{%- set noLoggingPod = resourceName in log_disable %} {% macro common_volume_mounts(indent) %} {{ _common_volume_mounts() | indent(indent, true) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro _common_volume_mounts() %} - mountPath: /var/log/kolla/ name: kolla-logs - mountPath: /etc/localtime name: host-etc-localtime readOnly: true {%- if netHostTrue == "yes" and enable_resolve_conf_net_host_workaround == "yes" %} - mountPath: /etc/resolv.conf name: resolv-conf subPath: resolv.conf {%- endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro common_containers(indent) %} {% if enable_kube_logger == "yes" %} {{ kube_logger_container() | indent(indent, true) }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro kube_logger_container() %} - name: logging image: "{{ fluentd_image_full }}" volumeMounts: - mountPath: {{ container_config_directory }} name: logging-config {{ common_volume_mounts(indent=4) }} env: - name: KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY value: {{ config_strategy }} {% endmacro %} {% macro common_volumes(indent) %} {{ _common_volumes() | indent(indent, true) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro kube_logger_volume() %} - name: logging-config configMap: name: {{ loggerConfigmapName | default(resourceName) }}-logging {% endmacro %} {% macro _common_volumes() %} - name: host-etc-localtime hostPath: path: /etc/localtime - name: kolla-logs emptyDir: {} {% if enable_kube_logger == "yes" and not podTypeBootstrap == "yes" and not noLoggingPod == True %} {{ kube_logger_volume() }} {% endif %} {%- if netHostTrue == "yes" and enable_resolve_conf_net_host_workaround == "yes" %} - name: resolv-conf configMap: name: resolv-conf {%- endif %} {% endmacro %}