
26 lines
812 B

# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
# For generating sphinx documentation
doc8>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
openstackdocstheme>=2.2.1 # Apache-2.0
reno>=3.1.0 # Apache-2.0
sphinx>=2.0.0,!=2.1.0 # BSD
sphinxcontrib-apidoc>=0.2.0 # BSD
# PDF Docs
sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter>=0.1.0 # BSD
# For autodoc builds
oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
requests-mock>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0
testresources>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
python-memcached>=1.56 # PSF
WebTest>=2.0.27 # MIT
oslo.messaging>=5.29.0 # Apache-2.0
pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
keystoneauth1>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.cache>=1.26.0 # Apache-2.0
python-keystoneclient>=3.20.0 # Apache-2.0