kollacli.common.ansible package


kollacli.common.ansible.actions module

kollacli.common.ansible.actions.deploy(hostnames=[], serial_flag=False, verbose_level=1, servicenames=[])[source]
kollacli.common.ansible.actions.destroy_hosts(hostnames, destroy_type, verbose_level=1, include_data=False, remove_images=False)[source]

destroy containers on a set of hosts.

The containers on the specified hosts will be stopped or killed.

kollacli.common.ansible.actions.precheck(hostnames, verbose_level=1)[source]

run check playbooks on a set of hosts

kollacli.common.ansible.actions.stop_hosts(hostnames=[], verbose_level=1)[source]

stop containers on a set of hosts.

The containers on the specified hosts will be stopped or killed if the stop takes over 20 seconds.

kollacli.common.ansible.actions.upgrade(verbose_level=1, servicenames=[])[source]

kollacli.common.ansible.job module

class kollacli.common.ansible.job.AnsibleJob(cmd, deploy_id, print_output, inventory_path)[source]

Bases: object

class for running ansible commands


get command output

get final output text from command execution


“get error message


get process status

status: - None: running - 0: done, success - 1: done, error - 2: done, killed by user

json_load(string_var, raise_on_err=False)[source]

kill job in progress

The process pid is owned by root, so that is not killable. Need to kill all its children.


wait for job to complete

return status of job (see get_status for status values)

kollacli.common.ansible.playbook module

class kollacli.common.ansible.playbook.AnsiblePlaybook[source]

Bases: object

deploy_id = None
extra_vars = ''
flush_cache = True
groups = None
hosts = None
ignore_error_strings = None
include_passwords = True
inventory = None
playbook_path = ''
print_output = True
serial = False
services = None
verbose_level = 0

Module contents