#!/bin/bash ## Compilation of Instructions from Kolla Kubernetes Gate ## This is meant to set up Kolla Kubernetes All-In-One for CentOS-7 ## Cinder iSCSI backend is used here ## Note that $1 will be the kube proxy IP, $2 will be the tunnel_interface, $3 will be the ext_interface_name, ## $4 will be the keepalived VIP, $5 will be the subnet size of the keepalived VIP network ## Lastly, $6 will take the value of master or minion (note that it will always be master for AIO) ## Note that keepalive runs on the same subnet as the "management" subnet, i.e. tunnel_interface ## The keepalived VIP should be an unused IP in the "management" subnet ## Run the script as root user ## Ensure that the required parameters are passed in if [ "$#" -ne 6 ] then echo "Please provide the following Information to the script: \$1 for kube proxy IP, i.e. management nic IP like \$2 for tunnel_interface, i.e. eth0 \$3 for ext interface, i.e. eth1 \$4 for keepalived VIP, i.e. unused IP on management NIC subnet like \$5 for subnet size of management network, i.e. 24 \$6 for node type, i.e. master/minion" exit 1 fi ## Define Variables kube_proxy_ip=$1 tunnel_interface=$2 ext_interface=$3 keepalived_vip=$4 mgmt_subnet_size=$5 node_type=$6 ## Ensure that the specified interface exist and are UP on the system function check_ifup { set -o pipefail # optional. /usr/sbin/ip address | grep $1 | grep -q "state UP" } function check_eth { if check_ifup $1; then echo "Interface $1 validated as UP." else echo "Please make sure interface $1 is present and UP before running the script." exit 1 fi } check_eth $tunnel_interface check_eth $ext_interface ## Setup Host echo "Setup Host" sudo sed -i 's/enforcing/permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config sudo yum install -y net-tools wget telnet sudo yum install -y epel-release sudo yum install -y python-pip sudo yum install -y git gcc python-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel crudini jq sudo pip install -U pip sudo yum install -y ntp ## Install Ansible echo "Install Ansible" sudo yum install -y ansible ## Turn off firewalld echo "Turn off firewalld" sudo systemctl stop firewalld sudo systemctl disable firewalld ## Setup NTP echo "Setup NTP" sudo systemctl enable ntpd.service sudo systemctl start ntpd.service ## Git Clone Kolla Kubernetes echo "Git Clone Kolla Kubernetes" sudo git clone http://github.com/openstack/kolla-kubernetes /opt/kolla-kubernetes ## Set Up Kubernetes echo "Set Up Kubernetes" # Assign apiserver-advertise-address sudo mkdir -p /etc/nodepool/ echo $kube_proxy_ip | sudo tee --append /etc/nodepool/primary_node_private > /dev/null cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/setup_kubernetes.sh $node_type sudo yum install -y python-docker-py sudo systemctl enable docker sudo systemctl enable kubelet ## Setup Sdn echo "Setup Sdn. For x86_64 will setup Canal, for non-x86, will setup Flannel" cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tests/bin/setup_sdn.sh ## Setup Helm echo "Setup Helm" cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/setup_helm.sh ## Setup Loopback LVM for Cinder echo "Setup Loopback LVM for Cinder" /opt/kolla-kubernetes/tests/bin/setup_gate_loopback_lvm.sh ## Install kolla-kubernetes echo "Install kolla-kubernetes" sudo pip install -U /opt/kolla-kubernetes/ ##Copy default kolla configuration to /etc echo "Copy default kolla configuration to /etc" sudo cp -aR /usr/share/kolla-kubernetes/etc_examples/kolla /etc ## Copy default kolla-kubernetes configuration to /etc echo "Copy default kolla-kubernetes configuration to /etc" sudo cp -aR /opt/kolla-kubernetes/etc/kolla-kubernetes /etc ## Generate Default Passwords echo "Generate Default Passwords" sudo kolla-kubernetes-genpwd ## Create Kolla Namespace echo "Create Kolla Namespace" kubectl create namespace kolla ## Label the AIO node as the compute and controller node echo "Label the AIO node as the compute and controller node" kubectl label node $(hostname) kolla_compute=true kubectl label node $(hostname) kolla_controller=true ## Add required Kolla Kubernetes configuration to the end of /etc/kolla/globals.yml echo "Add required Kolla Kubernetes configuration to the end of /etc/kolla/globals.yml" cat < add-to-globals.yml kolla_install_type: "source" tempest_image_alt_id: "{{ tempest_image_id }}" tempest_flavor_ref_alt_id: "{{ tempest_flavor_ref_id }}" neutron_plugin_agent: "openvswitch" api_interface_address: tunnel_interface_address: orchestration_engine: KUBERNETES memcached_servers: "memcached" keystone_admin_url: "http://keystone-admin:35357/v3" keystone_internal_url: "http://keystone-internal:5000/v3" keystone_public_url: "http://keystone-public:5000/v3" glance_registry_host: "glance-registry" neutron_host: "neutron" keystone_database_address: "mariadb" glance_database_address: "mariadb" nova_database_address: "mariadb" nova_api_database_address: "mariadb" neutron_database_address: "mariadb" cinder_database_address: "mariadb" ironic_database_address: "mariadb" placement_database_address: "mariadb" rabbitmq_servers: "rabbitmq" openstack_logging_debug: "True" enable_haproxy: "no" enable_heat: "no" enable_cinder: "yes" enable_cinder_backend_lvm: "yes" enable_cinder_backend_iscsi: "yes" enable_cinder_backend_rbd: "no" enable_ceph: "no" enable_elasticsearch: "no" enable_kibana: "no" glance_backend_ceph: "no" cinder_backend_ceph: "no" nova_backend_ceph: "no" EOF cat ./add-to-globals.yml | sudo tee -a /etc/kolla/globals.yml ## Generate the Kubernetes secrets and register them with Kubernetes echo "Generate the Kubernetes secrets and register them with