#!/bin/bash set -o xtrace set -o errexit # Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins. export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 source /etc/nodepool/provider NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=${NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST:-mirror.$NODEPOOL_REGION.$NODEPOOL_CLOUD.openstack.org} NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=$(echo $NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') NODEPOOL_PYPI_MIRROR=${NODEPOOL_PYPI_MIRROR:-http://$NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST/pypi/simple} # Just for mandre :) if [[ ! -f /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins ]]; then echo "jenkins ALL=(:docker) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins fi function setup_config { # generate the config tox -e genconfig # Copy configs sudo cp -a etc/kolla /etc/ # Generate passwords sudo tools/generate_passwords.py # Use Infra provided pypi. # Wheel package mirror may be not compatible. So do not enable it. PIP_CONF=$(mktemp) cat > ${PIP_CONF} < /etc/pip.conf" | sudo tee /etc/kolla/header rm ${PIP_CONF} sed -i 's|^#include_header.*|include_header = /etc/kolla/header|' /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf if [[ "${DISTRO}" == "Debian" ]]; then # Infra does not sign thier mirrors so we ignore gpg signing in the gate echo "RUN echo 'APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated \"true\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf" | sudo tee -a /etc/kolla/header # Optimize the repos to take advantage of the Infra provided mirrors for Ubuntu sed -i 's|^#apt_sources_list.*|apt_sources_list = /etc/kolla/sources.list|' /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/kolla/sources.list sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list.available.d/ceph-deb-hammer.list | sudo tee -a /etc/kolla/sources.list sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list.available.d/ubuntu-cloud-archive.list | sudo tee -a /etc/kolla/sources.list # Append non-infra provided repos to list cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/kolla/sources.list deb http://nyc2.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.0/ubuntu trusty main deb http://repo.percona.com/apt trusty main deb http://packages.elastic.co/elasticsearch/2.x/debian stable main deb http://packages.elastic.co/kibana/4.4/debian stable main EOF fi } function detect_distro { DISTRO=$(ansible all -i "localhost," -msetup -clocal | awk -F\" '/ansible_os_family/ {print $4}') } # NOTE(sdake): This works around broken nodepool on systems with only one # private interface # The big regex checks for IP addresses in the file function setup_workaround_broken_nodepool { if [[ `grep -E -o "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)" /etc/nodepool/node_private | wc -l` -eq 0 ]]; then cp /etc/nodepool/node /etc/nodepool/node_private cp /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private fi } function setup_ssh { # Generate a new keypair that Ansible will use ssh-keygen -f /home/jenkins/.ssh/kolla -N '' cat /home/jenkins/.ssh/kolla.pub >> /home/jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys # Push the public key around to all of the nodes for ip in $(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private); do scp /home/jenkins/.ssh/kolla.pub ${ip}:/home/jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys # TODO(SamYaple): Remove this root key pushing once Kolla doesn't # require root anymore. ssh ${ip} -i /home/jenkins/.ssh/kolla 'sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh; sudo cp /home/jenkins/.ssh/* /root/.ssh/' done # From now on use the new IdentityFile for connecting to other hosts echo "IdentityFile /home/jenkins/.ssh/kolla" >> /home/jenkins/.ssh/config } function setup_inventory { local counter=0 echo -e "\tlocalhost" > /tmp/hosts for ip in $(cat /etc/nodepool/{node_private,sub_nodes_private}); do : $((counter++)) # FIXME(jeffrey4l): do not set two hostnames in oneline. this is a # wordround fix for the rabbitmq failed when deploy on CentOS in the CI # gate. the ideal fix should set the hostname in setup_gate.sh script. # But it do not work as expect with unknown reason echo -e "${ip}\tnode${counter}" >> /tmp/hosts echo -e "${ip}\t$(ssh ${ip} hostname)" >> /tmp/hosts echo "node${counter}" >> ${RAW_INVENTORY} done sudo chown root: /tmp/hosts sudo chmod 644 /tmp/hosts sudo mv /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts } function setup_ansible { RAW_INVENTORY=/tmp/kolla/raw_inventory mkdir /tmp/kolla # TODO(SamYaple): Move to virtualenv sudo -H pip install -U "ansible>=2" "docker-py>=1.6.0" "python-openstackclient" "python-neutronclient" detect_distro setup_inventory # Record the running state of the environment as seen by the setup module ansible all -i ${RAW_INVENTORY} -m setup > /tmp/logs/ansible/initial-setup } function setup_node { ansible-playbook -i ${RAW_INVENTORY} tools/setup_nodes.yml } function setup_logging { # This directory is the directory that is copied with the devstack-logs # publisher. It must exist at /home/jenkins/workspace//logs mkdir logs # For ease of access we symlink that logs directory to a known path ln -s $(pwd)/logs /tmp/logs mkdir -p /tmp/logs/{ansible,build,kolla,kolla_configs,system_logs} } setup_logging tools/dump_info.sh setup_workaround_broken_nodepool setup_ssh setup_ansible setup_node setup_config