
181 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import os
import oslo_i18n
from oslo_log import log
import stevedore
from werkzeug.contrib import fixers
# NOTE(dstanek): i18n.enable_lazy() must be called before
# keystone.i18n._() is called to ensure it has the desired lazy lookup
# behavior. This includes cases, like keystone.exceptions, where
# keystone.i18n._() is called at import time.
from keystone.common import profiler
import keystone.conf
import keystone.server
from keystone.server.flask import application
from keystone.server.flask.request_processing.middleware import auth_context
from keystone.server.flask.request_processing.middleware import url_normalize
# NOTE(morgan): Middleware Named Tuple with the following values:
# * "namespace": namespace for the entry_point
# * "ep": the entry-point name
# * "conf": extra config data for the entry_point (None or Dict)
_Middleware = collections.namedtuple('LoadableMiddleware',
'namespace, ep, conf')
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
# NOTE(morgan): ORDER HERE IS IMPORTANT! The middleware will process the
# request in this list's order.
conf={'oslo_config_project': 'keystone'}),
# NOTE(morgan): ORDER HERE IS IMPORTANT! Each of these middlewares are
# implemented/defined explicitly in Keystone Server. They do some level of
# lifting to ensure the request is properly handled. It is importat to note
# that these will be processed in the order of this list AND after all
# middleware defined in _APP_MIDDLEWARE. AuthContextMiddleware should always
# be the last element here as long as it is an actual Middleware.
def _get_config_files(env=None):
if env is None:
env = os.environ
dirname = env.get('OS_KEYSTONE_CONFIG_DIR', '').strip()
files = [s.strip() for s in
env.get('OS_KEYSTONE_CONFIG_FILES', '').split(';') if s.strip()]
if dirname:
if not files:
files = ['keystone.conf']
files = [os.path.join(dirname, fname) for fname in files]
return files
def setup_app_middleware(app):
# NOTE(morgan): Load the middleware, in reverse order, we wrap the app
# explicitly; reverse order to ensure the first element in _APP_MIDDLEWARE
# processes the request first.
# Add in optional (config-based) middleware
# NOTE(morgan): Each of these may need to be in a specific location
# within the pipeline therefore cannot be magically appended/prepended
if CONF.wsgi.debug_middleware:
# Add in the Debug Middleware
MW = (_Middleware(namespace='keystone.server_middleware',
conf={}),) + _APP_MIDDLEWARE
# Apply internal-only Middleware (e.g. AuthContextMiddleware). These
# are below all externally loaded middleware in request processing.
for mw in reversed(IMW):
app.wsgi_app = mw(app.wsgi_app)
# Apply the middleware to the application.
for mw in reversed(MW):
# TODO(morgan): Explore moving this to ExtensionManager, but we
# want to be super careful about what middleware we load and in
# what order. DriverManager gives us that capability and only loads
# the entry points we care about rather than all of them.
# Load via Stevedore, initialize the class via the factory so we can
# initialize the "loaded" entrypoint with the currently bound
# object pointed at "application". We may need to eventually move away
# from the "factory" mechanism.
loaded = stevedore.DriverManager(
mw.namespace, mw.ep, invoke_on_load=False)
# NOTE(morgan): global_conf (args[0]) to the factory is always empty
# and local_conf (args[1]) will be the mw.conf dict. This allows for
# configuration to be passed for middleware such as oslo CORS which
# expects oslo_config_project or "allowed_origin" to be in the
# local_conf, this is all a hold-over from paste-ini and pending
# reworking/removal(s)
factory_func = loaded.driver.factory({}, **mw.conf)
app.wsgi_app = factory_func(app.wsgi_app)
# Apply werkzeug speficic middleware
app.wsgi_app = fixers.ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
return app
def initialize_application(name, post_log_configured_function=lambda: None,
possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
dev_conf = os.path.join(possible_topdir,
if not config_files:
config_files = None
if os.path.exists(dev_conf):
config_files = [dev_conf]
# Log the options used when starting if we're in debug mode...
if CONF.debug:
CONF.log_opt_values(log.getLogger(CONF.prog), log.DEBUG)
# TODO(morgan): Provide a better mechanism than "loadapp", this was for
# paste-deploy specific mechanisms.
def loadapp():
app = application.application_factory(name)
return app
_unused, app = keystone.server.setup_backends(
# setup OSprofiler notifier and enable the profiling if that is configured
# in Keystone configuration file.
return setup_app_middleware(app)