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# Copyright(c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from common import KollaCliTest
from kollacli.common.inventory import Inventory
from kollacli.common.inventory import SERVICES
import json
import os
import tarfile
import unittest
class TestFunctional(KollaCliTest):
def test_json_generator(self):
self.run_cli_cmd('setdeploy local')
host1 = 'host_test1'
self.run_cli_cmd('host add %s' % host1)
inventory = Inventory.load()
path = inventory.create_json_gen_file()
(retval, msg) = self.run_command(path)
self.assertEqual(0, retval, 'json generator command failed: %s' % msg)
self.assertNotEqual('', msg, 'json generator returned no data: %s'
% msg)
self.assertIn(host1, msg, '%s not in json_gen output: %s'
% (host1, msg))
for service, subservices in SERVICES.items():
self.assertIn(service, msg, '%s not in json_gen output: %s'
% (service, msg))
for subservice in subservices:
self.assertIn(subservice, msg, '%s not in json_gen output: %s'
% (subservice, msg))
# verify that json output is valid. This will throw if invalid json
except Exception:
self.assertTrue(False, 'invalid json: %s' % msg)
remote_msg = '"ansible_ssh_user": "kolla"'
local_msg = '"ansible_connection": "local"'
# verify that setdeploy local worked:
self.assertIn(local_msg, msg, '%s not in local json_gen output: %s'
% (local_msg, msg))
self.assertNotIn(remote_msg, msg, '%s in local json_gen output: %s'
% (remote_msg, msg))
# verify that setdeploy remote worked:
self.run_cli_cmd('setdeploy remote')
inventory = Inventory.load()
path = inventory.create_json_gen_file()
(retval, msg) = self.run_command(path)
self.assertEqual(0, retval, 'json generator command failed: %s' % msg)
self.assertIn(remote_msg, msg, '%s not in remote json_gen output: %s'
% (remote_msg, msg))
self.assertNotIn(local_msg, msg, '%s in remote json_gen output: %s'
% (local_msg, msg))
def test_json_filtering(self):
hosts = ['host_test1', 'host_test2', 'host_test3']
groups = ['control', 'network', 'storage']
for host in hosts:
self.run_cli_cmd('host add %s' % host)
for group in groups:
self.run_cli_cmd('group addhost %s %s' % (group, host))
inventory = Inventory.load()
# filter by host- include all hosts
inv_filter = {'deploy_hosts': hosts}
path = inventory.create_json_gen_file(inv_filter)
self.log.info('run command: %s' % path)
(retval, msg) = self.run_command(path)
self.assertEqual(0, retval, 'json generator command failed: %s' % msg)
self.check_json(msg, groups, hosts, groups, hosts)
# filter by host- to first host
included_host = hosts[0]
inv_filter = {'deploy_hosts': [included_host]}
path = inventory.create_json_gen_file(inv_filter)
self.log.info('run command: %s' % path)
(retval, msg) = self.run_command(path)
self.assertEqual(0, retval, 'json generator command failed: %s' % msg)
self.check_json(msg, groups, hosts, groups, [included_host])
# filter by group- include all groups
inv_filter = {'deploy_groups': groups}
path = inventory.create_json_gen_file(inv_filter)
self.log.info('run command: %s' % path)
(retval, msg) = self.run_command(path)
self.assertEqual(0, retval, 'json generator command failed: %s' % msg)
self.check_json(msg, groups, hosts, groups, hosts)
# filter by group- to first group
included_group = groups[0]
inv_filter = {'deploy_groups': [included_group]}
path = inventory.create_json_gen_file(inv_filter)
self.log.info('run command: %s' % path)
(retval, msg) = self.run_command(path)
self.assertEqual(0, retval, 'json generator command failed: %s' % msg)
self.check_json(msg, groups, hosts, [included_group], hosts)
def test_deploy(self):
# test will start with no hosts in the inventory
# deploy will throw an exception if it fails
self.run_cli_cmd('deploy --serial')
self.run_cli_cmd('deploy --groups=control')
def test_dump(self):
check_files = [
# dump success output is:
# dump successful to /tmp/kollacli_dump_Umxu6d.tgz
dump_path = None
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('dump')
self.assertIn('/', msg, 'path not found in dump output: %s' % msg)
dump_path = '/' + msg.strip().split('/', 1)[1]
is_file = os.path.isfile(dump_path)
'dump file not found at %s' % dump_path)
file_paths = []
with tarfile.open(dump_path, 'r') as tar:
file_paths = tar.getnames()
for check_file in check_files:
self.assertIn(check_file, file_paths,
'dump: check file: %s, not in files:\n%s'
% (check_file, file_paths))
except Exception as e:
raise e
if dump_path and os.path.exists(dump_path):
def check_json(self, msg, groups, hosts, included_groups, included_hosts):
err_msg = ('included groups: %s\n' % included_groups +
'included hosts: %s\n' % included_hosts)
inv_dict = json.loads(msg)
for group in groups:
group_hosts = inv_dict[group]['hosts']
for host in hosts:
if group in included_groups and host in included_hosts:
self.assertIn(host, group_hosts, err_msg +
'%s not in %s' % (host, group_hosts))
self.assertNotIn(host, group_hosts, err_msg +
'%s still in %s' % (host, group_hosts))
if __name__ == '__main__':