{% raw %} {% extends parent_template %} {% block base_pip_conf %} {% endraw %} ENV PIP_INDEX_URL {{ nodepool_pypi_mirror }} ENV PIP_TRUSTED_HOST {{ nodepool_mirror_host }} {% if use_infra_wheels_mirror | default(true) %} ENV PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL {{ nodepool_wheel_mirror }} {% endif %} RUN echo registry={{ nodepool_npmjs_proxy }} > /etc/npmrc \ && mkdir -p /usr/etc \ && ln -s /etc/npmrc /usr/etc/npmrc {% raw %} {% endblock %} {% endraw %} {% if base_distro in ['centos', 'rocky'] %} {% if base_distro == 'centos' %} {% raw %} {% block base_centos_repo_overrides_post_copy %} {% endraw %} COPY ci-centos.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ RUN cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && mkdir not-for-ci/ && mv centos*.repo not-for-ci/ \ && sed -i -e "s/MIRROR/{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/g" /etc/yum.repos.d/ci-centos.repo {% raw %} {% endblock %} {% endraw %} {% elif base_distro == 'rocky' %} {# NOTE(hrw): Rocky is not mirrored but it uses CentOS repos which are #} {% raw %} {% block base_centos_repo_overrides_post_copy %} {% endraw %} COPY ci-rocky.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ RUN cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && mkdir not-for-ci/ \ && sed -i -e "s/MIRROR/{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/g" /etc/yum.repos.d/ci-rocky.repo {% raw %} {% endblock %} {% endraw %} {% endif %} {# if centos/rocky #} {% raw %} {% block base_centos_repo_overrides_post_rpm %} {% endraw %} RUN sed -i \ -e "s|https://trunk.rdoproject.org|{{ nodepool_rdo_proxy }}|g" \ /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean*.repo {% raw %} {% endblock %} {% block base_centos_repo_overrides_post_yum -%} {%- endraw -%} && cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && mv CentOS*.repo epel*.repo not-for-ci/ {%- raw -%} {% endblock %} {% endraw %} {% endif %} {% raw %} {% block base_debian_after_sources_list %} {% endraw %} {% if base_distro == "debian" %} RUN sed -i -e "s|http://deb.debian.org|[trusted=yes] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}|" \ -e "s|http://security.debian.org|[trusted=yes] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}|" \ /etc/apt/sources.list {% elif base_distro == "ubuntu" %} RUN sed -i -e "s|mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt|[trusted=yes] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/ubuntu/|" \ -e "s|http://ports.ubuntu.com|[trusted=yes] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/ubuntu-ports|" \ /etc/apt/sources.list {% endif %} {% raw %} {% endblock %} {# Revert to upstream mirrors after build is complete #} {% block footer %} {% endraw %} ENV PIP_INDEX_URL= ENV PIP_TRUSTED_HOST= {% if use_infra_wheels_mirror | default(true) %} ENV PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL= {% endif %} RUN if [ -f /usr/etc/npmrc ]; then \ unlink /usr/etc/npmrc; \ fi \ && rm -f /etc/npmrc {% if base_distro in ['centos', 'rocky'] %} {# NOTE(hrw): Some images have two footer blocks. For example neutron-infobox-ipam-agent being child of neutron-server. #} RUN if [ -d /etc/yum.repos.d/not-for-ci/ ]; then \ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && \ rm ci-{{ base_distro }}.repo && \ mv not-for-ci/*.repo . && \ rm -rf not-for-ci; \ fi; \ sed -i \ -e "s|{{ nodepool_rdo_proxy }}|https://trunk.rdoproject.org|g" \ /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean*.repo {% elif base_distro == "debian" %} RUN sed -i -e "s|\[trusted=yes\] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}|http://deb.debian.org|" \ -e "s|\[trusted=yes\] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}|http://security.debian.org|" \ /etc/apt/sources.list {% elif base_distro == "ubuntu" %} RUN sed -i -e "s|\[trusted=yes\] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/ubuntu/|mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt|" \ -e "s|\[trusted=yes\] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/ubuntu-cloud-archive|http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu|" \ -e "s|\[trusted=yes\] http://{{ nodepool_mirror_host }}/ubuntu-ports|http://ports.ubuntu.com|" \ /etc/apt/sources.list {% endif %} {% raw %} {% endblock %} {% endraw %}