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# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import unittest
import kolla_cli.api.properties
from kolla_cli.api.client import ClientApi
from kolla_cli.tests.functional.common import KollaCliTest
CLIENT = ClientApi()
class TestFunctional(KollaCliTest):
def test_config_reset(self):
# test global property reset
# set a property and make sure it was set correctly
property_dict = {'test': 'test'}
fetched_properties = CLIENT.property_get()
fetched_dict = self._properties_to_dict(fetched_properties)
self.assertIs(self._in_dict(property_dict, fetched_dict), True,
'property set failed')
# now clear the config and make sure the property we just
# set is now gone
fetched_properties = CLIENT.property_get()
fetched_dict = self._properties_to_dict(fetched_properties)
self.assertIs(self._in_dict(property_dict, fetched_dict), False,
'global property reset config failed')
# test host property reset
host_list = ['test']
fetched_properties = CLIENT.property_get(
kolla_cli.api.properties.HOST_TYPE, host_list)
fetched_dict = self._properties_to_dict(fetched_properties)
self.assertIs(self._in_dict(property_dict, fetched_dict), True,
'host property set failed')
# need to add back in the host 'test' or the property
# get call will fail after a reset
fetched_properties = CLIENT.property_get(
kolla_cli.api.properties.HOST_TYPE, host_list)
fetched_dict = self._properties_to_dict(fetched_properties)
self.assertIs(self._in_dict(property_dict, fetched_dict), False,
'host property reset config failed')
# test group property reset
group_list = ['control']
fetched_properties = CLIENT.property_get(
kolla_cli.api.properties.GROUP_TYPE, group_list)
fetched_dict = self._properties_to_dict(fetched_properties)
self.assertIs(self._in_dict(property_dict, fetched_dict), True,
'group property set failed')
fetched_properties = CLIENT.property_get(
kolla_cli.api.properties.GROUP_TYPE, group_list)
fetched_dict = self._properties_to_dict(fetched_properties)
self.assertIs(self._in_dict(property_dict, fetched_dict), False,
'group property reset config failed')
# test host reset
# add a host and make sure it was added correctly
host_list = ['test']
fetched_hosts = CLIENT.host_get_all()
fetched_list = self._hosts_to_list(fetched_hosts)
self.assertIs(set(host_list).issubset(fetched_list), True,
'host set failed')
# now clear the config and make sure the host we just
# added is now gone
fetched_hosts = CLIENT.host_get_all()
fetched_list = self._hosts_to_list(fetched_hosts)
self.assertIs(set(host_list).issubset(fetched_list), False,
'inventory reset config failed')
# need to populate the password file or many other tests will fail
def test_config_import_inventory(self):
# test config import of a different inventory file
expected_group_names = ['chipmunk', 'aardvark']
test_inventory_path = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), 'kolla_cli', 'tests', 'functional',
groups = CLIENT.group_get_all()
self.assertEqual(len(groups), len(expected_group_names))
for group in groups:
self.assertIn(group.name, expected_group_names)
# need to reset the inventory back to its defaults
def _properties_to_dict(props):
property_dict = {}
for prop in props:
property_dict[prop.name] = prop.value
return property_dict
def _hosts_to_list(hosts):
host_list = []
for host in hosts:
return host_list
def _in_dict(base, target):
base_keys = base.keys()
target_keys = target.keys()
if set(base_keys).issubset(target_keys) is False:
return False
for key in base.keys():
target_value = target.get(key, None)
if target_value != base[key]:
return False
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':