# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from positional import positional from keystoneauth1 import _utils as utils __all__ = ('DiscoveryList', 'V2Discovery', 'V3Discovery', ) _DEFAULT_DAYS_AGO = 30 class DiscoveryBase(dict): """The basic version discovery structure. All version discovery elements should have access to these values. :param string id: The version id for this version entry. :param string status: The status of this entry. :param DateTime updated: When the API was last updated. """ @positional() def __init__(self, id, status=None, updated=None): super(DiscoveryBase, self).__init__() self.id = id self.status = status or 'stable' self.updated = updated or utils.before_utcnow(days=_DEFAULT_DAYS_AGO) @property def id(self): return self.get('id') @id.setter def id(self, value): self['id'] = value @property def status(self): return self.get('status') @status.setter def status(self, value): self['status'] = value @property def links(self): return self.setdefault('links', []) @property def updated_str(self): return self.get('updated') @updated_str.setter def updated_str(self, value): self['updated'] = value @property def updated(self): return utils.parse_isotime(self.updated_str) @updated.setter def updated(self, value): self.updated_str = value.isoformat() @positional() def add_link(self, href, rel='self', type=None): link = {'href': href, 'rel': rel} if type: link['type'] = type self.links.append(link) return link @property def media_types(self): return self.setdefault('media-types', []) @positional(1) def add_media_type(self, base, type): mt = {'base': base, 'type': type} self.media_types.append(mt) return mt class V2Discovery(DiscoveryBase): """A Version element for a V2 identity service endpoint. Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v2.0 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures. :param string href: The url that this entry should point to. :param string id: The version id that should be reported. (optional) Defaults to 'v2.0'. :param bool html: Add HTML describedby links to the structure. :param bool pdf: Add PDF describedby links to the structure. """ _DESC_URL = 'https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/identity/v2/' @positional() def __init__(self, href, id=None, html=True, pdf=True, **kwargs): super(V2Discovery, self).__init__(id or 'v2.0', **kwargs) self.add_link(href) if html: self.add_html_description() if pdf: self.add_pdf_description() def add_html_description(self): """Add the HTML described by links. The standard structure includes a link to a HTML document with the API specification. Add it to this entry. """ self.add_link(href=self._DESC_URL + 'content', rel='describedby', type='text/html') def add_pdf_description(self): """Add the PDF described by links. The standard structure includes a link to a PDF document with the API specification. Add it to this entry. """ self.add_link(href=self._DESC_URL + 'identity-dev-guide-2.0.pdf', rel='describedby', type='application/pdf') class V3Discovery(DiscoveryBase): """A Version element for a V3 identity service endpoint. Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v3 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures. :param href: The url that this entry should point to. :param string id: The version id that should be reported. (optional) Defaults to 'v3.0'. :param bool json: Add JSON media-type elements to the structure. :param bool xml: Add XML media-type elements to the structure. """ @positional() def __init__(self, href, id=None, json=True, xml=True, **kwargs): super(V3Discovery, self).__init__(id or 'v3.0', **kwargs) self.add_link(href) if json: self.add_json_media_type() if xml: self.add_xml_media_type() def add_json_media_type(self): """Add the JSON media-type links. The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add JSON to the list. """ self.add_media_type(base='application/json', type='application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json') def add_xml_media_type(self): """Add the XML media-type links. The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add XML to the list. """ self.add_media_type(base='application/xml', type='application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+xml') class DiscoveryList(dict): """A List of version elements. Creates a correctly structured list of identity service endpoints for use in testing with discovery. :param string href: The url that this should be based at. :param bool v2: Add a v2 element. :param bool v3: Add a v3 element. :param string v2_status: The status to use for the v2 element. :param DateTime v2_updated: The update time to use for the v2 element. :param bool v2_html: True to add a html link to the v2 element. :param bool v2_pdf: True to add a pdf link to the v2 element. :param string v3_status: The status to use for the v3 element. :param DateTime v3_updated: The update time to use for the v3 element. :param bool v3_json: True to add a html link to the v2 element. :param bool v3_xml: True to add a pdf link to the v2 element. """ TEST_URL = 'http://keystone.host:5000/' @positional(2) def __init__(self, href=None, v2=True, v3=True, v2_id=None, v3_id=None, v2_status=None, v2_updated=None, v2_html=True, v2_pdf=True, v3_status=None, v3_updated=None, v3_json=True, v3_xml=True): super(DiscoveryList, self).__init__(versions={'values': []}) href = href or self.TEST_URL if v2: v2_href = href.rstrip('/') + '/v2.0' self.add_v2(v2_href, id=v2_id, status=v2_status, updated=v2_updated, html=v2_html, pdf=v2_pdf) if v3: v3_href = href.rstrip('/') + '/v3' self.add_v3(v3_href, id=v3_id, status=v3_status, updated=v3_updated, json=v3_json, xml=v3_xml) @property def versions(self): return self['versions']['values'] def add_version(self, version): """Add a new version structure to the list. :param dict version: A new version structure to add to the list. """ self.versions.append(version) def add_v2(self, href, **kwargs): """Add a v2 version to the list. The parameters are the same as V2Discovery. """ obj = V2Discovery(href, **kwargs) self.add_version(obj) return obj def add_v3(self, href, **kwargs): """Add a v3 version to the list. The parameters are the same as V3Discovery. """ obj = V3Discovery(href, **kwargs) self.add_version(obj) return obj