
23 lines
955 B

debug = true
{% if ansible_distribution | lower == 'centos' and base_tag | default == 'stream8' %}
base_image = quay.io/centos/centos
{% endif %}
{% if publisher %}
namespace = kolla
{# NOTE(hrw): we do not publish centos images for aarch64 so can just override #}
{% if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' %}
{% set tag_suffix = '-aarch64' %}
{% else %}
{# TODO(mgoddard): Remove tag_suffix when CentOS 7 is no longer supported. #}
{% set tag_suffix = '-centos8s' if ansible_distribution | lower == 'centos' and base_tag | default == 'stream8' else '' %}
{% endif %}
tag = {{ (zuul.tag if zuul.pipeline == "release" else zuul.branch | basename) ~ tag_suffix }}
{% endif %}
push = false
logs_dir = {{ kolla_build_logs_dir }}
template_override = /etc/kolla/template_overrides.j2
# NOTE(yoctozepto): to avoid issues with IPv6 not enabled in the docker daemon
# and since we don't need isolated networks here, use host networking
network_mode = host