Navid Pustchi 92983b1da8 Fix D401 PEP257 violation and enable H403
Currently tox ignores D401 and H403:
401: First line should be in imperative mood.
403: multi line docstrings should end on a new line

This change makes keystonemiddleware docstrings compliant with D401.
H403 is already passing, so this commit also enables it.

Change-Id: I9471721220c99f9c4ed055840ed626bb7750eb3f
2016-05-05 15:52:26 +00:00

222 lines
8.0 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Starting point for routing EC2 requests.
import hashlib
import logging
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import requests
import six
import webob.dec
from keystonemiddleware.i18n import _
keystone_ec2_opts = [
help='URL to get token from ec2 request.'),
help='Required if EC2 server requires client certificate.'),
help='Client certificate key filename. Required if EC2 server '
'requires client certificate.'),
help='A PEM encoded certificate authority to use when '
'verifying HTTPS connections. Defaults to the system '
cfg.BoolOpt('insecure', default=False,
help='Disable SSL certificate verification.'),
CONF.register_opts(keystone_ec2_opts, group='keystone_ec2_token')
PROTOCOL_NAME = 'EC2 Token Authentication'
class EC2Token(object):
"""Authenticate an EC2 request with keystone and convert to token."""
def __init__(self, application, conf):
super(EC2Token, self).__init__()
self._application = application
self._logger = logging.getLogger(conf.get('log_name', __name__))
self._logger.debug('Starting the %s component', PROTOCOL_NAME)
def _ec2_error_response(self, code, message):
"""Helper to construct an EC2 compatible error message."""
self._logger.debug('EC2 error response: %(code)s: %(message)s',
{'code': code, 'message': message})
resp = webob.Response()
resp.status = 400
resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
error_msg = str('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
'<Message>%s</Message></Error></Errors></Response>' %
(code, message))
if six.PY3:
error_msg = error_msg.encode()
resp.body = error_msg
return resp
def _get_signature(self, req):
"""Extract the signature from the request.
This can be a get/post variable or for version 4 also in a header
called 'Authorization'.
- params['Signature'] == version 0,1,2,3
- params['X-Amz-Signature'] == version 4
- header 'Authorization' == version 4
sig = req.params.get('Signature') or req.params.get('X-Amz-Signature')
if sig is None and 'Authorization' in req.headers:
auth_str = req.headers['Authorization']
sig = auth_str.partition("Signature=")[2].split(',')[0]
return sig
def _get_access(self, req):
"""Extract the access key identifier.
For version 0/1/2/3 this is passed as the AccessKeyId parameter, for
version 4 it is either an X-Amz-Credential parameter or a Credential=
field in the 'Authorization' header string.
access = req.params.get('AWSAccessKeyId')
if access is None:
cred_param = req.params.get('X-Amz-Credential')
if cred_param:
access = cred_param.split("/")[0]
if access is None and 'Authorization' in req.headers:
auth_str = req.headers['Authorization']
cred_str = auth_str.partition("Credential=")[2].split(',')[0]
access = cred_str.split("/")[0]
return access
def __call__(self, req):
# NOTE(alevine): We need to calculate the hash here because
# subsequent access to request modifies the req.body so the hash
# calculation will yield invalid results.
body_hash = hashlib.sha256(req.body).hexdigest()
signature = self._get_signature(req)
if not signature:
msg = _("Signature not provided")
return self._ec2_error_response("AuthFailure", msg)
access = self._get_access(req)
if not access:
msg = _("Access key not provided")
return self._ec2_error_response("AuthFailure", msg)
if 'X-Amz-Signature' in req.params or 'Authorization' in req.headers:
auth_params = {}
# Make a copy of args for authentication and signature verification
auth_params = dict(req.params)
# Not part of authentication args
auth_params.pop('Signature', None)
headers = req.headers
if six.PY3:
# NOTE(andrey-mp): jsonutils dumps it as list of keys without
# conversion instead real dict
headers = {k: headers[k] for k in headers}
cred_dict = {
'access': access,
'signature': signature,
'verb': req.method,
'path': req.path,
'params': auth_params,
'headers': headers,
'body_hash': body_hash
if "ec2" in CONF.keystone_ec2_token.url:
creds = {'ec2Credentials': cred_dict}
creds = {'auth': {'OS-KSEC2:ec2Credentials': cred_dict}}
creds_json = jsonutils.dumps(creds)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
verify = not CONF.keystone_ec2_token.insecure
if verify and CONF.keystone_ec2_token.cafile:
verify = CONF.keystone_ec2_token.cafile
cert = None
if (CONF.keystone_ec2_token.certfile and
cert = (CONF.keystone_ec2_certfile,
elif CONF.keystone_ec2_token.certfile:
cert = CONF.keystone_ec2_token.certfile
response = requests.request('POST', CONF.keystone_ec2_token.url,
data=creds_json, headers=headers,
verify=verify, cert=cert)
# NOTE(vish): We could save a call to keystone by
# having keystone return token, tenant,
# user, and roles from this call.
status_code = response.status_code
if status_code != 200:
msg = _('Error response from keystone: %s') % response.reason
return self._ec2_error_response("AuthFailure", msg)
result = response.json()
if 'token' in result:
# NOTE(andrey-mp): response from keystone v3
token_id = response.headers['x-subject-token']
token_id = result['access']['token']['id']
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
msg = _("Failure parsing response from keystone")
return self._ec2_error_response("AuthFailure", msg)
# Authenticated!
req.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token_id
return self._application
def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
"""Return a WSGI filter app for use with paste.deploy."""
conf = global_conf.copy()
def auth_filter(app):
return EC2Token(app, conf)
return auth_filter
def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
conf = global_conf.copy()
return EC2Token(None, conf)