
782 lines
26 KiB

# Copyright(c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import jsonpickle
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import traceback
from kollacli import exceptions
from kollacli import utils
from kollacli.exceptions import CommandError
from kollacli.sshutils import ssh_setup_host
from kollacli.utils import get_kollacli_home
ANSIBLE_SSH_USER = 'ansible_ssh_user'
ANSIBLE_CONNECTION = 'ansible_connection'
ANSIBLE_BECOME = 'ansible_become'
INVENTORY_PATH = 'ansible/inventory.json'
COMPUTE_GRP_NAME = 'compute'
CONTROL_GRP_NAME = 'control'
NETWORK_GRP_NAME = 'network'
STORAGE_GRP_NAME = 'storage'
DATABASE_GRP_NAME = 'database'
'cinder': ['cinder-api', 'cinder-scheduler', 'cinder-backup',
'glance': ['glance-api', 'glance-registry'],
'haproxy': [],
'heat': ['heat-api', 'heat-api-cfn', 'heat-engine'],
'horizon': [],
'keystone': [],
'memcached': [],
'murano': ['murano-api', 'murano-engine'],
'mysqlcluster': ['mysqlcluster-api', 'mysqlcluster-mgmt',
'neutron': ['neutron-server', 'neutron-agents'],
'nova': ['nova-api', 'nova-conductor', 'nova-consoleauth',
'nova-novncproxy', 'nova-scheduler'],
'rabbitmq': [],
'swift': ['swift-proxy-server', 'swift-account-server',
'swift-container-server', 'swift-object-server'],
'haproxy': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'horizon': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'keystone': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'memcached': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'mysqlcluster': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'neutron': NETWORK_GRP_NAME,
'rabbitmq': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'cinder-backup': STORAGE_GRP_NAME,
'cinder-volume': STORAGE_GRP_NAME,
'mysqlcluster-ndb': DATABASE_GRP_NAME,
'neutron-server': CONTROL_GRP_NAME,
'swift-account-server': STORAGE_GRP_NAME,
'swift-container-server': STORAGE_GRP_NAME,
'swift-object-server': STORAGE_GRP_NAME,
# these groups cannot be deleted, they are required by kolla
class Host(object):
class_version = 1
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __init__(self, hostname):
self.name = hostname
self.alias = ''
self.is_mgmt = False
self.hypervisor = ''
self.vars = {}
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
def get_vars(self):
return self.vars.copy()
def set_var(self, name, value):
self.vars[name] = value
def upgrade(self):
def setup(self, password, uname=None):
# TODO(bmace) should run check before doing setup
# not setup- we need to set up the user / remote ssh keys
# using root and the available password
self.log.info('Starting setup of host (%s)'
% self.name)
ssh_setup_host(self.name, password, uname)
check_ok = self.check(True)
if not check_ok:
raise Exception('Post setup check failed')
self.log.info('Host (%s) setup succeeded' % self.name)
except Exception as e:
raise exceptions.CommandError(
'Host (%s) setup failed : %s'
% (self.name, e))
return True
def check(self, result_only=False):
kollacli_home = get_kollacli_home()
command_string = '/usr/bin/sudo -u kolla ansible '
inventory_string = '-i ' + os.path.join(kollacli_home,
'tools', 'json_generator.py')
ping_string = ' %s %s' % (self.name, '-m ping')
cmd = (command_string + inventory_string + ping_string)
err_flag, output = utils.run_cmd(cmd, False)
if err_flag:
if result_only:
return False
raise exceptions.CommandError(
'Host (%s) check failed : %s'
% (self.name, output))
if not result_only:
self.log.info('Host (%s) check succeeded' % self.name)
return True
class HostGroup(object):
class_version = 1
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.hostnames = []
self.vars = {}
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
def upgrade(self):
def add_host(self, host):
if host.name not in self.hostnames:
def remove_host(self, host):
if host.name in self.hostnames:
def get_hostnames(self):
return self.hostnames
def get_vars(self):
return self.vars.copy()
def set_var(self, name, value):
self.vars[name] = value
def clear_var(self, name):
if name in self.vars:
del self.vars[name]
def set_remote(self, remote_flag):
self.set_var(ANSIBLE_BECOME, 'yes')
if remote_flag:
# set the ssh info for all the servers in the group
self.set_var(ANSIBLE_SSH_USER, utils.get_admin_user())
# remove ssh info, add local connection type
self.set_var(ANSIBLE_CONNECTION, 'local')
class Service(object):
class_version = 1
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self._sub_servicenames = []
self._groupnames = []
self._vars = {}
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
def upgrade(self):
def add_groupname(self, groupname):
if groupname is not None and groupname not in self._groupnames:
def remove_groupname(self, groupname):
if groupname in self._groupnames:
def get_groupnames(self):
return self._groupnames
