#!/bin/bash set -o xtrace set -o errexit export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" export KOLLA_BASE=$1 export KOLLA_TYPE=$2 export KEEPALIVED_VIRTUAL_ROUTER_ID=$(shuf -i 1-255 -n 1) function copy_logs { cp -rnL /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/* /tmp/logs/kolla/ cp -rnL /etc/kolla/* /tmp/logs/kolla_configs/ cp -rvnL /var/log/* /tmp/logs/system_logs/ if [[ -x "$(command -v journalctl)" ]]; then journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service > /tmp/logs/system_logs/docker.log else cp /var/log/upstart/docker.log /tmp/logs/system_logs/docker.log fi # NOTE(SamYaple): Fix permissions for log extraction in gate chmod -R 777 /tmp/logs/kolla /tmp/logs/kolla_configs /tmp/logs/system_logs } function sanity_check { # Wait for service ready sleep 15 source /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh # TODO(Jeffrey4l): Restart the memcached container to cleanup all cache. # Remove this after this bug is fixed # https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.cache/+bug/1590779 docker restart memcached nova --debug service-list neutron --debug agent-list tools/init-runonce nova --debug boot --poll --image $(openstack image list | awk '/cirros/ {print $2}') --nic net-id=$(openstack network list | awk '/demo-net/ {print $2}') --flavor 1 kolla_boot_test nova --debug list # If the status is not ACTIVE, print info and exit 1 nova --debug show kolla_boot_test | awk '{buf=buf"\n"$0} $2=="status" && $4!="ACTIVE" {failed="yes"}; END {if (failed=="yes") {print buf; exit 1}}' } function check_failure { # Command failures after this point can be expected set +o errexit docker ps -a failed_containers=$(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" --filter status=exited) for failed in ${failed_containers}; do docker logs --tail all ${failed} done copy_logs } function write_configs { mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config PRIVATE_ADDRESS=$(cat /etc/nodepool/node_private) PRIVATE_INTERFACE=$(ip -4 --oneline address | awk -v pattern=${PRIVATE_ADDRESS} '$0 ~ pattern {print $2}') cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/globals.yml --- kolla_base_distro: "${KOLLA_BASE}" kolla_install_type: "${KOLLA_TYPE}" kolla_internal_vip_address: "" keepalived_virtual_router_id: "${KEEPALIVED_VIRTUAL_ROUTER_ID}" docker_restart_policy: "never" network_interface: "${PRIVATE_INTERFACE}" neutron_external_interface: "fake_interface" enable_horizon: "no" enable_heat: "no" openstack_logging_debug: "True" EOF mkdir /etc/kolla/config/nova cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf [libvirt] virt_type=qemu EOF cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/nova.conf [DEFAULT] osapi_compute_workers = 1 [conductor] workers = 1 EOF cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/glance.conf [DEFAULT] workers = 1 EOF cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/neutron.conf [DEFAULT] api_workers = 1 metadata_workers = 1 EOF } trap check_failure EXIT write_configs # Create dummy interface for neutron ip l a fake_interface type dummy # Actually do the deployment tools/kolla-ansible -vvv prechecks # TODO(jeffrey4l): add pull action when we have a local registry # service in CI tools/kolla-ansible -vvv deploy tools/kolla-ansible -vvv post-deploy # Test OpenStack Environment sanity_check # TODO(jeffrey4l): make some configure file change and # trigger a real reconfigure tools/kolla-ansible -vvv reconfigure # TODO(jeffrey4l): need run a real upgrade tools/kolla-ansible -vvv upgrade