Morgan Fainberg 22f5f7303f Fix RBACEnforcer get_member_from_driver mechanism
Correct an issue with the RBACEnforcer requiring 'member_name' instead
of 'member_key' for the inferred lookup. Due to how flask works and that
all views are instantiated on demand (and not accessible outside of
the active method without a lot of extra introspection), the provider
object now supports a "deferred" lookup mechanism. This mechanism
leverages the descriptor construct and does the lookup of the provider
api property and method at runtime. This, in essence, works like a
"@classproperty" would.

Change-Id: I264384dd521ea60ba6ee98652aaeb939f1a75521
Partial-Bug: #1776504
2018-09-10 13:32:14 -07:00

119 lines
4.4 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class ProviderAPIRegistry(object):
__shared_object_state = {}
__registry = {}
__iter__ = __registry.__iter__
__getitem__ = __registry.__getitem__
locked = False
def __init__(self):
# NOTE(morgan): This rebinds __dict__ and allows all instances of
# the provider API to share a common state. Any changes except
# rebinding __dict__ will maintain the same state stored on the class
# not the instance. This design pattern is preferable to
# full singletons where state sharing is the important "feature"
# derived from the "singleton"
# Use "super" to bypass the __setattr__ preventing changes to the
# object itself.
super(ProviderAPIRegistry, self).__setattr__(
'__dict__', self.__shared_object_state)
def __getattr__(self, item):
"""Do attr lookup."""
return self.__registry[item]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(
"'ProviderAPIs' has no attribute %s" % item)
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
"""Do not allow setting values on the registry object."""
raise RuntimeError('Programming Error: You may not set values on the '
'ProviderAPIRegistry objects.')
def _register_provider_api(self, name, obj):
"""Register an instance of a class as a provider api."""
if name == 'driver':
raise ValueError('A provider may not be named "driver".')
if self.locked:
raise RuntimeError(
'Programming Error: The provider api registry has been '
'locked (post configuration). Ensure all provider api '
'managers are instantiated before locking.')
if name in self.__registry:
raise DuplicateProviderError(
'`%(name)s` has already been registered as an api '
'provider by `%(prov)r`' % {'name': name,
'prov': self.__registry[name]})
self.__registry[name] = obj
def _clear_registry_instances(self):
# Use super to allow setting around class implementation of __setattr__
super(ProviderAPIRegistry, self).__setattr__('locked', False)
def lock_provider_registry(self):
# Use super to allow setting around class implementation of __setattr__
super(ProviderAPIRegistry, self).__setattr__('locked', True)
def deferred_provider_lookup(self, api, method):
"""Create descriptor that performs lookup of api and method on demand.
For specialized cases, such as the enforcer "get_member_from_driver"
which needs to be effectively a "classmethod", this method returns
a smart descriptor object that does the lookup at runtime instead of
at import time.
:param api: The api to use, e.g. "identity_api"
:type api: str
:param method: the method on the api to return
:type method: str
class DeferredProviderLookup(object):
def __init__(self, api, method):
self.__api = api
self.__method = method
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
api = getattr(ProviderAPIs, self.__api)
return getattr(api, self.__method)
return DeferredProviderLookup(api, method)
class DuplicateProviderError(Exception):
"""Attempting to register a duplicate API provider."""
class ProviderAPIMixin(object):
"""Allow referencing provider apis on self via __getattr__.
Be sure this class is first in the class definition for inheritance.
def __getattr__(self, item):
"""Magic getattr method."""
return getattr(ProviderAPIs, item)
except AttributeError:
return self.__getattribute__(item)
ProviderAPIs = ProviderAPIRegistry()