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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import os
import six
import stevedore
from keystoneclient import exceptions
from keystoneclient.i18n import _
# NOTE(jamielennox): The AUTH_INTERFACE is a special value that can be
# requested from get_endpoint. If a plugin receives this as the value of
# 'interface' it should return the initial URL that was passed to the plugin.
PLUGIN_NAMESPACE = 'keystoneclient.auth.plugin'
def get_plugin_class(name):
"""Retrieve a plugin class by its entrypoint name.
:param str name: The name of the object to get.
:returns: An auth plugin class.
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneclient.auth.BaseAuthPlugin`
:raises keystoneclient.exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin: if a plugin cannot be
mgr = stevedore.DriverManager(namespace=PLUGIN_NAMESPACE,
except RuntimeError:
msg = _('The plugin %s could not be found') % name
raise exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin(msg)
return mgr.driver
class BaseAuthPlugin(object):
"""The basic structure of an authentication plugin."""
def get_token(self, session, **kwargs):
"""Obtain a token.
How the token is obtained is up to the plugin. If it is still valid
it may be re-used, retrieved from cache or invoke an authentication
request against a server.
There are no required kwargs. They are passed directly to the auth
plugin and they are implementation specific.
Returning None will indicate that no token was able to be retrieved.
:param session: A session object so the plugin can make HTTP calls.
:type session: keystoneclient.session.Session
:return: A token to use.
:rtype: string
def get_endpoint(self, session, **kwargs):
"""Return an endpoint for the client.
There are no required keyword arguments to ``get_endpoint`` as a plugin
implementation should use best effort with the information available to
determine the endpoint. However there are certain standard options that
will be generated by the clients and should be used by plugins:
- ``service_type``: what sort of service is required.
- ``service_name``: the name of the service in the catalog.
- ``interface``: what visibility the endpoint should have.
- ``region_name``: the region the endpoint exists in.
:param session: The session object that the auth_plugin belongs to.
:type session: keystoneclient.session.Session
:returns: The base URL that will be used to talk to the required
service or None if not available.
:rtype: string
def invalidate(self):
"""Invalidate the current authentication data.
This should result in fetching a new token on next call.
A plugin may be invalidated if an Unauthorized HTTP response is
returned to indicate that the token may have been revoked or is
otherwise now invalid.
:returns: True if there was something that the plugin did to
invalidate. This means that it makes sense to try again. If
nothing happens returns False to indicate give up.
:rtype: bool
return False
def get_user_id(self, session, **kwargs):
"""Return a unique user identifier of the plugin.
Wherever possible the user id should be inferred from the token however
there are certain URLs and other places that require access to the
currently authenticated user id.
:param session: A session object so the plugin can make HTTP calls.
:type session: keystoneclient.session.Session
:returns: A user identifier or None if one is not available.
:rtype: str
return None
def get_project_id(self, session, **kwargs):
"""Return the project id that we are authenticated to.
Wherever possible the project id should be inferred from the token
however there are certain URLs and other places that require access to
the currently authenticated project id.
:param session: A session object so the plugin can make HTTP calls.
:type session: keystoneclient.session.Session
:returns: A project identifier or None if one is not available.
:rtype: str
return None
def get_options(cls):
"""Return the list of parameters associated with the auth plugin.
This list may be used to generate CLI or config arguments.
:returns: A list of Param objects describing available plugin
:rtype: list
return []
def load_from_options(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create a plugin from the arguments retrieved from get_options.
A client can override this function to do argument validation or to
handle differences between the registered options and what is required
to create the plugin.
return cls(**kwargs)
def register_argparse_arguments(cls, parser):
"""Register the CLI options provided by a specific plugin.
Given a plugin class convert it's options into argparse arguments and
add them to a parser.
:param parser: the parser to attach argparse options.
:type parser: argparse.ArgumentParser
# NOTE(jamielennox): ideally oslo.config would be smart enough to
# handle all the Opt manipulation that goes on in this file. However it
# is currently not. Options are handled in as similar a way as
# possible to oslo.config such that when available we should be able to
# transition.
for opt in cls.get_options():
args = []
envs = []
for o in [opt] + opt.deprecated_opts:
args.append('--os-%s' %
envs.append('OS_%s' %'-', '_').upper())
# select the first ENV that is not false-y or return None
env_vars = (os.environ.get(e) for e in envs)
default =, env_vars), None)
default=default or opt.default,
dest='os_%s' % opt.dest)
def load_from_argparse_arguments(cls, namespace, **kwargs):
"""Load a specific plugin object from an argparse result.
Convert the results of a parse into the specified plugin.
:param namespace: The result from CLI parsing.
:type namespace: argparse.Namespace
:returns: An auth plugin, or None if a name is not provided.
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneclient.auth.BaseAuthPlugin`
for opt in cls.get_options():
val = getattr(namespace, 'os_%s' % opt.dest)
if val is not None:
val = opt.type(val)
kwargs.setdefault(opt.dest, val)
return cls.load_from_options(**kwargs)
def register_conf_options(cls, conf, group):
"""Register the oslo.config options that are needed for a plugin.
:param conf: A config object.
:type conf: oslo.config.cfg.ConfigOpts
:param string group: The group name that options should be read from.
plugin_opts = cls.get_options()
conf.register_opts(plugin_opts, group=group)
def load_from_conf_options(cls, conf, group, **kwargs):
"""Load the plugin from a CONF object.
Convert the options already registered into a real plugin.
:param conf: A config object.
:type conf: oslo.config.cfg.ConfigOpts
:param string group: The group name that options should be read from.
:returns: An authentication Plugin.
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneclient.auth.BaseAuthPlugin`
plugin_opts = cls.get_options()
for opt in plugin_opts:
val = conf[group][opt.dest]
if val is not None:
val = opt.type(val)
kwargs.setdefault(opt.dest, val)
return cls.load_from_options(**kwargs)