
483 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fcntl
import grp
import logging
import os
import pwd
import six
import subprocess # nosec
import sys
import time
import kollacli.i18n as u
from kollacli.api.exceptions import InvalidArgument
from kollacli.api.exceptions import MissingArgument
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_kolla_home():
return os.environ.get("KOLLA_HOME", "/usr/share/kolla/")
def get_kolla_etc():
return os.environ.get("KOLLA_ETC", "/etc/kolla/")
def get_kollacli_home():
return os.environ.get("KOLLA_CLI_HOME", "/usr/share/kolla/kollacli/")
def get_kollacli_etc():
return os.environ.get("KOLLA_CLI_ETC", "/etc/kolla/kollacli/")
def get_group_vars_dir():
return os.path.join(get_kolla_home(), 'ansible/group_vars')
def get_host_vars_dir():
return os.path.join(get_kolla_home(), 'ansible/host_vars')
def get_kolla_log_dir():
return '/var/log/kolla/'
def get_ansible_lock_path():
return os.path.join(get_kollacli_etc(), 'ansible/ansible.lock')
def get_kolla_actions_path():
return os.path.join(get_kollacli_home(), 'tools', 'kolla_actions.py')
def get_admin_uids():
"""get uid and gid of admin user"""
user_info = pwd.getpwnam(get_admin_user())
uid = user_info.pw_uid
gid = user_info.pw_gid
return uid, gid
def get_kolla_log_file_size():
size_str = os.environ.get(envvar, '500000')
size = int(size_str)
except Exception:
raise InvalidArgument(
u._('Environmental variable ({env_var}) is not an '
'integer ({log_size}).')
.format(env_var=envvar, log_size=size_str))
return size
def get_property_list_length():
length_str = os.environ.get(envvar, '50')
length = int(length_str)
except Exception:
raise InvalidArgument(
u._('Environmental variable ({env_var}) is not an '
'integer ({prop_length}).')
.format(env_var=envvar, prop_length=length_str))
return length
def get_admin_user():
return os.environ.get("KOLLA_CLI_ADMIN_USER", "kolla")
def get_setup_user():
return os.environ.get("KOLLA_CLI_SETUP_USER", "root")
def get_ansible_command(playbook=False):
"""get a python2 ansible command
Ansible cannot run yet with python3. If the current default
python is py3, prefix the ansible command with a py2
cmd = 'ansible'
if playbook:
cmd = 'ansible-playbook'
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
# running with py3, find a py2 interpreter for ansible
py2_path = None
usr_bin = os.path.join('/', 'usr', 'bin')
for fname in os.listdir(usr_bin):
if (fname.startswith('python2.') and
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(usr_bin, fname))):
suffix = fname.split('.')[1]
if suffix.isdigit():
py2_path = os.path.join(usr_bin, fname)
if py2_path is None:
raise Exception(
u._('ansible-playbook requires python2 and no '
'python2 interpreter found in {path}.')
cmd = '%s %s' % (py2_path, os.path.join(usr_bin, cmd))
return cmd
def convert_to_unicode(the_string):
"""convert string to unicode.
This is used to fixup extended ascii chars in strings. these chars cause
errors in json pickle/unpickle.
if the_string is None:
return the_string
return six.u(the_string)
def run_cmd(cmd, print_output=True):
"""run a system command
- err_msg: empty string=command succeeded
not None=command failed
- output: string: all the output of the run command
err = None
output = None
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, # nosec
output, err = process.communicate()
except Exception as e:
err = str(e)
err = safe_decode(err)
output = safe_decode(output)
if process.returncode != 0:
err = (u._('Command failed. : {error}')
if print_output:
return err, output
def change_property(file_path, property_key, property_value, clear=False):
"""change property with a file
file_path: path to property file
property_key: property name
property value: property value
clear: flag to remove property
If clear, and property exists, remove it from the property file.
If clear, and property doesn't exists, nothing is done.
If not clear, and key is not found, the new property will be appended.
If not clear, and key is found, edit property in place.
group_info = grp.getgrnam('kolla')
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'a'):
os.utime(file_path, None)
os.chown(file_path, -1, group_info.gr_gid)
new_contents = []
read_data = sync_read_file(file_path)
lines = read_data.split('\n')
new_line = '%s: "%s"' % (property_key, property_value)
property_key_found = False
last_line_empty = False
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip()
# yank spurious empty lines
if line:
last_line_empty = False
if last_line_empty:
last_line_empty = True
split_line = line.split(':', 1)
if len(split_line) > 1:
split_key = split_line[0]
if split_key == property_key:
property_key_found = True
if clear:
# clear existing property
# edit existing property
line = new_line
if not property_key_found and not clear:
# add new property to file
write_data = '\n'.join(new_contents)
sync_write_file(file_path, write_data)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def sync_read_file(path, mode='r'):
"""synchronously read file
return file data
lock = None
lock = Lock(path, 'sync_read')
locked = lock.wait_acquire()
if not locked:
raise Exception(
u._('unable to read file {path} '
'as it was locked.')
