Brad Topol b2b341f470 Adds Cloud Audit (CADF) Support for keystone authentication
This restores context passing to the manager layer which was originally
included to support auditing / logging (which we haven't supported until
now), and was later removed to support caching. However, we don't have
any reason to cache the results of authenticate() and it needs to be
audited. -dolphm

Change-Id: I2d43617f66fa2b23221dcfa4f7e935f64e458e1c
Implements: bp audit-event-record
2014-02-18 09:22:36 -06:00

445 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Workflow Logic the Identity service."""
import inspect
import six
import uuid
from keystone.assignment import controllers as assignment_controllers
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import dependency
from keystone import config
from keystone import exception
from keystone.openstack.common import log
from keystone.openstack.common import versionutils
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class DeprecatedMeta(type):
"""Metaclass that ensures that the correct methods on the deprecated
classes are reported as deprecated on call.
def moved_to_assignment(class_name):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): wrapper for versionutils.deprecated decorator
# with some values populated specifically for the migration for
# controllers from identity to assignment.
def inner(f):
subst = {'cls_name': class_name, 'meth_name': f.__name__}
what = 'identity.controllers.%(cls_name)s.%(meth_name)s' % subst
favor = 'assignment.controllers.%(cls_name)s.%(meth_name)s' % subst
deprecated = versionutils.deprecated(
return deprecated(f)
return inner
def _is_wrappable(item):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Wrapping non-callables, non-methods, and
# builtins is not the point of the deprecation warnings. Simple test
# to ensure the item is one of the types that should be wrapped.
if (callable(item) and
inspect.ismethod(item) and
not inspect.isbuiltin(item)):
return True
return False
def __new__(mcs, class_name, bases, namespace):
def get_attribute(self, item):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): This implementation of __getattribute__
# is automatically added to any classes using the DeprecatedMeta
# metaclass. This will apply the moved_to_assignment wrapper to
# method calls (inherited or direct).
attr = super(bases[0], self).__getattribute__(item)
if DeprecatedMeta._is_wrappable(attr):
return DeprecatedMeta.moved_to_assignment(class_name)(attr)
return attr
namespace['__getattribute__'] = get_attribute
return type.__new__(mcs, class_name, bases, namespace)
def __getattribute__(cls, item):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): This implementation of __getattribute__ catches
# non-instantiated calls to @classmethods.
attr = type.__getattribute__(cls, item)
if DeprecatedMeta._is_wrappable(attr):
if (issubclass(cls, controller.V3Controller) and
attr = DeprecatedMeta.moved_to_assignment(cls.__name__)(attr)
return attr
@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'identity_api')
class User(controller.V2Controller):
def get_user(self, context, user_id):
ref = self.identity_api.get_user(user_id)
return {'user': self.v3_to_v2_user(ref)}
def get_users(self, context):
# NOTE(termie): i can't imagine that this really wants all the data
# about every single user in the system...
if 'name' in context['query_string']:
return self.get_user_by_name(
context, context['query_string'].get('name'))
user_list = self.identity_api.list_users()
return {'users': self.v3_to_v2_user(user_list)}
def get_user_by_name(self, context, user_name):
ref = self.identity_api.get_user_by_name(
user_name, CONF.identity.default_domain_id)
return {'user': self.v3_to_v2_user(ref)}
# CRUD extension
def create_user(self, context, user):
user = self._normalize_OSKSADM_password_on_request(user)
user = self.normalize_username_in_request(user)
user = self._normalize_dict(user)
if 'name' not in user or not user['name']:
msg = _('Name field is required and cannot be empty')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
if 'enabled' in user and not isinstance(user['enabled'], bool):
msg = _('Enabled field must be a boolean')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
default_project_id = user.pop('tenantId', None)
if default_project_id is not None:
# Check to see if the project is valid before moving on.
user['default_project_id'] = default_project_id
user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
user_ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, user.copy())
user_ref['id'] = user_id
new_user_ref = self.v3_to_v2_user(
self.identity_api.create_user(user_id, user_ref))
if default_project_id is not None:
return {'user': new_user_ref}
def update_user(self, context, user_id, user):
# NOTE(termie): this is really more of a patch than a put
user = self.normalize_username_in_request(user)
if 'enabled' in user and not isinstance(user['enabled'], bool):
msg = _('Enabled field should be a boolean')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
default_project_id = user.pop('tenantId', None)
if default_project_id is not None:
user['default_project_id'] = default_project_id
old_user_ref = self.v3_to_v2_user(
# Check whether a tenant is being added or changed for the user.
# Catch the case where the tenant is being changed for a user and also
# where a user previously had no tenant but a tenant is now being
# added for the user.
if (('tenantId' in old_user_ref and
old_user_ref['tenantId'] != default_project_id and
default_project_id is not None) or
('tenantId' not in old_user_ref and
default_project_id is not None)):
# Make sure the new project actually exists before we perform the
# user update.
user_ref = self.v3_to_v2_user(
self.identity_api.update_user(user_id, user))
# If 'tenantId' is in either ref, we might need to add or remove the
# user from a project.
if 'tenantId' in user_ref or 'tenantId' in old_user_ref:
if user_ref['tenantId'] != old_user_ref.get('tenantId'):
if old_user_ref.get('tenantId'):
member_role_id = config.CONF.member_role_id
user_id, old_user_ref['tenantId'], member_role_id)
except exception.NotFound:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): This is not a critical error it
# just means that the user cannot be removed from the
# old tenant. This could occur if roles aren't found
# or if the project is invalid or if there are no roles
# for the user on that project.
msg = _('Unable to remove user %(user)s from '
LOG.warning(msg, {'user': user_id,
'tenant': old_user_ref['tenantId']})
if user_ref['tenantId']:
user_ref['tenantId'], user_id)
except exception.Conflict:
# We are already a member of that tenant
except exception.NotFound:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Log this and move on. This is
# not the end of the world if we can't add the user to
# the appropriate tenant. Most of the time this means
# that the project is invalid or roles are some how
# incorrect. This shouldn't prevent the return of the
# new ref.
msg = _('Unable to add user %(user)s to %(tenant)s.')
