Adrian Turjak d9e6c1d4dd Implement auth receipts spec
Adds a new model and provider for receipts which are
very similar to tokens (fernet based), and share the
same fernet mechanisms.

Adds changes to the auth layer to handle the creation,
validation, and consumptions of receipts as part of
the auth process.

Change-Id: Iccb6e6fc7aee57c58a53f90c1d671402b8efcdbb
bp: mfa-auth-receipt
2018-11-02 15:06:19 +01:00

253 lines
11 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Shared code for Authentication flows. This module is where actual auth
# happens. The code here is shared between Federation and Auth.
# TODO(morgan): Deprecate all auth flows in /v3/OS-FEDERATION, merge this code
# into keystone.api.auth. For now this is the best place for the code to
# exist.
import flask
from oslo_log import log
import six
from keystone.auth import core
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone import exception
from keystone.federation import constants
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.receipt import handlers as receipt_handlers
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs
def _check_and_set_default_scoping(auth_info, auth_context):
(domain_id, project_id, trust, unscoped, system) = (
if trust:
project_id = trust['project_id']
if system or domain_id or project_id or trust:
# scope is specified
# Skip scoping when unscoped federated token is being issued
if constants.IDENTITY_PROVIDER in auth_context:
# Do not scope if request is for explicitly unscoped token
if unscoped is not None:
# fill in default_project_id if it is available
user_ref = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(auth_context['user_id'])
except exception.UserNotFound as e:
raise exception.Unauthorized(e)
default_project_id = user_ref.get('default_project_id')
if not default_project_id:
# User has no default project. He shall get an unscoped token.
# make sure user's default project is legit before scoping to it
default_project_ref = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project(
default_project_domain_ref = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain(
if (default_project_ref.get('enabled', True) and
default_project_domain_ref.get('enabled', True)):
if PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project(
user_ref['id'], default_project_id):
msg = ("User %(user_id)s doesn't have access to"
" default project %(project_id)s. The token"
" will be unscoped rather than scoped to the"
" project.")
{'user_id': user_ref['id'],
'project_id': default_project_id})
msg = ("User %(user_id)s's default project %(project_id)s"
" is disabled. The token will be unscoped rather"
" than scoped to the project.")
{'user_id': user_ref['id'],
'project_id': default_project_id})
except (exception.ProjectNotFound, exception.DomainNotFound):
# default project or default project domain doesn't exist,
# will issue unscoped token instead
msg = ("User %(user_id)s's default project %(project_id)s not"
" found. The token will be unscoped rather than"
" scoped to the project.")
LOG.debug(msg, {'user_id': user_ref['id'],
'project_id': default_project_id})
def authenticate(auth_info, auth_context):
"""Authenticate user."""
# NOTE(notmorgan): This is not super pythonic, but we lean on the
# __setitem__ method in auth_context to handle edge cases and security
# of the attributes set by the plugins. This check to ensure
# `auth_context` is an instance of AuthContext is extra insurance and
# will prevent regressions.
if not isinstance(auth_context, core.AuthContext):
'`auth_context` passed to the Auth controller '
'`authenticate` method is not of type '
'`keystone.auth.core.AuthContext`. For security '
'purposes this is required. This is likely a programming '
'error. Received object of type `%s`', type(auth_context))
raise exception.Unauthorized(
_('Cannot Authenticate due to internal error.'))
# The 'external' method allows any 'REMOTE_USER' based authentication
# In some cases the server can set REMOTE_USER as '' instead of
# dropping it, so this must be filtered out
if flask.request.remote_user:
external = core.get_auth_method('external')
resp = external.authenticate(auth_info)
if resp and resp.status:
# NOTE(notmorgan): ``external`` plugin cannot be multi-step
# it is either a plain success/fail.
'method_names', []).insert(0, 'external')
# NOTE(notmorgan): All updates to auth_context is handled
# here in the .authenticate method.
auth_context.update(resp.response_data or {})
except exception.AuthMethodNotSupported:
# This will happen there is no 'external' plugin registered
# and the container is performing authentication.
# The 'kerberos' and 'saml' methods will be used this way.
# In those cases, it is correct to not register an
# 'external' plugin; if there is both an 'external' and a
# 'kerberos' plugin, it would run the check on identity twice.
LOG.debug("No 'external' plugin is registered.")
except exception.Unauthorized:
# If external fails then continue and attempt to determine
# user identity using remaining auth methods
LOG.debug("Authorization failed for 'external' auth method.")
# need to aggregate the results in case two or more methods
# are specified
auth_response = {'methods': []}
for method_name in auth_info.get_method_names():
method = core.get_auth_method(method_name)
resp = method.authenticate(auth_info.get_method_data(method_name))
if resp:
if resp.status:
'method_names', []).insert(0, method_name)
# NOTE(notmorgan): All updates to auth_context is handled
# here in the .authenticate method. If the auth attempt was
# not successful do not update the auth_context
resp_method_names = resp.response_data.pop(
'method_names', [])
auth_context.update(resp.response_data or {})
elif resp.response_body:
auth_response[method_name] = resp.response_body
if auth_response["methods"]:
# authentication continuation required
raise exception.AdditionalAuthRequired(auth_response)
if 'user_id' not in auth_context:
msg = 'User not found by auth plugin; authentication failed'
tr_msg = _('User not found by auth plugin; authentication failed')
raise exception.Unauthorized(tr_msg)
def authenticate_for_token(auth=None):
"""Authenticate user and issue a token."""
auth_info = core.AuthInfo.create(auth=auth)
auth_context = core.AuthContext(method_names=[],
authenticate(auth_info, auth_context)
if auth_context.get('access_token_id'):
auth_info.set_scope(None, auth_context['project_id'], None)
_check_and_set_default_scoping(auth_info, auth_context)
(domain_id, project_id, trust, unscoped, system) = (
trust_id = trust.get('id') if trust else None
receipt = receipt_handlers.extract_receipt(auth_context)
# NOTE(notmorgan): only methods that actually run and succeed will
# be in the auth_context['method_names'] list. Do not blindly take
# the values from auth_info, look at the authoritative values. Make
# sure the set is unique.
# NOTE(adriant): The set of methods will also include any methods from
# the given receipt.
if receipt:
method_names_set = set(
auth_context.get('method_names', []) + receipt.methods)
method_names_set = set(auth_context.get('method_names', []))
method_names = list(method_names_set)
app_cred_id = None
if 'application_credential' in method_names:
token_auth = auth_info.auth['identity']
app_cred_id = token_auth['application_credential']['id']
# Do MFA Rule Validation for the user
if not core.UserMFARulesValidator.check_auth_methods_against_rules(
auth_context['user_id'], method_names_set):
raise exception.InsufficientAuthMethods(
expires_at = auth_context.get('expires_at')
token_audit_id = auth_context.get('audit_id')
token = PROVIDERS.token_provider_api.issue_token(
auth_context['user_id'], method_names, expires_at=expires_at,
system=system, project_id=project_id, domain_id=domain_id,
auth_context=auth_context, trust_id=trust_id,
app_cred_id=app_cred_id, parent_audit_id=token_audit_id)
# NOTE(wanghong): We consume a trust use only when we are using
# trusts and have successfully issued a token.
if trust:
return token
except exception.TrustNotFound as e:
raise exception.Unauthorized(e)
def federated_authenticate_for_token(identity_provider, protocol_id):
auth = {
'identity': {
'methods': [protocol_id],
protocol_id: {
'identity_provider': identity_provider,
'protocol': protocol_id
return authenticate_for_token(auth)