def get_sub_servicenames(self):
return self._sub_servicenames
def add_sub_servicename(self, sub_servicename):
if sub_servicename not in self._sub_servicenames:
def get_vars(self):
return self._vars.copy()
class SubService(object):
class_version = 1
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
# groups and parent services are mutually exclusive
self._groupnames = []
self._parent_servicename = None
self._vars = {}
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
def upgrade(self):
def add_groupname(self, groupname):
if groupname not in self._groupnames:
self._parent_servicename = None
def remove_groupname(self, groupname):
if groupname in self._groupnames:
if not self._groupnames:
# no groups left, re-associate to the parent
for servicename in SERVICES:
if self.name in SERVICES[servicename]:
def get_groupnames(self):
return self._groupnames
def set_parent_servicename(self, parent_svc_name):
self._parent_servicename = parent_svc_name
self._groupnames = []
def get_parent_service_name(self):
return self._parent_servicename
def get_vars(self):
return self.vars.copy()
class Inventory(object):
class_version = 1
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""class version history
1: initial release
def __init__(self):
self._groups = {} # kv = name:object
self._hosts = {} # kv = name:object
self._services = {} # kv = name:object
self._sub_services = {} # kv = name:object
self.vars = {}
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
self.remote_mode = True
# initialize the inventory to its defaults
def upgrade(self):
if self.version <= 1:
# upgrade from v1
# update the version and save upgraded inventory file
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
def load():
"""load the inventory from a pickle file"""
inventory_path = os.path.join(utils.get_kollacli_etc(), INVENTORY_PATH)
data = ''
if os.path.exists(inventory_path):
data = utils.sync_read_file(inventory_path)
if data.strip():
inventory = jsonpickle.decode(data)
# upgrade version handling
if inventory.version != inventory.class_version:
inventory = Inventory()
except Exception:
raise CommandError('loading inventory failed: %s'
% traceback.format_exc())
return inventory
def save(inventory):
"""Save the inventory in a pickle file"""
inventory_path = os.path.join(utils.get_kollacli_etc(), INVENTORY_PATH)
# multiple trips thru json to render a readable inventory file
data = jsonpickle.encode(inventory)
data_str = json.loads(data)
pretty_data = json.dumps(data_str, indent=4)
utils.sync_write_file(inventory_path, pretty_data)
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError('saving inventory failed: %s' % e)
def _create_default_inventory(self):
# create the default groups
for groupname in DEPLOY_GROUPS:
# create the default services/sub_services & their default groups
for svcname in SERVICES:
svc = self.create_service(svcname)
default_grpname = DEFAULT_GROUPS[svcname]
sub_svcnames = SERVICES[svcname]
if sub_svcnames:
for sub_svcname in sub_svcnames:
# create a subservice
sub_svc = self.create_sub_service(sub_svcname)
if sub_svc.name in DEFAULT_OVERRIDES:
def get_hosts(self):
return self._hosts.values()
def get_hostnames(self):
return self._hosts.keys()
def get_host(self, hostname):
host = None
if hostname in self._hosts:
host = self._hosts[hostname]
return host
def add_host(self, hostname, groupname=None):
"""add host
if groupname is none, create a new host
if group name is not none, add host to group
if groupname and groupname not in self._groups:
raise CommandError('Group name (%s) does not exist'
% groupname)
if groupname and hostname not in self._hosts:
raise CommandError('Host name (%s) does not exist'
% hostname)
if not groupname and not self.remote_mode and len(self._hosts) >= 1:
raise CommandError('Cannot have more than one host when in ' +
'local deploy mode')
# create new host if it doesn't exist
host = Host(hostname)
if hostname not in self.get_hostnames():
# a new host is being added to the inventory
self._hosts[hostname] = host
# a host is to be added to an existing group
elif groupname:
group = self._groups[groupname]
if hostname not in group.get_hostnames():
def remove_host(self, hostname, groupname=None):
"""remove host
if groupname is none, delete host
if group name is not none, remove host from group
if groupname and groupname not in self._groups:
raise CommandError('Group name (%s) does not exist'
% groupname)
if hostname not in self._hosts:
host = self._hosts[hostname]
groups = self.get_groups(host)
for group in groups:
if not groupname or groupname == group.name:
if not groupname:
del self._hosts[hostname]
def setup_hosts(self, hosts_info):
"""setup multiple hosts
hosts_info is a dict of format:
{'hostname1': {
'password': password
'uname': user_name
The uname entry is optional.