LOG.warning(msg, {'user': user_id,
'tenant': user_ref['tenantId']})
return {'user': user_ref}
def delete_user(self, context, user_id):
def set_user_enabled(self, context, user_id, user):
return self.update_user(context, user_id, user)
def set_user_password(self, context, user_id, user):
user = self._normalize_OSKSADM_password_on_request(user)
return self.update_user(context, user_id, user)
def _normalize_OSKSADM_password_on_request(ref):
"""Sets the password from the OS-KSADM Admin Extension.
The OS-KSADM Admin Extension documentation says that
`OS-KSADM:password` can be used in place of `password`.
if 'OS-KSADM:password' in ref:
ref['password'] = ref.pop('OS-KSADM:password')
return ref
class UserV3(controller.V3Controller):
collection_name = 'users'
member_name = 'user'
def __init__(self):
super(UserV3, self).__init__()
self.get_member_from_driver = self.identity_api.get_user
def _check_user_and_group_protection(self, context, prep_info,
user_id, group_id):
ref = {}
ref['user'] = self.identity_api.get_user(user_id)
ref['group'] = self.identity_api.get_group(group_id)
self.check_protection(context, prep_info, ref)
def create_user(self, context, user):
self._require_attribute(user, 'name')
ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(user))
ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, ref)
ref = self.identity_api.create_user(ref['id'], ref)
return UserV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
@controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'email', 'enabled', 'name')
def list_users(self, context, filters):
hints = UserV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
refs = self.identity_api.list_users(
return UserV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)
@controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'email', 'enabled', 'name')
def list_users_in_group(self, context, filters, group_id):
hints = UserV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
refs = self.identity_api.list_users_in_group(
return UserV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)
def get_user(self, context, user_id):
ref = self.identity_api.get_user(
return UserV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
def _update_user(self, context, user_id, user, domain_scope):
self._require_matching_id(user_id, user)
ref = self.identity_api.update_user(
user_id, user, domain_scope=domain_scope)
return UserV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
def update_user(self, context, user_id, user):
domain_scope = self._get_domain_id_for_request(context)
return self._update_user(context, user_id, user, domain_scope)
def add_user_to_group(self, context, user_id, group_id):
user_id, group_id,
def check_user_in_group(self, context, user_id, group_id):
return self.identity_api.check_user_in_group(
user_id, group_id,
def remove_user_from_group(self, context, user_id, group_id):
user_id, group_id,
def delete_user(self, context, user_id):
# Make sure any tokens are marked as deleted
domain_id = self._get_domain_id_for_request(context)
# Finally delete the user itself - the backend is
# responsible for deleting any role assignments related
# to this user
return self.identity_api.delete_user(user_id, domain_scope=domain_id)
def change_password(self, context, user_id, user):
original_password = user.get('original_password')
if original_password is None:
raise exception.ValidationError(target='user',
password = user.get('password')
if password is None:
raise exception.ValidationError(target='user',
domain_scope = self._get_domain_id_for_request(context)
context, user_id, original_password, password, domain_scope)
except AssertionError:
raise exception.Unauthorized()
class GroupV3(controller.V3Controller):
collection_name = 'groups'
member_name = 'group'
def __init__(self):
super(GroupV3, self).__init__()
self.get_member_from_driver = self.identity_api.get_group
def create_group(self, context, group):
self._require_attribute(group, 'name')
ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(group))
ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, ref)
ref = self.identity_api.create_group(ref['id'], ref)
return GroupV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
@controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'name')
def list_groups(self, context, filters):
hints = GroupV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
refs = self.identity_api.list_groups(
return GroupV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)
def list_groups_for_user(self, context, filters, user_id):
hints = GroupV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
refs = self.identity_api.list_groups_for_user(
return GroupV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)
def get_group(self, context, group_id):
ref = self.identity_api.get_group(
return GroupV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
def update_group(self, context, group_id, group):
self._require_matching_id(group_id, group)
ref = self.identity_api.update_group(
group_id, group,
return GroupV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
def delete_group(self, context, group_id):
domain_id = self._get_domain_id_for_request(context)
self.identity_api.delete_group(group_id, domain_scope=domain_id)
# TODO(morganfainberg): Remove proxy compat classes once Icehouse is released.
class Tenant(assignment_controllers.Tenant):
class Role(assignment_controllers.Role):
class DomainV3(assignment_controllers.DomainV3):
class ProjectV3(assignment_controllers.ProjectV3):
class RoleV3(assignment_controllers.RoleV3):
class RoleAssignmentV3(assignment_controllers.RoleAssignmentV3):