.. _kolla_api: ================ Kolla Images API ================ Kolla offers two different ways to make changes to containers at runtime. The first is via a :ref:`configuration file ` exposed to the container and processed by the init scripts, and the second is via more traditional :ref:`environment variables `. .. _kolla_api_external_config: External Config =============== All of the Kolla images understand a JSON-formatted configuration describing a set of actions the container needs to perform at runtime before it executes the (potentially) long running process. This configuration also specifies the command to execute to run the service. When a container runs `kolla_start`_, the default entry-point, it processes the configuration file using `kolla_set_configs`_ with escalated privileges, meaning it is able to set file ownership and permissions. .. _kolla_start: https://github.com/openstack/kolla/blob/master/docker/base/start.sh .. _kolla_set_configs: https://github.com/openstack/kolla/blob/master/docker/base/set_configs.py Format of the configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `kolla_set_configs`_ script understands the following attributes: * **command** (required): the command the container runs once it finishes the initialization step. * **config_files**: copies files and directories inside the container. A list of dicts, each containing the following attributes: * **source** (required): path to the file or directory that needs to be copied. Understands shell wildcards. * **dest** (required): path to where the file or directory will be copied. does not need to exist, destination is deleted if it exists. * **owner** (required, unless ``preserve_properties`` is set to true): the ``user:group`` to change ownership to. ``user`` is synonymous to ``user:user``. Must be user and group names, not uid/gid. * **perm** (required, unless `preserve_properties` is set to true): the unix permissions to set to the target files and directories. Must be passed in the numeric octal form. * **preserve_properties**: copies the ownership and permissions from the original files and directory. Boolean, defaults to ``false``. * **optional**: do not raise an error when the source file is not present on the filesystem. Boolean, defaults to ``false``. * **merge**: merges the source directory into the target directory instead of replacing it. Boolean, defaults to ``false``. * **permissions**: change the permissions and/or ownership of files or directories inside the container. A list of dicts, each containing the following attributes: * **path** (required): the path to the file or directory to update. * **owner** (required): the ``user:group`` to change ownership to. ``user`` is synonymous to ``user:user``. Must be user and group names, not uid/gid. * **perm**: the unix permissions to set to the target files and directories. Must be passed in the numeric octal form. * **recurse**: whether to apply the change recursively over the target directory. Boolean, defaults to ``false``. Here is an example configuration file: .. code-block:: json { "command": "trove-api --config-file=/etc/trove/trove.conf", "config_files": [ { "source": "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/trove.conf", "dest": "/etc/trove/trove.conf", "owner": "trove", "perm": "0600", "optional": false } ], "permissions": [ { "path": "/var/log/kolla/trove", "owner": "trove:trove", "recurse": true } ] } Passing the configuration file to the container ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The configuration can be either passed via the ``KOLLA_CONFIG`` environment variable or as a file bind-mounted into the container. When bind-mounting the configuration file, the ``KOLLA_CONFIG_FILE`` environment variable controls where the file is located in the container, the default path being ``/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json``. Passing the configuration file as environment variable: .. code-block:: console docker run -e KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY=COPY_ALWAYS \ -e KOLLA_CONFIG='{ "command": "...", "permissions": [ { "path": "...", } ] }' \ kolla-image Mounting the configuration file in the container: .. code-block:: console docker run -e KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY=COPY_ALWAYS \ -e KOLLA_CONFIG_FILE=/config.json \ -v /path/to/config.json:/config.json kolla-image .. _kolla_api_environment_variables: Environment Variables ===================== Variables to pass to the containers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Kolla containers also understand some environment variables to change their behavior at runtime: * **KOLLA_CONFIG**: load kolla config from the environment, takes precedence over ``KOLLA_CONFIG_FILE``. * **KOLLA_CONFIG_FILE**: path to kolla json config file, defaults to ``/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json``. * **KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY** (required): Defines how the :ref:`kolla_start script ` copies the configuration file. Must be one of: * **COPY_ONCE**: the configuration files are copied just once, the first time the container is started. In this scenario the container is perfectly immutable. * **COPY_ALWAYS**: the configuration files are copied each time the container starts. If a config file changes on the host, the change is applied in the container the next time it restarts. * **KOLLA_SKIP_EXTEND_START**: if set, bypass the ``extend_start.sh`` script. Not set by default. * **KOLLA_SERVICE_NAME**: if set, shows the value of the variable on the ``PS1`` inside the container. Not set by default. * **KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP**: if set, and supported by the image, runs the bootstrap code defined in the images ``extend_start.sh`` scripts. Not set by default. * **KOLLA_UPGRADE**: if set, and supported by the image, runs the upgrade code defined in the images ``extend_start.sh`` scripts. Not set by default. * **KOLLA_OSM**: if set, and supported by the image, runs the online database migration code defined in the images ``extend_start.sh`` scripts. Not set by default. The containers may expose other environment variables for turning features on or off, such as the horizon container that looks for ``ENABLE_XXX`` variables where ``XXX`` is a horizon plugin name. These are generally defined in the container-specific ``extend_start.sh`` script, example for `horizon`_. .. _horizon: https://github.com/openstack/kolla/blob/master/docker/horizon/extend_start.sh Variables available in the containers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following variables available in all images and can be evaluated in scripts: * **KOLLA_BASE_DISTRO**: ``base_distro`` used to build the image (e.g. centos, ubuntu) * **KOLLA_INSTALL_TYPE**: ``install_type`` used to build the image (binary, source) * **KOLLA_INSTALL_METATYPE**: ``install_metatype`` used to build the image (rdo, ...)