# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # This file is an example of Vagrant configuration. # Copy it to Vagrantfile.custom and configure it to your liking to customize # the Vagrant deployment. The Vagrantfile.custom file is sourced by the # Vagrantfile, it has to be valid ruby code. # Either libvirt or virtualbox # PROVIDER = "libvirt" # Either centos or ubuntu # DISTRO = "centos" # The libvirt graphics_ip used for each guest. Only applies if PROVIDER # is libvirt. # GRAPHICSIP = "" # PROVIDER_DEFAULTS = { # libvirt: { # centos: { # base_image: "centos/7", # bridge_interface: "virbr0", # vagrant_shared_folder: "/home/vagrant/sync", # sync_method: "nfs", # provision_script: "centos-bootstrap.sh", # kolla_path: "/home/vagrant/kolla" # } # }, # virtualbox: { # centos: { # base_image: "puppetlabs/centos-7.0-64-puppet", # bridge_interface: "wlp3s0b1", # vagrant_shared_folder: "/home/vagrant/sync", # sync_method: "virtualbox", # provision_script: "centos-bootstrap.sh", # kolla_path: "/home/vagrant/kolla" # }, # ubuntu: { # base_image: "ubuntu/wily64", # bridge_interface: "wlp3s0b1", # vagrant_shared_folder: "/home/vagrant/sync", # sync_method: "virtualbox", # provision_script: "ubuntu-bootstrap.sh", # kolla_path: "/home/vagrant/kolla" # } # } # } # Whether to do Multi-node or All-in-One deployment # MULTINODE = false # The following is only used when deploying in Multi-nodes # NUMBER_OF_CONTROL_NODES = 3 # NUMBER_OF_COMPUTE_NODES = 1 # NUMBER_OF_STORAGE_NODES = 1 # NUMBER_OF_NETWORK_NODES = 1 # NODE_SETTINGS = { # aio: { # cpus: 4, # memory: 4096 # }, # operator: { # cpus: 1, # memory: 1024 # }, # control: { # cpus: 1, # memory: 2048 # }, # compute: { # cpus: 1, # memory: 1024 # }, # storage: { # cpus: 1, # memory: 1024 # }, # network: { # cpus: 1, # memory: 1024 # } # }