Make discover._version_between more consistent

Partly in response to [1], and partly for the sake of making its API
consistent and understandable, discover._version_between now allows
un-normalized input, and responds sensibly to unspecified upper & lower

Previously the method treated None as follows:

min_version  max_version  behavior
None         None         Always False
not None     None         ValueError
not None     not None     Compare min to candidate
None         not None     Compare max to candidate

That's whack, yo.  Took me like ten minutes just to come up with that

This change allows us to explain clearly what happens when upper or
lower bounds are None: it translates naturally to "there is no bound".

Given that, the first line of the chart (None/None) now always returns
True, which is a behavior change the callers need to be updated to
expect.  This is an acceptable sacrifice for making this method sane.


Change-Id: I09b6cf692c8bfa290b73c8d7498bc12a5e91d690
This commit is contained in:
Eric Fried 2017-07-20 09:54:11 -05:00
parent 4b15f5706a
commit 1de528ece2
2 changed files with 80 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -276,42 +276,34 @@ def version_to_string(version):
def _version_between(min_version, max_version, candidate):
"""Determine whether a candidate version is within a specified range.
:param min_version: Normalized lower bound. May be None. May be
:param max_version: Normalized upper bound. May be None. May be
:param candidate: Normalized candidate version to test. May not be None.
:param min_version: The minimum version that is acceptable.
None/empty indicates no lower bound.
:param max_version: The maximum version that is acceptable.
None/empty indicates no upper bound.
:param candidate: Candidate version to test. May not be None/empty.
:return: True if candidate is between min_version and max_version; False
:raises ValueError: If candidate is None or the input is not properly
:raises ValueError: If candidate is None.
:raises TypeError: If any input cannot be normalized.
def is_normalized(ver):
return normalize_version_number(ver) == ver
if not candidate:
raise ValueError("candidate is required.")
candidate = normalize_version_number(candidate)
# A version can't be between a range that doesn't exist
if not min_version and not max_version:
# Normalize up front to validate any malformed inputs
if min_version:
min_version = normalize_version_number(min_version)
if max_version:
max_version = normalize_version_number(max_version)
# If the candidate is less than the min_version, it's not a match.
# No min_version means no lower bound.
if min_version and candidate < min_version:
return False
if candidate is None:
raise ValueError("candidate cannot be None.")
if min_version is not None and not is_normalized(min_version):
raise ValueError("min_version is not normalized.")
if max_version is not None and not is_normalized(max_version):
raise ValueError("max_version is not normalized.")
if not is_normalized(candidate):
raise ValueError("candidate is not normalized.")
# This is only possible if args weren't run through _normalize_version_args
if max_version is None and min_version is not None:
raise ValueError("Can't use None as an upper bound.")
# If the candidate is less than the min_version, it's
# not a match. None works here.
if min_version is not None and candidate < min_version:
return False
if max_version is not None and candidate > max_version:
# If the candidate is higher than the max_version, it's not a match.
# No max_version means no upper bound.
if max_version and candidate > max_version:
return False
return True
@ -633,7 +625,9 @@ class Discover(object):
return data
if _latest_soft_match(min_version, data['version']):
return data
if _version_between(min_version, max_version, data['version']):
# Only validate version bounds if versions were specified
if min_version and max_version and _version_between(
min_version, max_version, data['version']):
return data
# If there is no version requested and we could not find a matching
@ -1019,8 +1013,10 @@ class EndpointData(object):
except TypeError:
is_between = _version_between(min_version, max_version,
# `is_between` means version bounds were specified *and* the URL
# version is between them.
is_between = min_version and max_version and _version_between(
min_version, max_version, url_version)
exact_match = (is_between and max_version and
max_version[0] == url_version[0])
high_match = (is_between and max_version and

View File

@ -386,30 +386,61 @@ class DiscoverUtils(utils.TestCase):
def bad(minver, maxver, cand):
self.assertFalse(discover._version_between(minver, maxver, cand))
def exc(minver, maxver, cand):
def exc(excls, minver, maxver, cand):
discover._version_between, minver, maxver, cand)
# candidate required
exc(ValueError, (1, 0), (1, 0), None)
exc(ValueError, 'v1.0', '1.0', '')
# malformed candidate
exc(TypeError, None, None, 'bogus')
exc(TypeError, None, None, (1, 'two'))
# malformed min_version
exc(TypeError, 'bogus', None, (1, 0))
exc(TypeError, (1, 'two'), None, (1, 0))
# malformed max_version
exc(TypeError, None, 'bogus', (1, 0))
exc(TypeError, None, (1, 'two'), (1, 0))
# fail on minimum
bad((2, 4), None, (1, 55))
bad('v2.4', '', '2.3')
bad('latest', None, (2, 3000))
bad((2, discover.LATEST), '', 'v2.3000')
bad((2, 3000), '', (1, discover.LATEST))
bad('latest', None, 'v1000.latest')
# fail on maximum
bad(None, (2, 4), (2, 5))
bad('', 'v2.4', '2.5')
bad(None, (2, discover.LATEST), (3, 0))
bad('', '2000.latest', 'latest')
# candidate matches a bound
good((1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 0))
good('1.0', '2.9', '1.0')
good('v1.0', 'v2.9', 'v2.9')
# properly in between
good((1, 0), (1, 10), (1, 2))
good(None, (1, 10), (1, 2))
good((1, 20), (2, 0), (1, 21))
good((1, 0), (2, discover.LATEST), (1, 21))
good((1, 0), (2, discover.LATEST), (1, discover.LATEST))
good((1, 50), (2, discover.LATEST), (2, discover.LATEST))
bad((discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST),
(discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST), (1, 0))
bad(None, None, (1, 0))
bad((1, 50), (2, discover.LATEST), (3, 0))
bad((1, 50), (2, discover.LATEST), (3, discover.LATEST))
bad((1, 50), (2, 5), (2, discover.LATEST))
exc((1, 0), (1, 0), None)
exc('v1.0', (1, 0), (1, 0))
exc((1, 0), 'v1.0', (1, 0))
exc((1, 0), (1, 0), 'v1.0')
exc((1, 0), None, (1, 0))
good('1', '2', '1.2')
# no lower bound
good(None, (2, 5), (2, 3))
# no upper bound
good('2.5', '', '2.6')
# no bounds at all
good('', '', 'v1')
good(None, None, (999, 999))
good(None, None, 'latest')
# Various good 'latest' scenarios
good((discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST),
(discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST),
(discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST))
good((discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST), None,
(discover.LATEST, discover.LATEST))
good('', 'latest', 'latest')
good('2.latest', '3.latest', '3.0')
good('2.latest', None, (55, 66))
good(None, '3.latest', '3.9999')
class VersionDataTests(utils.TestCase):