#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail # NOTE(SamYaple): Kolla needs to wraps `keystone-manage bootstrap` to ensure # any change is reported correctly for idempotency. This script will exit with # valid json that can be parsed with information about if the task has failed # and if anything changed. USERNAME=$1 PASSWORD=$2 if [ -z "$PASSWORD" ]; then # Avoid having the password always come in via CLI (which makes # it show up in things like ara) PASSWORD="$OS_BOOTSTRAP_PASSWORD" fi PROJECT=$3 ROLE=$4 ADMIN_URL=$5 INTERNAL_URL=$6 PUBLIC_URL=$7 REGION=$8 function fail_json { echo '{"failed": true, "msg": "'$1'", "changed": true}' exit 1 } function exit_json { echo '{"failed": false, "changed": '"${changed}"'}' } changed="false" # NOTE(mgoddard): pipe through cat -v to remove unprintable control characters # which prevent JSON decoding. keystone_bootstrap=$(keystone-manage bootstrap --bootstrap-username "${USERNAME}" --bootstrap-password "${PASSWORD}" --bootstrap-project-name "${PROJECT}" --bootstrap-role-name "${ROLE}" --bootstrap-admin-url "${ADMIN_URL}" --bootstrap-internal-url "${INTERNAL_URL}" --bootstrap-public-url "${PUBLIC_URL}" --bootstrap-service-name "keystone" --bootstrap-region-id "${REGION}" 2>&1 | cat -v) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then fail_json "${keystone_bootstrap}" fi changed=$(echo "${keystone_bootstrap}" | awk ' /Domain default already exists, skipping creation./ || /Project '"${PROJECT}"' already exists, skipping creation./ || /User '"${USERNAME}"' already exists, skipping creation./ || /Role '"${ROLE}"' exists, skipping creation./ || /User '"${USERNAME}"' already has '"${ROLE}"' on '"${PROJECT}"'./ || /Region '"${REGION}"' exists, skipping creation./ || /Skipping admin endpoint as already created/ || /Skipping internal endpoint as already created/ || /Skipping public endpoint as already created/ {count++} END { if (count == 9) changed="false"; else changed="true" print changed }' ) exit_json