We want to default to running all tox environments under python 3, so set the basepython value in each environment. We do not want to specify a minor version number, because we do not want to have to update the file every time we upgrade python. We do not want to set the override once in testenv, because that breaks the more specific versions used in default environments like py35 and py36. Change-Id: I2db130183c0a657b281e0990593fb86be6bef017 Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
95 lines
2.7 KiB
95 lines
2.7 KiB
minversion = 2.0
skipsdist = True
envlist = py35,py27,pep8,releasenotes
usedevelop = True
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps =
commands = stestr run {posargs}
whitelist_externals =
basepython = python3
commands =
# Run security linter
# B110: except: pass
# B410: importing etree
bandit -r keystoneauth1 -x tests -s B110,B410
basepython = python3
# NOTE(browne): This is required for the integration test job of the bandit
# project. Please do not remove.
commands = bandit -r keystoneauth1 -x tests -s B110,B410
basepython = python3
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python3
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run --source keystoneauth1 --parallel-mode
commands =
stestr run {posargs}
coverage combine
coverage html -d cover
coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
basepython = python3
commands = oslo_debug_helper -t keystoneauth1/tests {posargs}
# D100: Missing docstring in public module
# D101: Missing docstring in public class
# D102: Missing docstring in public method
# D103: Missing docstring in public function
# D104: Missing docstring in public package
# D203: 1 blank line required before class docstring (deprecated in pep257)
ignore = D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D203
# H106: Don’t put vim configuration in source files
# H203: Use assertIs(Not)None to check for None
show-source = True
exclude = .venv,.tox,dist,doc,*egg,build
import-order-style = pep8
application-import-names = keystoneauth1
basepython = python3
deps =
commands =
bash -c "rm -rf doc/build"
bash -c "rm -rf doc/source/api"
python setup.py build_sphinx
basepython = python3
deps =
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
local-check-factory = keystoneauth1.hacking.checks.factory
basepython = python3
deps =