Dave Chen 5070039812 Using the right format to render the docstring correctly
There are several issues in the docstring, the format is not
correct, not using the full path of class etc.

This patch corrects all of them, so the docstring will be rendered

Change-Id: I04d5818f38b5e75b6f6197ef5e13dcd64ed91bf4
2015-11-24 04:37:14 +00:00

509 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
import six
from keystone.i18n import _, _LW
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
# Tests use this to make exception message format errors fatal
class Error(Exception):
"""Base error class.
Child classes should define an HTTP status code, title, and a
code = None
title = None
message_format = None
def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
message = self._build_message(message, **kwargs)
except KeyError:
# if you see this warning in your logs, please raise a bug report
LOG.warning(_LW('missing exception kwargs (programmer error)'))
message = self.message_format
super(Error, self).__init__(message)
def _build_message(self, message, **kwargs):
"""Builds and returns an exception message.
:raises KeyError: given insufficient kwargs
if not message:
message = self.message_format % kwargs
except UnicodeDecodeError:
kwargs = {k: encodeutils.safe_decode(v)
for k, v in kwargs.items()}
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# NOTE(jamielennox): This is the complete failure case
# at least by showing the template we have some idea
# of where the error is coming from
message = self.message_format
message = self.message_format % kwargs
return message
class ValidationError(Error):
message_format = _("Expecting to find %(attribute)s in %(target)s -"
" the server could not comply with the request"
" since it is either malformed or otherwise"
" incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.")
code = 400
title = 'Bad Request'
class URLValidationError(ValidationError):
message_format = _("Cannot create an endpoint with an invalid URL:"
" %(url)s")
class SchemaValidationError(ValidationError):
# NOTE(lbragstad): For whole OpenStack message consistency, this error
# message has been written in a format consistent with WSME.
message_format = _("%(detail)s")
class ValidationTimeStampError(Error):
message_format = _("Timestamp not in expected format."
" The server could not comply with the request"
" since it is either malformed or otherwise"
" incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.")
code = 400
title = 'Bad Request'
class ValidationExpirationError(Error):
message_format = _("The 'expires_at' must not be before now."
" The server could not comply with the request"
" since it is either malformed or otherwise"
" incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.")
code = 400
title = 'Bad Request'
class StringLengthExceeded(ValidationError):
message_format = _("String length exceeded.The length of"
" string '%(string)s' exceeded the limit"
" of column %(type)s(CHAR(%(length)d)).")
class ValidationSizeError(Error):
message_format = _("Request attribute %(attribute)s must be"
" less than or equal to %(size)i. The server"
" could not comply with the request because"
" the attribute size is invalid (too large)."
" The client is assumed to be in error.")
code = 400
title = 'Bad Request'
class CircularRegionHierarchyError(Error):
message_format = _("The specified parent region %(parent_region_id)s "
"would create a circular region hierarchy.")
code = 400
title = 'Bad Request'
class PasswordVerificationError(Error):
message_format = _("The password length must be less than or equal "
"to %(size)i. The server could not comply with the "
"request because the password is invalid.")
code = 403
title = 'Forbidden'
class RegionDeletionError(Error):
message_format = _("Unable to delete region %(region_id)s because it or "
"its child regions have associated endpoints.")
code = 403
title = 'Forbidden'
class PKITokenExpected(Error):
message_format = _('The certificates you requested are not available. '
'It is likely that this server does not use PKI tokens '
'otherwise this is the result of misconfiguration.')
code = 403
title = 'Forbidden'
class SecurityError(Error):
"""Avoids exposing details of security failures, unless in debug mode."""
amendment = _('(Disable debug mode to suppress these details.)')
def _build_message(self, message, **kwargs):
"""Only returns detailed messages in debug mode."""
