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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""SQL backends for the various services.
Before using this module, call initialize(). This has to be done before
CONF() because it sets up configuration options.
import functools
from oslo_db import exception as db_exception
from oslo_db import options as db_options
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import models
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import six
import sqlalchemy as sql
from sqlalchemy.ext import declarative
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified, InstrumentedAttribute
from sqlalchemy import types as sql_types
from keystone.common import driver_hints
from keystone.common import utils
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
ModelBase = declarative.declarative_base()
# For exporting to other modules
Column = sql.Column
Index = sql.Index
String = sql.String
Integer = sql.Integer
Enum = sql.Enum
ForeignKey = sql.ForeignKey
DateTime = sql.DateTime
Date = sql.Date
IntegrityError = sql.exc.IntegrityError
DBDuplicateEntry = db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry
OperationalError = sql.exc.OperationalError
NotFound = sql.orm.exc.NoResultFound
Boolean = sql.Boolean
Text = sql.Text
UniqueConstraint = sql.UniqueConstraint
PrimaryKeyConstraint = sql.PrimaryKeyConstraint
joinedload = sql.orm.joinedload
# Suppress flake8's unused import warning for flag_modified:
flag_modified = flag_modified
def initialize():
"""Initialize the module."""
def initialize_decorator(init):
"""Ensure that the length of string field do not exceed the limit.
This decorator check the initialize arguments, to make sure the
length of string field do not exceed the length limit, or raise a
'StringLengthExceeded' exception.
Use decorator instead of inheritance, because the metaclass will
check the __tablename__, primary key columns, etc. at the class
def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
cls = type(self)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(cls, k):
attr = getattr(cls, k)
if isinstance(attr, InstrumentedAttribute):
column =[0]
if isinstance(column.type, String):
if not isinstance(v, six.text_type):
v = six.text_type(v)
if column.type.length and column.type.length < len(v):
raise exception.StringLengthExceeded(
string=v, type=k, length=column.type.length)
init(self, *args, **kwargs)
return initialize
ModelBase.__init__ = initialize_decorator(ModelBase.__init__)
# Special Fields
class JsonBlob(sql_types.TypeDecorator):
impl = sql.Text
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
return jsonutils.dumps(value)
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
return jsonutils.loads(value)
class DictBase(models.ModelBase):
attributes = []
def from_dict(cls, d):
new_d = d.copy()
new_d['extra'] = {k: new_d.pop(k) for k in six.iterkeys(d)
if k not in cls.attributes and k != 'extra'}
return cls(**new_d)
def to_dict(self, include_extra_dict=False):
"""Return the model's attributes as a dictionary.
If include_extra_dict is True, 'extra' attributes are literally
included in the resulting dictionary twice, for backwards-compatibility
with a broken implementation.
d = self.extra.copy()
for attr in self.__class__.attributes:
d[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
if include_extra_dict:
d['extra'] = self.extra.copy()
return d
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Evaluate if key is in extra or not, to return correct item."""
if key in self.extra:
return self.extra[key]
return getattr(self, key)
class ModelDictMixin(object):
def from_dict(cls, d):
"""Return a model instance from a dictionary."""
return cls(**d)
def to_dict(self):
"""Return the model's attributes as a dictionary."""
names = ( for column in self.__table__.columns)
return {name: getattr(self, name) for name in names}
_main_context_manager = None
def _get_main_context_manager():
# TODO(DinaBelova): add DB profiling
# this requires oslo.db modification for proper format and functionality
# will be done in Newton timeframe
global _main_context_manager
if not _main_context_manager:
_main_context_manager = enginefacade.transaction_context()
return _main_context_manager
def cleanup():
global _main_context_manager
_main_context_manager = None
def _get_context():
global _CONTEXT
if _CONTEXT is None:
# NOTE(dims): Delay the `threading.local` import to allow for
# eventlet/gevent monkeypatching to happen
import threading
_CONTEXT = threading.local()
return _CONTEXT
# Unit tests set this to True so that oslo.db's global engine is used.
# This allows oslo_db.test_base.DbTestCase to override the transaction manager
# with its test transaction manager.
def session_for_read():
reader = enginefacade.reader
reader = _get_main_context_manager().reader
return reader.using(_get_context())
def session_for_write():
writer = enginefacade.writer
writer = _get_main_context_manager().writer
return writer.using(_get_context())
def truncated(f):
return driver_hints.truncated(f)
class _WontMatch(Exception):
"""Raised to indicate that the filter won't match.
This is raised to short-circuit the computation of the filter as soon as
it's discovered that the filter requested isn't going to match anything.
A filter isn't going to match anything if the value is too long for the
field, for example.
def check(cls, value, col_attr):
"""Check if the value can match given the column attributes.
Raises this class if the value provided can't match any value in the
column in the table given the column's attributes. For example, if the
column is a string and the value is longer than the column then it
won't match any value in the column in the table.
col =[0]
if isinstance(col.type, sql.types.Boolean):
# The column is a Boolean, we should have already validated input.
if not col.type.length:
# The column doesn't have a length so can't validate anymore.
if len(value) > col.type.length:
raise cls()
# Otherwise the value could match a value in the column.
def _filter(model, query, hints):
"""Apply filtering to a query.
