FROM {{ namespace }}/{{ image_prefix }}base:{{ tag }} {% block labels %} LABEL maintainer="{{ maintainer }}" name="{{ image_name }}" build-date="{{ build_date }}" {% endblock %} {% block openvswitch_base_header %}{% endblock %} {% import "macros.j2" as macros with context %} {{ macros.enable_extra_repos(['openvswitch']) }} {% block ovs_install %} {% if base_package_type == 'rpm' %} {% set openvswitch_base_packages = [ 'libibverbs', 'openvswitch', 'python3-netifaces', 'python3-openvswitch', 'tcpdump' ] %} {% elif base_package_type == 'deb' %} {% set openvswitch_base_packages = [ 'openvswitch-switch', 'python3-openvswitch', 'python3-netifaces', 'tcpdump' ] %} {% endif %} {{ macros.install_packages(openvswitch_base_packages | customizable("packages")) }} {% endblock %} COPY /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start COPY /usr/local/bin/ovs_wrapper # NOTE(hrw): Upstream moved tcpdump to /usr/bin/ in 4.99 version (used in Debian) RUN if [ -e /usr/sbin/tcpdump ]; then mv /usr/sbin/tcpdump /usr/bin/tcpdump; fi \ && touch /usr/local/bin/kolla_openvswitch_extend_start \ && chmod 644 /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start /usr/local/bin/kolla_openvswitch_extend_start \ && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ovs_wrapper {% block openvswitch_base_footer %}{% endblock %}