if message and CONF.debug:
if isinstance(message, six.string_types):
# Only do replacement if message is string. The message is
# sometimes a different exception or bytes, which would raise
# TypeError.
message = message % kwargs
return _('%(message)s %(amendment)s') % {
'message': message,
'amendment': self.amendment}
return self.message_format % kwargs
class Unauthorized(SecurityError):
message_format = _("The request you have made requires authentication.")
code = 401
title = 'Unauthorized'
class AuthPluginException(Unauthorized):
message_format = _("Authentication plugin error.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AuthPluginException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.authentication = {}
class MissingGroups(Unauthorized):
message_format = _("Unable to find valid groups while using "
"mapping %(mapping_id)s")
class AuthMethodNotSupported(AuthPluginException):
message_format = _("Attempted to authenticate with an unsupported method.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AuthMethodNotSupported, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.authentication = {'methods': CONF.auth.methods}
class AdditionalAuthRequired(AuthPluginException):
message_format = _("Additional authentications steps required.")
def __init__(self, auth_response=None, **kwargs):
super(AdditionalAuthRequired, self).__init__(message=None, **kwargs)
self.authentication = auth_response
class Forbidden(SecurityError):
message_format = _("You are not authorized to perform the"
" requested action.")
code = 403
title = 'Forbidden'
class ForbiddenAction(Forbidden):
message_format = _("You are not authorized to perform the"
" requested action: %(action)s")
class ImmutableAttributeError(Forbidden):
message_format = _("Could not change immutable attribute(s) "
"'%(attributes)s' in target %(target)s")
class CrossBackendNotAllowed(Forbidden):
message_format = _("Group membership across backend boundaries is not "
"allowed, group in question is %(group_id)s, "
"user is %(user_id)s")
class InvalidPolicyAssociation(Forbidden):
message_format = _("Invalid mix of entities for policy association - "
"only Endpoint, Service or Region+Service allowed. "
"Request was - Endpoint: %(endpoint_id)s, "
"Service: %(service_id)s, Region: %(region_id)s")
class InvalidDomainConfig(Forbidden):
message_format = _("Invalid domain specific configuration: %(reason)s")
class NotFound(Error):
message_format = _("Could not find: %(target)s")
code = 404
title = 'Not Found'
class EndpointNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find endpoint: %(endpoint_id)s")
class MetadataNotFound(NotFound):
"""(dolph): metadata is not a user-facing concept,
so this exception should not be exposed
message_format = _("An unhandled exception has occurred:"
" Could not find metadata.")
class PolicyNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find policy: %(policy_id)s")
class PolicyAssociationNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find policy association")
class RoleNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find role: %(role_id)s")
class RoleAssignmentNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find role assignment with role: "
"%(role_id)s, user or group: %(actor_id)s, "
"project or domain: %(target_id)s")
class RegionNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find region: %(region_id)s")
class ServiceNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find service: %(service_id)s")
class DomainNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find domain: %(domain_id)s")
class ProjectNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find project: %(project_id)s")
class InvalidParentProject(NotFound):
message_format = _("Cannot create project with parent: %(project_id)s")
class TokenNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find token: %(token_id)s")
class UserNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find user: %(user_id)s")
class GroupNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find group: %(group_id)s")
class MappingNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find mapping: %(mapping_id)s")
class TrustNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find trust: %(trust_id)s")
class TrustUseLimitReached(Forbidden):
message_format = _("No remaining uses for trust: %(trust_id)s")
class CredentialNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find credential: %(credential_id)s")
class VersionNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find version: %(version)s")
class EndpointGroupNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find Endpoint Group: %(endpoint_group_id)s")
class IdentityProviderNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find Identity Provider: %(idp_id)s")
class ServiceProviderNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find Service Provider: %(sp_id)s")
class FederatedProtocolNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _("Could not find federated protocol %(protocol_id)s for"
" Identity Provider: %(idp_id)s")
class PublicIDNotFound(NotFound):