failed_hosts = {}
for hostname, host_info in hosts_info.items():
host = self.get_host(hostname)
if not host:
failed_hosts[hostname] = "Host doesn't exist"
if not host_info or 'password' not in host_info:
failed_hosts[hostname] = 'No password in yml file'
passwd = host_info['password']
uname = None
if 'uname' in host_info:
uname = host_info['uname']
host.setup(passwd, uname)
except Exception as e:
failed_hosts[hostname] = '%s' % e
if failed_hosts:
summary = '\n'
for hostname, err in failed_hosts.items():
summary = summary + '- %s: %s\n' % (hostname, err)
raise CommandError('Not all hosts were set up: %s' % summary)
self.log.info('All hosts were successfully set up')
def add_group(self, groupname):
# Group names cannot overlap with service names:
if groupname in self._services or groupname in self._sub_services:
raise CommandError('Invalid group name. A service name '
'cannot be used for a group name.')
if groupname not in self._groups:
self._groups[groupname] = HostGroup(groupname)
group = self._groups[groupname]
return group
def remove_group(self, groupname):
if groupname in PROTECTED_GROUPS:
raise CommandError('Cannot remove %s group. ' % groupname +
'It is required by kolla.')
# remove group from services & subservices
for service in self._services.values():
for subservice in self._sub_services.values():
if groupname in self._groups:
del self._groups[groupname]
def get_group(self, groupname):
group = None
if groupname in self._groups:
group = self._groups[groupname]
return group
def get_groupnames(self):
return self._groups.keys()
def get_groups(self, host=None):
"""return all groups containing host
if hosts is none, return all groups in inventory
groups = []
if not host:
groups = self._groups.values()
for group in self._groups.values():
if host.name in group.get_hostnames():
return groups
def get_host_groups(self):
"""return { hostname : groupnames }"""
host_groups = {}
for host in self._hosts.values():
host_groups[host.name] = []
groups = self.get_groups(host)
for group in groups:
return host_groups
def get_group_services(self):
"""get groups and their services
return { groupname: [servicenames] }
group_services = {}
for group in self.get_groups():
group_services[group.name] = []
for svc in self.get_services():
for groupname in svc.get_groupnames():
for sub_svc in self.get_sub_services():
for groupname in sub_svc.get_groupnames():
return group_services
def get_group_hosts(self):
"""return { groupname : [hostnames] }"""
group_hosts = {}
for group in self.get_groups():
group_hosts[group.name] = []
for hostname in group.get_hostnames():
return group_hosts
def create_service(self, servicename):
if servicename not in self._services:
service = Service(servicename)
self._services[servicename] = service
return self._services[servicename]
def delete_service(self, servicename):
if servicename in self._services:
del self._services[servicename]
def get_services(self):
return self._services.values()
def get_service(self, servicename):
service = None
if servicename in self._services:
service = self._services[servicename]
return service
def add_group_to_service(self, groupname, servicename):
if groupname not in self._groups:
raise CommandError('Group (%s) not found.' % groupname)
if servicename in self._services:
service = self.get_service(servicename)
elif servicename in self._sub_services:
sub_service = self.get_sub_service(servicename)
raise CommandError('Service (%s) not found.' % servicename)
def remove_group_from_service(self, groupname, servicename):
if groupname not in self._groups:
raise CommandError('Group (%s) not found.' % groupname)
if servicename in self._services:
service = self.get_service(servicename)
elif servicename in self._sub_services:
sub_service = self.get_sub_service(servicename)
raise CommandError('Service (%s) not found.' % servicename)
def create_sub_service(self, sub_servicename):
if sub_servicename not in self._sub_services:
sub_service = SubService(sub_servicename)
self._sub_services[sub_servicename] = sub_service
return self._sub_services[sub_servicename]
def delete_sub_service(self, sub_servicename):
if sub_servicename in self._sub_services:
del self._sub_services[sub_servicename]
def get_sub_services(self):
return self._sub_services.values()
def get_sub_service(self, sub_servicename):
sub_service = None
if sub_servicename in self._sub_services:
sub_service = self._sub_services[sub_servicename]
return sub_service
def get_service_sub_services(self):
"""get services and their sub_services
return { servicename: [sub_servicenames] }
svc_sub_svcs = {}
for service in self.get_services():
svc_sub_svcs[service.name] = []
return svc_sub_svcs
def get_service_groups(self):
"""set services and their groups
return { servicename: ([groupnames], inherit=True/False/None) }
svc_groups = {}
for svc in self.get_services():
svc_groups[svc.name] = (svc.get_groupnames(), None)
for sub_svc in self.get_sub_services():
parent_svcname = sub_svc.get_parent_service_name()
if parent_svcname:
svc_groups[sub_svc.name] = ('', True)
svc_groups[sub_svc.name] = (sub_svc.get_groupnames(), False)
return svc_groups
def set_deploy_mode(self, remote_flag):
if not remote_flag and len(self._hosts) > 1:
raise CommandError('Cannot set local deploy mode when multiple ' +
'hosts exist')
self.remote_mode = remote_flag
for group in self.get_groups():
def get_ansible_json(self, inventory_filter=None):
"""generate json inventory for ansible
The hosts and groups added to the json output for ansible will be
filtered by the hostnames and groupnames in the deploy filters.