Kubernetes" /opt/kolla-kubernetes/tools/secret-generator.py create ## Generate Default Configurations echo "Generate Default Configurations" sudo ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python \ -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e CONFIG_DIR=/etc/kolla \ /opt/kolla-kubernetes/ansible/site.yml ## Set libvirt type to QEMU echo "Set libvirt type to QEMU" sudo crudini --set /etc/kolla/nova-compute/nova.conf libvirt virt_type qemu sudo crudini --set /etc/kolla/nova-compute/nova.conf libvirt cpu_mode none sudo crudini --set /etc/kolla/keystone/keystone.conf cache enabled False ## Create and register Kolla config maps echo "Create and register Kolla config maps" kollakube res create configmap \ mariadb keystone horizon rabbitmq memcached nova-api nova-conductor \ nova-scheduler glance-api-haproxy glance-registry-haproxy glance-api \ glance-registry neutron-server neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent \ neutron-metadata-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent openvswitch-db-server \ openvswitch-vswitchd nova-libvirt nova-compute nova-consoleauth \ nova-novncproxy nova-novncproxy-haproxy neutron-server-haproxy \ nova-api-haproxy cinder-api cinder-api-haproxy cinder-backup \ cinder-scheduler cinder-volume iscsid tgtd keepalived \ placement-api placement-api-haproxy ## Build all Helm microcharts, service charts, and metacharts echo "Build all Helm microcharts, service charts, and metacharts" /opt/kolla-kubernetes/tools/helm_build_all.sh /tmp/ ## Create cloud.yaml file for the deployment of the charts echo "Create cloud.yaml file for the deployment of the charts" cat < /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml global: kolla: all: docker_registry: docker.io image_tag: "4.0.0" kube_logger: false external_vip: $kube_proxy_ip base_distro: "centos" install_type: "source" tunnel_interface: $tunnel_interface kolla_kubernetes_external_subnet: $mgmt_subnet_size kolla_kubernetes_external_vip: $keepalived_vip kube_logger: false keepalived: all: api_interface: br-ex keystone: all: admin_port_external: "true" dns_name: $kube_proxy_ip public: all: port_external: "true" rabbitmq: all: cookie: 67 glance: api: all: port_external: "true" cinder: api: all: port_external: "true" volume_lvm: all: element_name: cinder-volume daemonset: lvm_backends: - $kube_proxy_ip: 'cinder-volumes' ironic: conductor: daemonset: selector_key: "kolla_conductor" nova: placement_api: all: port_external: true novncproxy: all: host: $kube_proxy_ip port: 6080 port_external: true openvswitch: all: add_port: true ext_bridge_name: br-ex ext_interface_name: $ext_interface setup_bridge: true horizon: all: port_external: true EOF ## Set up OVS for the Infrastructure echo "Set up OVS for the Infrastructure" helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/openvswitch --namespace kolla --name openvswitch --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml # Ensure that OVS pod is up before proceeding cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/wait_for_pods.sh kolla ## Bring up br-ex for keepalived to bind VIP to it echo "Bring up br-ex for keepalived to bind VIP to it" sudo ifconfig br-ex up helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/microservice/keepalived-daemonset --namespace kolla --name keepalived-daemonset --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml # Ensure that keepalived pod is up before proceeding cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/wait_for_pods.sh kolla ## Execute OpenStack Helm Charts in Phases echo "Execute OpenStack Helm Charts in Phases" helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/mariadb --namespace kolla --name mariadb --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml # Ensure that MariaDB pod is up before proceeding cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/wait_for_pods.sh kolla helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/rabbitmq --namespace kolla --name rabbitmq --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/memcached --namespace kolla --name memcached --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/keystone --namespace kolla --name keystone --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/glance --namespace kolla --name glance --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/cinder-control --namespace kolla --name cinder-control --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/cinder-volume-lvm --namespace kolla --name cinder-volume-lvm --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/horizon --namespace kolla --name horizon --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/neutron --namespace kolla --name neutron --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml # Ensure that Neutron pod is up before proceeding cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/wait_for_pods.sh kolla 600 helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/nova-control --namespace kolla --name nova-control --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml helm install /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/nova-compute --namespace kolla --name nova-compute --values /etc/kolla/cloud.yaml # Ensure that nova control and nova compute pods are up cd /opt/kolla-kubernetes && tools/wait_for_pods.sh kolla 600 ## Post Deployment echo "Deployment is Completed" # Install OpenStack clients echo "Install OpenStack clients" sudo pip install python-openstackclient sudo pip install python-neutronclient sudo pip install python-cinderclient echo "Generate openrc file" /opt/kolla-kubernetes/tools/build_local_admin_keystonerc.sh ext