The format for the Logstash Kafka output plugin worker count is integer in Logstash 2 and string in Logstash 5. Since we have downgraded Logstash we need to switch formats here. Change-Id: I98113dda05bbb44410916c27d7d3bcd59a034a98 Partially-Implements: blueprint monasca-roles
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# This config file is used to generate Monasca metrics from logs ingested
# by the Monasca Log API. Alarms and notifications can then be set to alert
# users when a particular log message is ingested. This example config file
# generates metrics for all logs which have a log level which isn't
# debug, trace or info level. A user may want to apply additional logic to
# generate special metrics when particular log messages are ingested. For
# example, if HAProxy fails over, file system corruption is detected or
# other scenarios of interest.
input {
kafka {
zk_connect => "{{ monasca_zookeeper_servers }}"
topic_id => "{{ monasca_transformed_logs_topic }}"
group_id => "log_metrics"
consumer_id => "log_metrics_{{ ansible_hostname }}"
consumer_threads => "{{ monasca_log_pipeline_threads }}"
filter {
# Drop everything we don't want to create metrics for.
if ![log][dimensions][log_level] or [log][dimensions][log_level] in [ "debug", "trace", "info" ] {
drop {
# Generate a metric name based on the program and log level
mutate {
add_field => { "[metric][name]" => "log.%{[log][dimensions][programname]}.%{[log][dimensions][log_level]}" }
# Form the metric structure.
mutate {
add_field => { "[metric][value]" => 1 }
rename => { "[log][dimensions]" => "[metric][dimensions]" }
rename => { "[metric][dimensions][Hostname]" => "[metric][dimensions][hostname]" }
rename => { "[metric][dimensions][programname]" => "[metric][dimensions][service]" }
mutate {
convert => { "[metric][value]" => "float" }
# Convert the timestamp of the event to milliseconds since epoch.
ruby {
code => "event['metric']['timestamp'] = event['@timestamp'].to_i * 1000"
# Clean up any fields which aren't required from the new metric to save space
mutate {
remove_field => ["[metric][dimensions][log_level]",
output {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "{{ monasca_kafka_servers }}"
topic_id => "{{ monasca_metrics_topic }}"
client_id => "log_metrics_{{ ansible_hostname }}"
workers => {{ monasca_log_pipeline_threads|int }}