This prevents unexpected breakage on new Fedora release. Fedora 20 is the last release known to work. Images based on Fedora 21 are currently broken as they lack required packages such as iproute. Support for Fedora 21 is on the way and will follow soon once all images have been verified. Change-Id: I849732147302eaf00d864d6b5093ff6ac006f496
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FROM fedora:20
MAINTAINER Kolla Project (https://launchpad.net/kolla)
# Set up repositories
RUN yum install -y https://rdo.fedorapeople.org/rdo-release.rpm
RUN yum -y install dnf dnf-plugins-core; yum clean all
RUN dnf copr enable -y larsks/crux
# Update packages
RUN yum update -y; yum clean all
# Install base packages
RUN yum install -y \
crux \
mariadb \
mariadb-libs \
openssl \
openstack-utils \
pyparsing \
python-alembic \
python-amqp \
python-amqplib \
python-anyjson \
python-boto \
python-cheetah \
python-cliff \
python-cmd2 \
python-croniter \
python-crypto \
python-d2to1 \
python-docutils \
python-dogpile-cache \
python-dogpile-core \
python-empy \
python-eventlet \
python-flask \
python-futures \
python-greenlet \
python-httplib2 \
python-iso8601 \
python-itsdangerous \
python-jinja2 \
python-jsonpatch \
python-jsonpath-rw \
python-jsonpointer \
python-jsonschema \
python-keyring \
python-kombu \
python-ldap \
python-lesscpy \
python-lockfile \
python-lxml \
python-markdown \
python-memcached \
python-migrate \
python-msgpack \
python-netifaces \
python-networkx \
python-oauthlib \
python-oslo-config \
python-oslo-messaging \
python-oslo-rootwrap \
python-paramiko \
python-passlib \
python-paste-deploy \
python-pbr \
python-pecan \
python-ply \
python-prettytable \
python-psutil \
python-pycadf \
python-pygments \
python-pymongo \
python-qpid \
python-repoze-lru \
python-requests \
python-routes \
python-simplegeneric \
python-simplejson \
python-singledispatch \
python-six \
python-sqlalchemy \
python-stevedore \
python-taskflow \
python-versiontools \
python-warlock \
python-webob \
python-websockify \
python-webtest \
python-werkzeug \
python-wsme \
; yum clean all
RUN mkdir -p /opt/kolla
ADD service_hosts.sh /opt/kolla/service_hosts.sh
ADD kolla-common.sh /opt/kolla/kolla-common.sh