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# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from common import KollaCliTest
import json
import unittest
from kollacli.common.inventory import DEFAULT_GROUPS
from kollacli.common.inventory import DEFAULT_OVERRIDES
from kollacli.common.inventory import SERVICES
class TestFunctional(KollaCliTest):
def test_service_lists(self):
"""$ kollacli service list
| Service | Sub-Services |
| cinder | ['cinder-api', 'cinder-scheduler', 'cinder-backup', |
| glance | ['glance-api', 'glance-registry'] |
| haproxy | [] |
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service list -f json')
cli_services = json.loads(msg)
self.assertEqual(len(SERVICES), len(cli_services),
'# of cli services != expected services.' +
'\n\nexpected services: %s' % SERVICES +
'\n\ncli services: %s' % cli_services)
for service in SERVICES:
service_found = False
for item in cli_services:
if service == item['Service']:
service_found = True
'\n\nexpected service %s, ' % service +
'not found in ' +
'\n\ncli_services: %s' % cli_services)
"""$ kollacli service listgroups
| Service | Groups | Inherited |
| cinder | ['control', 'control2'] | - |
| cinder-api | | yes |
| cinder-backup | ['storage'] | no |
| cinder-scheduler | | yes |
| cinder-volume | ['storage'] | no |
| glance | ['control', 'control2'] | - |
| glance-api | | yes |
| glance-registry | | yes |
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service listgroups -f json')
cli_services = json.loads(msg)
expect_num_svcs = len(SERVICES)
for service in SERVICES:
expect_num_svcs = expect_num_svcs + len(SERVICES[service])
self.assertEqual(expect_num_svcs, len(cli_services),
'# of cli services (%s) ' % len(cli_services) +
'!= expected services (%s).' % expect_num_svcs +
'\n\nexpected services: %s' % SERVICES +
'\n\ncli services: %s' % cli_services)
for svc in cli_services:
# get cli info
cli_service = svc['Service']
cli_groups = svc['Groups']
cli_inherited = svc['Inherited']
if cli_service in DEFAULT_GROUPS:
# service, not sub-service
# check default group
expected_groups = [DEFAULT_GROUPS[cli_service]]
self.assertEqual(expected_groups, cli_groups)
# inherited should be '-' for services
self.assertEqual('-', cli_inherited,
'cli_inherited (%s) ' % cli_inherited +
'for service (%s) ' % cli_service +
'is not "-"')
# sub-service
# check default groups
if cli_service in DEFAULT_OVERRIDES:
# service is overriden, inherited = no
self.assertEqual('no', cli_inherited,
'cli_inherited (%s) ' % cli_inherited +
'for overriden sub-service (%s), '
% cli_service +
'is not "no"')
# check groups
expected_groups = [DEFAULT_OVERRIDES[cli_service]]
self.assertEqual(expected_groups, cli_groups,
'sub-service (%s), ' % cli_service +
'expected groups: %s, '
% expected_groups +
'cli_groups: %s' % cli_groups)
# service is not overriden, inherited = yes
self.assertEqual('yes', cli_inherited,
'cli_inherited (%s) ' % cli_inherited +
'for overriden sub-service (%s), '
% cli_service +
'is not "yes"')
# overriden means no groups
self.assertEqual('', cli_groups,
'sub-service (%s), ' % cli_service +
'expected groups: "", '
'cli_groups: %s' % cli_groups)
def test_service_add_group(self):
service = 'cinder'
new_group = 'network'
# add new group to a service
self.run_cli_cmd('service addgroup %s %s' % (service, new_group))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service listgroups -f json')
cli_services = json.loads(msg)
cli_service = ''
for svc in cli_services:
if svc['Service'] == service:
cli_service = svc
self.assertNotEqual(cli_service, '',
'service: %s, ' % service +
'not found in cli_services: \n%s'
% cli_service)
cli_groups = cli_service['Groups']
expected_groups = [DEFAULT_GROUPS[service], '%s' % new_group]
self.assertEqual(expected_groups, cli_groups,
'service: %s, ' % service +
'expected groups: %s, ' % expected_groups +
'cli_groups: %s' % cli_groups)
# remove that group
self.run_cli_cmd('service removegroup %s %s' % (service, new_group))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service listgroups -f json')
cli_services = json.loads(msg)
for svc in cli_services:
if svc['Service'] == service:
cli_service = svc
self.assertNotEqual(cli_service, '',
'service: %s, ' % service +
'not found in cli_services: \n%s'
% cli_service)
cli_groups = cli_service['Groups']
expected_groups = [DEFAULT_GROUPS[service]]
self.assertEqual(expected_groups, cli_groups,
'service: %s, ' % service +
'expected groups: %s, ' % expected_groups +
'cli_groups: %s' % cli_groups)
service = 'glance-api'
new_group = 'compute'
# add new group to a sub-service
self.run_cli_cmd('service addgroup %s %s' % (service, new_group))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service listgroups -f json')
cli_services = json.loads(msg)
for svc in cli_services:
if svc['Service'] == service:
cli_service = svc
self.assertNotEqual(cli_service, '',
'service: %s, ' % service +
'not found in cli_services: \n%s'
% cli_service)
cli_groups = cli_service['Groups']
cli_inherited = cli_service['Inherited']
expected_groups = ['%s' % new_group]
self.assertEqual(expected_groups, cli_groups,
'service: %s, ' % service +
'expected groups: %s, ' % expected_groups +
'cli_groups: %s' % cli_groups)
self.assertEqual('no', cli_inherited,
'cli_inherited (%s) ' % cli_inherited +
'for overriden sub-service (%s), '
% service +
'is not "no"')
# remove that group
self.run_cli_cmd('service removegroup %s %s' % (service, new_group))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service listgroups -f json')
cli_services = json.loads(msg)
for svc in cli_services:
if svc['Service'] == service:
cli_service = svc
self.assertNotEqual(cli_service, '',
'service: %s, ' % service +
'not found in cli_services: \n%s'
% cli_service)
cli_groups = cli_service['Groups']
cli_inherited = cli_service['Inherited']
expected_groups = ''
self.assertEqual(expected_groups, cli_groups,
'service: %s, ' % service +
'expected groups: %s, ' % expected_groups +
'cli_groups: %s' % cli_groups)
self.assertEqual('yes', cli_inherited,
'cli_inherited (%s) ' % cli_inherited +
'for overriden sub-service (%s), '
% service +
'is not "yes"')
test_group = 'testgroup'
self.run_cli_cmd('group add %s' % test_group)
self.run_cli_cmd('service addgroup cinder %s' % test_group)
self.run_cli_cmd('group remove %s' % test_group)
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('service listgroups -f json')
self.assertNotIn(test_group, msg,
'Group: %s, still listed in services: %s'
% (test_group, msg))
if __name__ == '__main__':