.. host-setup: ================================= Kolla Kubernetes Host Setup Guide ================================= Dependencies ============ ===================== =========== =========== ========================= Component Min Version Max Version Comment ===================== =========== =========== ========================= Ansible 2.00 none On deployment host Docker 1.10 none On target nodes Docker Python 1.6.0 none On target nodes Python Jinja2 2.8.0 none On deployment host Kubernetes 1.3.0 none On all hosts ===================== =========== =========== ========================= .. NOTE:: Kolla (which provides the templating) is sensitive about the Ansible version. Mainline currently requires 2.0.x or above. Installing Docker ================= Since Docker is required to build images as well as be present on all deployed targets, the Kolla community recommends installing the official Docker, Inc. packaged version of Docker for maximum stability and compatibility with the following command: .. NOTE:: Docker 1.11.0 is not compatible with Kubernetes due to some issues in Docker. The below command will install the latest Docker and revert back to 1.10.3. For different Debian or Ubuntu distributions, you may need to use ``apt-cache madison docker-engine`` to get the correct version. :: # Install Docker curl -sSL https://get.docker.io | bash Setup Docker ============ Docker needs to run with the root filesystem as shared in order for Neutron to function in 'thin' containers. The reason for that is mount propogation. Mounts need to be shared so the network namespaces are shared amoung the host and the Neutron containers. For CentOS and other systemd distros, change MountFlags from "slave" to "shared" and restart Docker. :: # CentOS (and other systemd distros) cat > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service <`` files which require root permissions. - Executing local versions of kolla tools ``./tools/kolla-ansible`` instead of from the system path, will locate resource files from relative locations instead of system locations. - The development install will also work with Python virtual environments. Building Kolla Containers ========================= Kolla-kubernetes uses Kolla's containers. The Kolla documentation engine has a detailed `overview of building the containers `_. Build Kolla's containers locally:: kolla-build mariadb glance neutron nova openvswitch memcached \ kolla-toolbox keystone horizon