# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : require "ipaddr" # Check for required plugin(s) ['vagrant-hostmanager'].each do |plugin| unless Vagrant.has_plugin?(plugin) raise "#{plugin} plugin not found. Please install it via 'vagrant plugin install #{plugin}'" end end class VagrantConfigMissing < StandardError end vagrant_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) # Vagrantfile.custom contains user customization for the Vagrantfile # You shouldn't have to edit the Vagrantfile, ever. if File.exists?(File.join(vagrant_dir, 'Vagrantfile.custom')) eval(IO.read(File.join(vagrant_dir, 'Vagrantfile.custom')), binding) end # Either libvirt or virtualbox PROVIDER ||= "libvirt" # Either centos or ubuntu DISTRO ||= "centos" # The libvirt graphics_ip used for each guest. Only applies if PROVIDER # is libvirt. GRAPHICSIP ||= "" # The bootstrap.sh provision_script requires CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 15.10. # Provisioning other boxes than the default ones may therefore # require changes to bootstrap.sh. PROVISION_SCRIPT ||= "bootstrap.sh" PROVIDER_DEFAULTS ||= { libvirt: { centos: { base_image: "centos/7", bridge_interface: "virbr0", vagrant_shared_folder: "/home/vagrant/sync", sync_method: "nfs", kolla_path: "/home/vagrant/kolla" } }, virtualbox: { centos: { base_image: "puppetlabs/centos-7.0-64-puppet", bridge_interface: "wlp3s0b1", vagrant_shared_folder: "/home/vagrant/sync", sync_method: "virtualbox", kolla_path: "/home/vagrant/kolla" }, ubuntu: { base_image: "ubuntu/wily64", bridge_interface: "wlp3s0b1", vagrant_shared_folder: "/home/vagrant/sync", sync_method: "virtualbox", kolla_path: "/home/vagrant/kolla" } } } # Whether the host network adapter is Wi-Fi. # On VirtualBox, the user must first manually create a NAT-Network # named "OSNetwork". The default network CIDR must be changed. # The Neutron external interface will be connected to this Network. WIFI = false unless self.class.const_defined?(:WIFI) # Whether to do Multi-node or All-in-One deployment MULTINODE = false unless self.class.const_defined?(:MULTINODE) # The following is only used when deploying in Multi-nodes NUMBER_OF_CONTROL_NODES ||= 3 NUMBER_OF_COMPUTE_NODES ||= 1 NUMBER_OF_STORAGE_NODES ||= 1 NUMBER_OF_NETWORK_NODES ||= 1 NODE_SETTINGS ||= { aio: { cpus: 4, memory: 4096 }, operator: { cpus: 1, memory: 1024 }, control: { cpus: 1, memory: 2048 }, compute: { cpus: 1, memory: 1024 }, storage: { cpus: 1, memory: 1024 }, network: { cpus: 1, memory: 1024 } } # Configure a new SSH key and config so the operator is able to connect with # the other cluster nodes. unless File.file?(File.join(vagrant_dir, 'vagrantkey')) system("ssh-keygen -f #{File.join(vagrant_dir, 'vagrantkey')} -N '' -C this-is-vagrant") end def get_default(setting) PROVIDER_DEFAULTS[PROVIDER.to_sym][DISTRO.to_sym][setting] rescue raise VagrantConfigMissing, "Missing configuration for PROVIDER_DEFAULTS[#{PROVIDER}][#{DISTRO}][#{setting}]" end def get_setting(node, setting) NODE_SETTINGS[node][setting] rescue raise VagrantConfigMissing, "Missing configuration for NODE_SETTINGS[#{node}][#{setting}]" end def configure_wifi_vbox_networking(vm) # Even if adapters 1 & 2 don't need to be modified, if the order is to be # maintained, some modification has to be done to them. This will maintain # the association inside the guest OS: NIC1 -> eth0, NIC2 -> eth1, NIC3 -> # eht2. The modifications for adapters 1 & 2 only change optional properties. # Adapter 3 is enabled and connected to the NAT-Network named "OSNetwork", # while also changing its optional properties. Since adapter 3 is used by # Neutron for the external network, promiscuous mode is set to "allow-all". # Also, use virtio as the adapter type, for better performance. vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype1", "virtio"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cableconnected1", "on"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nicpromisc2", "deny"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype2", "virtio"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cableconnected2", "on"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic3", "natnetwork"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nat-network3", "OSNetwork"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nicpromisc3", "allow-all"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype3", "virtio"] vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cableconnected3", "on"] end