# This is used internally and mapped to either User/GroupNotFound or,
# Assertion before the exception leaves Keystone.
message_format = "%(id)s"
class DomainConfigNotFound(NotFound):
message_format = _('Could not find %(group_or_option)s in domain '
'configuration for domain %(domain_id)s')
class ConfigRegistrationNotFound(Exception):
# This is used internally between the domain config backend and the
# manager, so should not escape to the client. If it did, it is a coding
# error on our part, and would end up, appropriately, as a 500 error.
class Conflict(Error):
message_format = _("Conflict occurred attempting to store %(type)s -"
" %(details)s")
code = 409
title = 'Conflict'
class UnexpectedError(SecurityError):
"""Avoids exposing details of failures, unless in debug mode."""
message_format = _("An unexpected error prevented the server "
"from fulfilling your request.")
debug_message_format = _("An unexpected error prevented the server "
"from fulfilling your request: %(exception)s")
def _build_message(self, message, **kwargs):
# Ensure that exception has a value to be extra defensive for
# substitutions and make sure the exception doesn't raise an
# exception.
kwargs.setdefault('exception', '')
return super(UnexpectedError, self)._build_message(
message or self.debug_message_format, **kwargs)
code = 500
title = 'Internal Server Error'
class TrustConsumeMaximumAttempt(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _("Unable to consume trust %(trust_id)s, unable to "
"acquire lock.")
class CertificateFilesUnavailable(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _("Expected signing certificates are not available "
"on the server. Please check Keystone "
class MalformedEndpoint(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _("Malformed endpoint URL (%(endpoint)s),"
" see ERROR log for details.")
class MappedGroupNotFound(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _("Group %(group_id)s returned by mapping "
"%(mapping_id)s was not found in the backend.")
class MetadataFileError(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _("Error while reading metadata file, %(reason)s")
class AssignmentTypeCalculationError(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _(
'Unexpected combination of grant attributes - '
'User: %(user_id)s, Group: %(group_id)s, Project: %(project_id)s, '
'Domain: %(domain_id)s')
class NotImplemented(Error):
message_format = _("The action you have requested has not"
" been implemented.")
code = 501
title = 'Not Implemented'
class Gone(Error):
message_format = _("The service you have requested is no"
" longer available on this server.")
code = 410
title = 'Gone'
class ConfigFileNotFound(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _("The Keystone configuration file %(config_file)s "
"could not be found.")
class KeysNotFound(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _('No encryption keys found; run keystone-manage '
'fernet_setup to bootstrap one.')
class MultipleSQLDriversInConfig(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _('The Keystone domain-specific configuration has '
'specified more than one SQL driver (only one is '
'permitted): %(source)s.')
class MigrationNotProvided(Exception):
def __init__(self, mod_name, path):
super(MigrationNotProvided, self).__init__(_(
"%(mod_name)s doesn't provide database migrations. The migration"
" repository path at %(path)s doesn't exist or isn't a directory."
) % {'mod_name': mod_name, 'path': path})
class UnsupportedTokenVersionException(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _('Token version is unrecognizable or '
class SAMLSigningError(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _('Unable to sign SAML assertion. It is likely '
'that this server does not have xmlsec1 '
'installed, or this is the result of '
'misconfiguration. Reason %(reason)s')
class OAuthHeadersMissingError(UnexpectedError):
debug_message_format = _('No Authorization headers found, cannot proceed '
'with OAuth related calls, if running under '
'HTTPd or Apache, ensure WSGIPassAuthorization '
'is set to On.')
class TokenlessAuthConfigError(ValidationError):
message_format = _('Could not determine Identity Provider ID. The '
'configuration option %(issuer_attribute)s '
'was not found in the request environment.')
class MigrationMovedFailure(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, extension):
self.extension = extension
msg = _("The %s extension has been moved into keystone core and as "
"such its migrations are maintained by the main keystone "
"database control. Use the command: keystone-manage "
"db_sync") % self.extension
super(MigrationMovedFailure, self).__init__(msg)