This allows a more targeted deploy to a specific set of hosts or
typical ansible json format:
'group': {
'hosts': [
'vars': {
'ansible_ssh_user': 'johndoe',
'ansible_ssh_private_key_file': '~/.ssh/mykey',
'example_variable': 'value'
'children': [ 'marietta', '5points' ]
'_meta': {
'hostvars': {
'': {
'host_specific_var': 'bar'
'': {
'host_specific_var': 'foo'
jdict = {}
# if no filter provided, use all groups, all hosts
deploy_hostnames = self.get_hostnames()
deploy_groupnames = self.get_groupnames()
if inventory_filter:
if 'deploy_hosts' in inventory_filter:
deploy_hostnames = inventory_filter['deploy_hosts']
if 'deploy_groups' in inventory_filter:
deploy_groupnames = inventory_filter['deploy_groups']
# add hostgroups
for group in self.get_groups():
jdict[group.name] = {}
jdict[group.name]['hosts'] = []
if group.name in deploy_groupnames:
jdict[group.name]['hosts'] = \
self._filter_hosts(group.get_hostnames(), deploy_hostnames)
jdict[group.name]['children'] = []
jdict[group.name]['vars'] = group.get_vars()
# add top-level services and what groups they are in
for service in self.get_services():
jdict[service.name] = {}
jdict[service.name]['children'] = service.get_groupnames()
# add sub-services and their groups
for sub_svc in self.get_sub_services():
jdict[sub_svc.name] = {}
groupnames = sub_svc.get_groupnames()
if groupnames:
# sub-service is associated with a group(s)
jdict[sub_svc.name]['children'] = groupnames
# sub-service is associated with parent service
jdict[sub_svc.name]['children'] = \
# temporarily create group containing all hosts. this is needed for
# ansible commands that are performed on hosts not yet in groups.
group = self.add_group('__RESERVED__')
jdict[group.name] = {}
jdict[group.name]['hosts'] = deploy_hostnames
jdict[group.name]['vars'] = group.get_vars()
# process hosts vars
jdict['_meta'] = {}
jdict['_meta']['hostvars'] = {}
for hostname in deploy_hostnames:
host = self.get_host(hostname)
if host:
jdict['_meta']['hostvars'][hostname] = host.get_vars()
return json.dumps(jdict)
def _filter_hosts(self, initial_hostnames, deploy_hostnames):
"""filter out hosts not in deploy hosts"""
filtered_hostnames = []
for hostname in deploy_hostnames:
if hostname in initial_hostnames:
return filtered_hostnames
def create_json_gen_file(self, inventory_filter=None):
"""create json inventory file using filter ({})
return path to filtered json generator file
json_out = self.get_ansible_json(inventory_filter)
fd, json_gen_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='kollacli_json_gen_',
os.close(fd) # avoid fd leak
with open(json_gen_path, 'w') as json_gen_file:
json_gen_file.write('#!/usr/bin/env python\n')
# the quotes here are significant. The json_out has double quotes
# embedded in it so single quotes are needed to wrap it.
json_gen_file.write("print('%s')" % json_out)
# set executable by group
os.chmod(json_gen_path, 0o555)
return json_gen_path