def configure_wifi_if_enabled(vm) if WIFI case PROVIDER when "virtualbox" configure_wifi_vbox_networking(vm) # TODO(lucian-serb): Configure networking on Wi-Fi for other hypervisors. # when "libvirt" # configure_wifi_libvirt_networking(vm) end end end Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = get_default(:base_image) # Next to the hostonly NAT-network there is a host-only network with all # nodes attached. Plus, each node receives a 3rd adapter connected to the # outside public network. config.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp" # On VirtualBox hosts with Wi-Fi, do not create a public bridged interface. # A NAT-Network will be used instead. # TODO(lucian-serb): Do the same for other hypervisors as well? unless PROVIDER == "virtualbox" && WIFI config.vm.network "public_network", dev: get_default(:bridge_interface), mode: 'bridge', type: 'bridge' end my_privatekey = File.read(File.join(vagrant_dir, "vagrantkey")) my_publickey = File.read(File.join(vagrant_dir, "vagrantkey.pub")) config.vm.provision :shell, inline: <<-EOS mkdir -p /root/.ssh echo '#{my_privatekey}' > /root/.ssh/id_rsa chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa echo '#{my_publickey}' > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys echo '#{my_publickey}' > /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub chmod 644 /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub mkdir -p /home/vagrant/.ssh echo '#{my_privatekey}' >> /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa chmod 600 /home/vagrant/.ssh/* echo 'Host *' > ~vagrant/.ssh/config echo StrictHostKeyChecking no >> ~vagrant/.ssh/config chown -R vagrant: /home/vagrant/.ssh EOS config.hostmanager.enabled = true # Make sure hostmanager picks IP address of eth1 config.hostmanager.ip_resolver = proc do |vm, resolving_vm| case PROVIDER when "libvirt" if vm.name `python newest_dhcp_lease.py #{vm.name}`.chop end when "virtualbox" if vm.id `VBoxManage guestproperty get #{vm.id} "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/1/V4/IP"`.split()[1] end end end # The operator controls the deployment config.vm.define "operator", primary: true do |admin| admin.vm.hostname = "operator.local" admin.vm.provision :shell, path: PROVISION_SCRIPT, args: "operator #{MULTINODE ? 'multinode' : 'aio'} #{get_default(:kolla_path)}" admin.vm.synced_folder File.join(vagrant_dir, '..', '..'), get_default(:kolla_path), create:"True", type: get_default(:sync_method) admin.vm.synced_folder File.join(vagrant_dir, 'storage', 'operator'), "/data/host", create:"True", type: get_default(:sync_method) admin.vm.synced_folder File.join(vagrant_dir, 'storage', 'shared'), "/data/shared", create:"True", type: get_default(:sync_method) admin.vm.synced_folder ".", get_default(:vagrant_shared_folder), disabled: true admin.vm.provider PROVIDER do |vm| vm.memory = MULTINODE ? get_setting(:operator, :memory) : get_setting(:aio, :memory) vm.cpus = MULTINODE ? get_setting(:operator, :cpus) : get_setting(:aio, :cpus) if PROVIDER == "libvirt" vm.graphics_ip = GRAPHICSIP end configure_wifi_if_enabled(vm) end admin.hostmanager.aliases = "operator" end if MULTINODE ['compute', 'storage', 'network', 'control'].each do |node_type| (1..self.class.const_get("NUMBER_OF_#{node_type.upcase}_NODES")).each do |i| hostname = "#{node_type}0#{i}" config.vm.define hostname do |node| node.vm.hostname = "#{hostname}.local" node.vm.provision :shell, path: PROVISION_SCRIPT, args: "#{hostname} multinode #{get_default(:kolla_path)}" node.vm.synced_folder File.join(vagrant_dir, 'storage', node_type), "/data/host", create:"True", type: get_default(:sync_method) node.vm.synced_folder File.join(vagrant_dir, 'storage', 'shared'), "/data/shared", create:"True", type: get_default(:sync_method) node.vm.synced_folder ".", get_default(:vagrant_shared_folder), disabled: true node.vm.provider PROVIDER do |vm| vm.memory = get_setting(node_type.to_sym, :memory) vm.cpus = get_setting(node_type.to_sym, :cpus) if PROVIDER == "libvirt" vm.graphics_ip = GRAPHICSIP end configure_wifi_if_enabled(vm) end node.hostmanager.aliases = hostname end end end end end