Due to poor planning on our variable names we have a situation where we have "internal_address" which must be a VIP, but "external_address" which should be a DNS name. Now with two vips "external_vip_address" is a new variable. This corrects that issue by deprecating kolla_internal_address and replacing it with 4 nicely named variables. kolla_internal_vip_address kolla_internal_fqdn kolla_external_vip_address kolla_external_fqdn The default behaviour will remain the same, and the way the variable inheritance is setup the kolla_internal_address variable can still be set in globals.yml and propogate out to these 4 new variables like it normally would, but all reference to kolla_internal_address has been completely removed. Change-Id: I4556dcdbf4d91a8d2751981ef9c64bad44a719e5 Partially-Implements: blueprint ssl-kolla
103 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
103 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
export KOLLA_BASE=$1
export KOLLA_TYPE=$2
function copy_logs {
docker cp heka:/var/log/kolla /tmp/logs
function check_failure {
# Command failures after this point can be expected
set +o errexit
# TODO(SamYaple): Move these out of the check_failure function once logs
# are reddy with Heka
# Wait for service ready
sleep 15
nova boot --poll --image $(openstack image list | awk '/cirros/ {print $2}') --nic net-id=$(openstack network list | awk '/demo-net/ {print $2}') --flavor 1 kolla_boot_test
# If the status is not ACTIVE, print info and exit 1
nova show kolla_boot_test | awk '{buf=buf"\n"$0} $2=="status" && $4!="ACTIVE" {failed="yes"}; END {if (failed=="yes") {print buf; exit 1}}'
docker ps -a
failed_containers=$(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" --filter status=exited)
for failed in ${failed_containers}; do
docker logs --tail all ${failed}
journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service
cat /var/log/upstart/docker.log
nova service-list
neutron agent-list
nova list
nova list | awk '/4/ {print $2}' | xargs -n1 nova show
# NOTE(SamYaple): The copy logs functions is put on hold until Heka is all
# merged in. At that point we will pull the logs from Heka's volume
function write_configs {
mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config
cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/globals.yml
kolla_base_distro: "${KOLLA_BASE}"
kolla_install_type: "${KOLLA_TYPE}"
kolla_internal_vip_address: ""
docker_restart_policy: "never"
network_interface: "eth0"
neutron_external_interface: "fake_interface"
enable_horizon: "no"
enable_heat: "no"
cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/nova-compute.conf
cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/nova.conf
osapi_compute_workers = 1
workers = 1
cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/glance.conf
workers = 1
cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/neutron.conf
api_workers = 1
metadata_workers = 1
trap check_failure EXIT
# Create dummy interface for neutron
ip l a fake_interface type dummy
# Actually do the deployment
tools/kolla-ansible -vvv deploy
tools/kolla-ansible -vvv post-deploy
# Test OpenStack Environment
source /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh