#!/bin/bash # Test deployment of magnum, octavia and designate. set -o xtrace set -o errexit # Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins. export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 function test_magnum_clusters { openstack coe cluster list openstack coe cluster template list } function test_octavia { openstack loadbalancer list } function test_designate { # Smoke test. openstack zone list --all # Create a default zone for fixed and floating IPs, then reconfigure nova # and neutron to use it. openstack zone create --email admin@example.org example.org. ZONE_ID=$(openstack zone show example.org. -f value -c id) mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/designate/ cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/designate/designate-sink.conf [handler:nova_fixed] zone_id = ${ZONE_ID} [handler:neutron_floatingip] zone_id = ${ZONE_ID} EOF RAW_INVENTORY=/etc/kolla/inventory kolla-ansible -i ${RAW_INVENTORY} --tags designate -vvv reconfigure &> /tmp/logs/ansible/reconfigure-designate # Create an instance, and check that its name resolves. openstack server create --wait --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --key-name mykey --network demo-net dns-test --wait attempt=1 while true; do IP=$(dig +short @ dns-test.example.org. A) if [[ -n $IP ]]; then break fi attempt=$((attempt+1)) if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then echo "Failed to resolve dns-test.example.org." openstack recordset list ${ZONE_ID} exit 1 fi sleep 10 done } function test_magnum_logged { . /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh . ~/openstackclient-venv/bin/activate test_magnum_clusters test_octavia test_designate } function test_magnum { echo "Testing Magnum, Octavia and Designate" test_magnum_logged > /tmp/logs/ansible/test-magnum 2>&1 result=$? if [[ $result != 0 ]]; then echo "Testing Magnum, Octavia and Designate failed. See ansible/test-magnum for details" else echo "Successfully tested Magnum, Octavia and Designate . See ansible/test-magnum for details" fi return $result } test_magnum