2016-04-13 12:19:10 -07:00

197 lines
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# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from common import DISABLED_SERVICES
from common import ENABLED_DATA_SERVICES
from common import ENABLED_SERVICES
from common import KollaCliTest
from common import TestConfig
from kollacli.api.client import ClientApi
import random
import time
import unittest
TEST_GROUP_NAME = 'test_group'
CLIENT = ClientApi()
NOT_KNOWN = 'Name or service not known'
UNREACHABLE = 'Status: unreachable'
class TestFunctional(KollaCliTest):
def test_destroy(self):
test_config = TestConfig()
# add host to inventory
hostnames = test_config.get_hostnames()
if hostnames:
is_physical_host = True
pwd = test_config.get_password(hostnames[0])
# No physical hosts in config, use a non-existent host.
# This will generate expected exceptions in all host access
# commands.
hostnames = ['test_deploy_host1']
is_physical_host = False
pwd = 'test_pwd'
setup_info = {}
for hostname in hostnames:
setup_info[hostname] = {'password': pwd}
except Exception as e:
self.assertFalse(is_physical_host, 'host setup exception: %s' % e)
self.assertIn(NOT_KNOWN, '%s' % e,
'Unexpected exception in host setup: %s' % e)
# add host to a new deploy group
group = CLIENT.group_get([TEST_GROUP_NAME])[0]
for hostname in hostnames:
# due to required host to group association where there are enabled
# services and we have only one host, move the enabled services
# out of control over to the new group, then move them back to
# control once we are done
control = CLIENT.group_get(['control'])[0]
for service in ENABLED_SERVICES:
# destroy services, initialize server
self.log.info('Start destroy #1')
job = CLIENT.async_host_destroy(hostnames, destroy_type='kill',
self._process_job(job, 'destroy #1', is_physical_host)
self.log.info('updating various properties for the test')
# disable most services so the test is quicker
disabled_service_props = {}
for disabled_service in DISABLED_SERVICES:
disabled_service_props['enable_%s' % disabled_service] = 'no'
enabled_service_props = {}
for enabled_service in ENABLED_SERVICES:
enabled_service_props['enable_%s' % enabled_service] = 'yes'
predeploy_cmds = test_config.get_predeploy_cmds()
for predeploy_cmd in predeploy_cmds:
self.run_cli_cmd('%s' % predeploy_cmd)
# test killing a deploy
self.log.info('Kill a deployment')
job = CLIENT.async_deploy(verbose_level=2)
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
self._process_job(job, 'deploy-kill',
is_physical_host, expect_kill=True)
# do a deploy of a limited set of services
self.log.info('Start a deployment')
job = CLIENT.async_deploy(verbose_level=2)
self._process_job(job, 'deploy', is_physical_host)
if is_physical_host:
docker_ps = test_config.run_remote_cmd('docker ps', hostname)
docker_ps = docker_ps.replace('\r', '\n')
for disabled_service in DISABLED_SERVICES:
self.assertNotIn(disabled_service, docker_ps,
'disabled service: %s ' % disabled_service +
'is running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after deploy.')
for enabled_service in ENABLED_SERVICES:
self.assertIn(enabled_service, docker_ps,
'enabled service: %s ' % enabled_service +
'is not running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after deploy.')
# destroy non-data services (via --stop flag)
# this should leave only data containers running
self.log.info('Start destroy #2')
job = CLIENT.async_host_destroy(hostnames, destroy_type='stop',
self._process_job(job, 'destroy #2', is_physical_host)
if is_physical_host:
docker_ps = test_config.run_remote_cmd('docker ps', hostname)
for disabled_service in DISABLED_SERVICES:
self.assertNotIn(disabled_service, docker_ps,
'disabled service: %s ' % disabled_service +
'is running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after destroy.')
for enabled_service in ENABLED_DATA_SERVICES:
self.assertIn(enabled_service, docker_ps,
'enabled service: %s ' % enabled_service +
'is not running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after no-data destroy.')
self.log.info('Start destroy #3')
job = CLIENT.async_host_destroy(hostnames, destroy_type='stop',
self._process_job(job, 'destroy #3', is_physical_host)
if is_physical_host:
docker_ps = test_config.run_remote_cmd('docker ps', hostname)
for disabled_service in DISABLED_SERVICES:
self.assertNotIn(disabled_service, docker_ps,
'disabled service: %s ' % disabled_service +
'is running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after destroy.')
for enabled_service in ENABLED_DATA_SERVICES:
self.assertNotIn(enabled_service, docker_ps,
'enabled service: %s ' % enabled_service +
'is running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after destroy.')
for enabled_service in ENABLED_SERVICES:
self.assertNotIn(enabled_service, docker_ps,
'enabled service: %s ' % enabled_service +
'is running on host: %s ' % hostname +
'after destroy.')
def _process_job(self, job, descr, is_physical_host, expect_kill=False):
status = job.wait()
err_msg = job.get_error_message()
self.log.info('job is complete. status: %s, err: %s'
% (status, err_msg))
if expect_kill:
self.assertEqual(2, status, 'Job %s does not have killed status %s'
% (descr, err_msg))
if is_physical_host:
self.assertEqual(0, status, 'Job %s failed: %s'
% (descr, err_msg))
self.assertEqual(1, status, 'Job %s ' % descr +
'succeeded when it should have failed')
'Job %s: No hosts, but got wrong error: %s'
% (descr, err_msg))
if __name__ == '__main__':