with open(path, mode) as data_file:
data = data_file.read()
except Exception as e:
raise e
if lock:
return data
def sync_write_file(path, data, mode='w'):
"""synchronously write file"""
ansible_lock = None
lock = None
ansible_lock = Lock(get_ansible_lock_path(), 'sync_write')
locked = ansible_lock.wait_acquire()
if not locked:
raise Exception(
u._('unable to get ansible lock while writing to {path} '
'as it was locked.')
lock = Lock(path, 'sync_write')
locked = lock.wait_acquire()
if not locked:
raise Exception(
u._('unable to write file {path} '
'as it was locked.')
with open(path, mode) as data_file:
except Exception as e:
raise e
if ansible_lock:
if lock:
def safe_decode(obj_to_decode):
"""Convert bytes or string to unicode string
Convert either a string or list of strings to
if obj_to_decode is None:
return None
new_obj = None
if isinstance(obj_to_decode, list):
new_obj = []
for text in obj_to_decode:
text = text.decode('utf-8')
except AttributeError: # nosec
# py3 will raise if text is already a string
new_obj = obj_to_decode.decode('utf-8')
except AttributeError: # nosec
# py3 will raise if text is already a string
new_obj = obj_to_decode
return new_obj
def is_string_true(string):
"""Return boolean True if string represents a true value (None is False)"""
true_values = ['yes', 'true']
if string is not None and string.lower() in true_values:
return True
return False
def check_arg(param, param_name, expected_type, none_ok=False, empty_ok=False):
if param is None:
if none_ok:
# None arg
raise MissingArgument(param_name)
if ((isinstance(param, str) or
isinstance(param, dict) or
isinstance(param, list)) and
not param and not empty_ok):
# empty string, dict or list
raise MissingArgument(param_name)
if not isinstance(param, expected_type):
# wrong type
raise InvalidArgument(u._('{name} ({param}) is not a {type}')
.format(name=param_name, param=param,
class Lock(object):
""" Object which represents an exclusive resource lock
flock usage is the default behavior but a separate pidfile mechanism
is also available. flock doesn't have the same orphaned lock issue
that pidfile usage does. both need to be tests on NFS. if flock
works then it seems better / less complicated for our needs.
def __init__(self, lockpath, owner='unknown owner', use_flock=True):
self.lockpath = lockpath
self.pid = str(os.getpid())
self.fd = None
self.owner = owner
self.current_pid = -1
self.current_owner = ''
self.use_flock = use_flock
def acquire(self):
if self.use_flock:
return self._acquire_flock()
return self._acquire_pidfile()
except Exception as e:
# it is ok to fail to acquire, we just return that we failed
LOG.debug('Exception in acquire lock. '
'path: %s pid: %s owner: %s error: %s' %
(self.lockpath, self.pid, self.owner, str(e)))
def _acquire_pidfile(self):
if not self.is_owned_by_me():
fd = os.open(self.lockpath, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR)
with os.fdopen(fd, 'a') as f:
f.write(self.pid + '\n' + self.owner)
return self.is_owned_by_me()
def _acquire_flock(self):
self.fd = os.open(self.lockpath, os.O_RDWR)
fcntl.flock(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
return True
def wait_acquire(self, wait_duration=3, interval=0.1):
wait_time = 0
while (wait_time < wait_duration):
if not self.acquire():
wait_time += interval
return True
return False
def is_owned_by_me(self):
"""Returns True if we own the lock or False otherwise"""
if self.use_flock:
raise Exception(u._('Invalid use of is_owned_by_me while'
'using flock'))
if not os.path.exists(self.lockpath):
# lock doesn't exist, just return
return False
fd = os.open(self.lockpath, os.O_RDONLY)
with os.fdopen(fd, 'r') as f:
contents = f.read(2048).strip().split('\n')
if len(contents) > 0:
self.current_pid = contents[0]
if len(contents) > 1:
self.current_owner = contents[1]
if contents[0] == str(self.pid):
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
# it is ok to fail to acquire, we just return that we failed
LOG.debug('Exception in is_owned_by_me lock check. '
'path: %s pid: %s owner: %s error: %s' %
(self.lockpath, self.pid, self.owner, str(e)))
return False
def release(self):
if self.use_flock:
except Exception:
# this really shouldn't happen unless for some reason
# two areas in the same process try to release the lock
# at the same time and if that happens you want to see
# an error about it
LOG.error('Error releasing lock', exc_info=True)
return False
def _release_pidfile(self):
if self.is_owned_by_me():
return True
def _release_flock(self):
fcntl.flock(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
return True
class PidManager(object):
def get_child_pids(pid, child_pids=[]):
"""get child pids of parent pid"""
# This ps command will return child pids of parent pid, separated by
# newlines.
err_msg, output = run_cmd('ps --ppid %s -o pid=""' % pid,
# err_msg is expected when pid has no children
if not err_msg:
output = output.strip()
if '\n' in output:
ps_pids = output.split('\n')
ps_pids = [output]
if ps_pids:
# recurse through children to get all child pids
for ps_pid in ps_pids:
PidManager.get_child_pids(ps_pid, child_pids)
return child_pids