
255 lines
8.2 KiB

import json
import logging
import uuid
import routes
import webob.dec
import webob.exc
from keystone import identity
from keystone import token
from keystone import wsgi
'authenticate': ('POST', '/tokens'),
'get_tenants': ('GET', '/user/%(user_id)s/tenants'),
'get_user': ('GET', '/user/%(user_id)s'),
'get_tenant': ('GET', '/tenant/%(tenant_id)s'),
'get_tenant_by_name': ('GET', '/tenant_name/%(tenant_name)s'),
'get_extras': ('GET', '/extras/%(tenant_id)s-%(user_id)s'),
'get_token': ('GET', '/token/%(token_id)s'),
# NOTE(termie): creates are seperate from updates to allow duplication checks
# tokens
'create_token': ('POST', '/token'),
'delete_token': ('DELETE', '/token/%(token_id)s'),
# users
'create_user': ('POST', '/user'),
'update_user': ('PUT', '/user/%(user_id)s'),
'delete_user': ('DELETE', '/user/%(user_id)s'),
# tenants
'create_tenant': ('POST', '/tenant'),
'update_tenant': ('PUT', '/tenant/%(tenant_id)s'),
'delete_tenant': ('DELETE', '/tenant/%(tenant_id)s'),
# extras
# NOTE(termie): these separators are probably going to bite us eventually
'create_extras': ('POST', '/extras'),
'update_extras': ('PUT', '/extras/%(tenant_id)s-%(user_id)s'),
'delete_extras': ('DELETE', '/extras/%(tenant_id)s-%(user_id)s'),
class SmarterEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, dict) and hasattr(obj, 'iteritems'):
return dict(obj.iteritems())
return super(SmarterEncoder, self).default(obj)
class BaseApplication(wsgi.Application):
def __call__(self, req):
arg_dict = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]
action = arg_dict['action']
del arg_dict['action']
del arg_dict['controller']
logging.debug('arg_dict: %s', arg_dict)
context = req.environ.get('openstack.context', {})
# allow middleware up the stack to override the params
params = {}
if 'openstack.params' in req.environ:
params = req.environ['openstack.params']
# TODO(termie): do some basic normalization on methods
method = getattr(self, action)
# NOTE(vish): make sure we have no unicode keys for py2.6.
params = dict([(self._normalize_arg(k), v)
for (k, v) in params.iteritems()])
result = method(context, **params)
if result is None or type(result) is str or type(result) is unicode:
return result
elif isinstance(result, webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException):
return result
return self._serialize(result)
def _serialize(self, result):
return json.dumps(result, cls=SmarterEncoder)
def _normalize_arg(self, arg):
return str(arg).replace(':', '_').replace('-', '_')
def _normalize_dict(self, d):
return dict([(self._normalize_arg(k), v)
for (k, v) in d.iteritems()])
def assert_admin(self, context):
if not context['is_admin']:
user_token_ref = self.token_api.get_token(
context=context, token_id=context['token_id'])
creds = user_token_ref['extras'].copy()
creds['user_id'] = user_token_ref['user'].get('id')
creds['tenant_id'] = user_token_ref['tenant'].get('id')
print creds
# Accept either is_admin or the admin role
assert self.policy_api.can_haz(context,
('is_admin:1', 'roles:admin'),
class TokenController(BaseApplication):
"""Validate and pass through calls to TokenManager."""
def __init__(self):
self.token_api = token.Manager()
def validate_token(self, context, token_id):
token_info = self.token_api.validate_token(context, token_id)
if not token_info:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
return token_info
class IdentityController(BaseApplication):
"""Validate and pass calls through to IdentityManager.
IdentityManager will also pretty much just pass calls through to
a specific driver.
def __init__(self):
self.identity_api = identity.Manager()
self.token_api = token.Manager()
def noop(self, context, *args, **kw):
return ''
def authenticate(self, context, **kwargs):
user_ref, tenant_ref, extras_ref = self.identity_api.authenticate(
context, **kwargs)
# TODO(termie): strip password from return values
token_ref = self.token_api.create_token(context,
logging.debug('TOKEN: %s', token_ref)
return token_ref
def get_tenants(self, context, user_id=None):
token_id = context.get('token_id')
token_ref = self.token_api.get_token(context, token_id)
assert token_ref
assert token_ref['user']['id'] == user_id
tenants_ref = []
for tenant_id in token_ref['user']['tenants']:
return tenants_ref
# crud api
def get_user(self, context, user_id):
return self.identity_api.get_user(context, user_id=user_id)
def create_user(self, context, **kw):
user_id = kw.get('id') and kw.get('id') or uuid.uuid4().hex
kw['id'] = user_id
return self.identity_api.create_user(context, user_id=user_id, data=kw)
def update_user(self, context, user_id, **kw):
kw['id'] = user_id
kw.pop('user_id', None)
return self.identity_api.update_user(context, user_id=user_id, data=kw)
def delete_user(self, context, user_id):
return self.identity_api.delete_user(context, user_id=user_id)
def get_tenant(self, context, tenant_id):
return self.identity_api.get_tenant(context, tenant_id=tenant_id)
def get_tenant_by_name(self, context, tenant_name):
return self.identity_api.get_tenant_by_name(
context, tenant_name=tenant_name)
def create_tenant(self, context, **kw):
tenant_id = kw.get('id') and kw.get('id') or uuid.uuid4().hex
kw['id'] = tenant_id
return self.identity_api.create_tenant(
context, tenant_id=tenant_id, data=kw)
def update_tenant(self, context, tenant_id, **kw):
kw['id'] = tenant_id
kw.pop('tenant_id', None)
return self.identity_api.update_tenant(
context, tenant_id=tenant_id, data=kw)
def delete_tenant(self, context, tenant_id):
return self.identity_api.delete_tenant(context, tenant_id=tenant_id)
def get_extras(self, context, user_id, tenant_id):
return self.identity_api.get_extras(
context, user_id=user_id, tenant_id=tenant_id)
def create_extras(self, context, **kw):
user_id = kw.pop('user_id')
tenant_id = kw.pop('tenant_id')
return self.identity_api.create_extras(
context, user_id=user_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, data=kw)
def update_extras(self, context, user_id, tenant_id, **kw):
kw.pop('user_id', None)
kw.pop('tenant_id', None)
return self.identity_api.update_extras(
context, user_id=user_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, data=kw)
def delete_extras(self, context, user_id, tenant_id):
return self.identity_api.delete_extras(
context, user_id=user_id, tenant_id=tenant_id)
class Router(wsgi.Router):
def __init__(self):
self.identity_controller = IdentityController()
self.token_controller = TokenController()
mapper = self._build_map(URLMAP)
mapper.connect('/', controller=self.identity_controller, action='noop')
super(Router, self).__init__(mapper)
def _build_map(self, urlmap):
"""Build a routes.Mapper based on URLMAP."""
mapper = routes.Mapper()
for k, v in urlmap.iteritems():
# NOTE(termie): hack
if 'token' in k:
controller = self.token_controller
controller = self.identity_controller
action = k
method, path = v
path = path.replace('%(', '{').replace(')s', '}')
return mapper
def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
#conf = global_conf.copy()
return Router()