown(path, user_uid, group_gid)
except OSError as exc:
raise EnvironmentError("chown('%s', %s, %s): %s" %
user_name, group_name,
# Change permission flags
if mode is not None:
os.chmod(path, mode)
except OSError as exc:
raise EnvironmentError("chmod('%s', %#o): %s" %
(path, mode, exc.strerror))
def make_dirs(path, mode=None, user=None, group=None, log=None):
"""Assure directory exists, set ownership and permissions.
Assure the directory exists and optionally set its ownership
and permissions.
Each of the mode, user and group are optional, if None then
that aspect is not modified.
Owner and group may be specified either with a symbolic name
or numeric id.
:param string path: Pathname of directory whose existence is assured.
:param object mode: ownership permissions flags (int) i.e. chmod,
if None do not set.
:param object user: set user, name (string) or uid (integer),
if None do not set.
:param object group: set group, name (string) or gid (integer)
if None do not set.
:param logger log: logging.logger object, used to emit log messages,
if None no logging is performed.
if log:
if mode is None:
mode_string = str(mode)
mode_string = oct(mode)
log.debug("make_dirs path='%s' mode=%s user=%s group=%s",
path, mode_string, user, group)
if not os.path.exists(path):
except OSError as exc:
raise EnvironmentError("makedirs('%s'): %s" % (path, exc.strerror))
set_permissions(path, mode, user, group, log)
class WhiteListedItemFilter(object):
def __init__(self, whitelist, data):
self._whitelist = set(whitelist or [])
self._data = data
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""Evaluation on an item access."""
if name not in self._whitelist:
raise KeyError
return self._data[name]
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT_SUBSECOND = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
def isotime(at=None, subsecond=False):
"""Stringify time in ISO 8601 format.
Python provides a similar instance method for datetime.datetime objects
called `isoformat()`. The format of the strings generated by `isoformat()`
has a couple of problems:
1) The strings generated by `isotime()` are used in tokens and other public
APIs that we can't change without a deprecation period. The strings
generated by `isoformat()` are not the same format, so we can't just
change to it.
2) The strings generated by `isoformat()` do not include the microseconds
if the value happens to be 0. This will likely show up as random
failures as parsers may be written to always expect microseconds, and it
will parse correctly most of the time.
:param at: Optional datetime object to return at a string. If not provided,
the time when the function was called will be used.
:type at: datetime.datetime
:param subsecond: If true, the returned string will represent microsecond
precision, but only precise to the second. For example, a
`datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 14, 14, 1, 13, 970223)` will
be returned as `2016-09-14T14:01:13.000000Z`.
:type subsecond: bool
:returns: A time string represented in ISO 8601 format.
:rtype: str
if not at:
at = timeutils.utcnow()
# NOTE(lbragstad): Datetime objects are immutable, so reassign the date we
# are working with to itself as we drop microsecond precision.
at = at.replace(microsecond=0)
st = at.strftime(_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT
if not subsecond
tz = at.tzinfo.tzname(None) if at.tzinfo else 'UTC'
st += ('Z' if tz == 'UTC' else tz)
return st
def get_token_ref(context):
"""Retrieve KeystoneToken object from the auth context and returns it.
:param dict context: The request context.
:raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: If auth context cannot be found.
:returns: The KeystoneToken object.
# Retrieve the auth context that was prepared by AuthContextMiddleware.
auth_context = (context['environment']
return auth_context['token']
except KeyError:
msg = _("Couldn't find the auth context.")
raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
URL_RESERVED_CHARS = ":/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;="
def is_not_url_safe(name):
"""Check if a string contains any url reserved characters."""
return len(list_url_unsafe_chars(name)) > 0
def list_url_unsafe_chars(name):
"""Return a list of the reserved characters."""
reserved_chars = ''
for i in name:
reserved_chars += i
return reserved_chars
def lower_case_hostname(url):
"""Change the URL's hostname to lowercase."""
# NOTE(gyee): according to
#, the netloc portion
# of the URL is case-insensitive
parsed = moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
# Note: _replace method for named tuples is public and defined in docs
replaced = parsed._replace(netloc=parsed.netloc.lower())
return moves.urllib.parse.urlunparse(replaced)
def remove_standard_port(url):
# remove the default ports specified in RFC2616 and 2818
o = moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
separator = ':'
(host, separator, port) = o.netloc.partition(separator)
if o.scheme.lower() == 'http' and port == '80':
# NOTE(gyee): _replace() is not a private method. It has
# an underscore prefix to prevent conflict with field names.
# See
# collections.namedtuple
o = o._replace(netloc=host)
if o.scheme.lower() == 'https' and port == '443':
o = o._replace(netloc=host)
return moves.urllib.parse.urlunparse(o)
def format_url(url, substitutions, silent_keyerror_failures=None):
"""Format a user-defined URL with the given substitutions.
:param string url: the URL to be formatted
:param dict substitutions: the dictionary used for substitution
:param list silent_keyerror_failures: keys for which we should be silent
if there is a KeyError exception on substitution attempt
:returns: a formatted URL
substitutions = WhiteListedItemFilter(
allow_keyerror = silent_keyerror_failures or []
result = url.replace('$(', '%(') % substitutions
except AttributeError:
msg = _LE("Malformed endpoint - %(url)r is not a string")
LOG.error(msg, {"url": url})
raise exception.MalformedEndpoint(endpoint=url)
except KeyError as e:
if not e.args or e.args[0] not in allow_keyerror:
msg = _LE("Malformed endpoint %(url)s - unknown key "
LOG.error(msg, {"url": url, "keyerror": e})
raise exception.MalformedEndpoint(endpoint=url)
result = None
except TypeError as e:
msg = _LE("Malformed endpoint '%(url)s'. The following type error "
"occurred during string substitution: %(typeerror)s")
LOG.error(msg, {"url": url, "typeerror": e})
raise exception.MalformedEndpoint(endpoint=url)
except ValueError:
msg = _LE("Malformed endpoint %s - incomplete format "
"(are you missing a type notifier ?)")
LOG.error(msg, url)
raise exception.MalformedEndpoint(endpoint=url)
return result
def check_endpoint_url(url):
"""Check substitution of url.
The invalid urls are as follows:
urls with substitutions that is not in the whitelist
Check the substitutions in the URL to make sure they are valid
and on the whitelist.
:param str url: the URL to validate
:rtype: None
:raises keystone.exception.URLValidationError: if the URL is invalid
# check whether the property in the path is exactly the same
# with that in the whitelist below
substitutions = dict(zip(WHITELISTED_PROPERTIES, itertools.repeat('')))
url.replace('$(', '%(') % substitutions
except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
raise exception.URLValidationError(url)