:param model: the table model in question
:param query: query to apply filters to
:param hints: contains the list of filters yet to be satisfied.
Any filters satisfied here will be removed so that
the caller will know if any filters remain.
:returns query: query, updated with any filters satisfied
def inexact_filter(model, query, filter_, satisfied_filters):
"""Apply an inexact filter to a query.
:param model: the table model in question
:param query: query to apply filters to
:param dict filter_: describes this filter
:param list satisfied_filters: filter_ will be added if it is
:returns query: query updated to add any inexact filters we could
column_attr = getattr(model, filter_['name'])
# TODO(henry-nash): Sqlalchemy 0.7 defaults to case insensitivity
# so once we find a way of changing that (maybe on a call-by-call
# basis), we can add support for the case sensitive versions of
# the filters below. For now, these case sensitive versions will
# be handled at the controller level.
if filter_['case_sensitive']:
return query
if filter_['comparator'] == 'contains':
_WontMatch.check(filter_['value'], column_attr)
query_term = column_attr.ilike('%%%s%%' % filter_['value'])
elif filter_['comparator'] == 'startswith':
_WontMatch.check(filter_['value'], column_attr)
query_term = column_attr.ilike('%s%%' % filter_['value'])
elif filter_['comparator'] == 'endswith':
_WontMatch.check(filter_['value'], column_attr)
query_term = column_attr.ilike('%%%s' % filter_['value'])
# It's a filter we don't understand, so let the caller
# work out if they need to do something with it.
return query
return query.filter(query_term)
def exact_filter(model, query, filter_, satisfied_filters):
"""Apply an exact filter to a query.
:param model: the table model in question
:param query: query to apply filters to
:param dict filter_: describes this filter
:param list satisfied_filters: filter_ will be added if it is
:returns query: query updated to add any exact filters we could
key = filter_['name']
col = getattr(model, key)
if isinstance([0].type, sql.types.Boolean):
filter_val = utils.attr_as_boolean(filter_['value'])
_WontMatch.check(filter_['value'], col)
filter_val = filter_['value']
return query.filter(col == filter_val)
satisfied_filters = []
for filter_ in hints.filters:
if filter_['name'] not in model.attributes:
if filter_['comparator'] == 'equals':
query = exact_filter(model, query, filter_,
query = inexact_filter(model, query, filter_,
# Remove satisfied filters, then the caller will know remaining filters
for filter_ in satisfied_filters:
return query
except _WontMatch:
hints.cannot_match = True
def _limit(query, hints):
"""Apply a limit to a query.
:param query: query to apply filters to
:param hints: contains the list of filters and limit details.
:returns: updated query
# NOTE(henry-nash): If we were to implement pagination, then we
# we would expand this method to support pagination and limiting.
# If we satisfied all the filters, set an upper limit if supplied
if hints.limit:
original_len = query.count()
limit_query = query.limit(hints.limit['limit'])
if limit_query.count() < original_len:
hints.limit['truncated'] = True
query = limit_query
return query
def filter_limit_query(model, query, hints):
"""Apply filtering and limit to a query.
:param model: table model
:param query: query to apply filters to
:param hints: contains the list of filters and limit details. This may
be None, indicating that there are no filters or limits
to be applied. If it's not None, then any filters
satisfied here will be removed so that the caller will
know if any filters remain.
:returns: updated query
if hints is None:
return query
# First try and satisfy any filters
query = _filter(model, query, hints)
if hints.cannot_match:
# Nothing's going to match, so don't bother with the query.
return []
# NOTE(henry-nash): Any unsatisfied filters will have been left in
# the hints list for the controller to handle. We can only try and
# limit here if all the filters are already satisfied since, if not,
# doing so might mess up the final results. If there are still
# unsatisfied filters, we have to leave any limiting to the controller
# as well.
if not hints.filters:
return _limit(query, hints)
return query
def handle_conflicts(conflict_type='object'):
"""Convert select sqlalchemy exceptions into HTTP 409 Conflict."""
_conflict_msg = 'Conflict %(conflict_type)s: %(details)s'
def decorator(method):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return method(*args, **kwargs)
except db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
# LOG the exception for debug purposes, do not send the
# exception details out with the raised Conflict exception
# as it can contain raw SQL.
LOG.debug(_conflict_msg, {'conflict_type': conflict_type,
'details': six.text_type(e)})
raise exception.Conflict(type=conflict_type,
details=_('Duplicate Entry'))
except db_exception.DBError as e:
# TODO(blk-u): inspecting inner_exception breaks encapsulation;
# oslo_db should provide exception we need.
if isinstance(e.inner_exception, IntegrityError):
# LOG the exception for debug purposes, do not send the
# exception details out with the raised Conflict exception
# as it can contain raw SQL.
LOG.debug(_conflict_msg, {'conflict_type': conflict_type,
'details': six.text_type(e)})
# NOTE(morganfainberg): This is really a case where the SQL
# failed to store the data. This is not something that the
# user has done wrong. Example would be a ForeignKey is
# missing; the code that is executed before reaching the
# SQL writing to the DB should catch the issue.
raise exception.UnexpectedError(
_('An unexpected error occurred when trying to '
'store %s') % conflict_type)
return wrapper
return decorator