pyroute2 0.6.6 derived from upper-constraints has a bug which manifests in Operation not permitted problems on newer kernels. Distro vendors (RDO, UCA and Debian OpenStack) have already backported the fix to their python3-pyroute2 package - let's use it. Closes-Bug: #2042954 Change-Id: Iddd1f1ee6d4cd6b9a15ead323178052fe6b6e4fb
352 lines
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352 lines
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FROM {{ namespace }}/{{ infra_image_prefix }}base:{{ tag }}
{% block labels %}
LABEL maintainer="{{ maintainer }}" name="{{ image_name }}" build-date="{{ build_date }}"
{% endblock %}
{% block openstack_base_header %}{% endblock %}
{% import "macros.j2" as macros with context %}
{{ macros.add_binary_source_envs() }}
{{ macros.enable_extra_repos(['crb', 'opstools', 'powertools']) }}
{% if install_type == 'binary' %}
{% if base_package_type == 'rpm' %}
{% set openstack_base_packages = [
] %}
{% elif base_package_type == 'deb' %}
# This will prevent questions from being asked during the install
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
{% set openstack_base_packages = [
] %}
{% endif %}
{{ macros.install_packages(openstack_base_packages | customizable("packages")) }}
{% elif install_type == 'source' %}
{% if base_package_type == 'rpm' %}
{% set openstack_base_packages = [
] %}
{% elif base_package_type == 'deb' %}
{% set openstack_base_packages = [
] %}
{% endif %}
{{ macros.enable_extra_repos(['powertools']) }}
{{ macros.install_packages(openstack_base_packages | customizable("packages")) }}
{% set openstack_base_pip_packages = [
ADD openstack-base-archive /openstack-base-source
RUN ln -s openstack-base-source/* /requirements \
{# NOTE(mnasiadka): Remove ovs from upper-constraints.txt because python3-openvswitch
is usually newer than UC entry and older version would get installed
in venv (see https://launchpad.net/bugs/1961874).
&& sed -i /^ovs=/d /requirements/upper-constraints.txt \
{# NOTE(mnasiadka): Remove neutron from upper-constraints.txt LP#1979703 #}
&& sed -i /^neutron=/d /requirements/upper-constraints.txt \
&& mkdir -p /var/lib/kolla \
&& {{ macros.install_pip(['virtualenv'])}} \
&& virtualenv --system-site-packages /var/lib/kolla/venv
ENV PATH /var/lib/kolla/venv/bin:$PATH
{# NOTE: pin setuptools on python 3.9 (centos,debian) due to horizon build failures #}
{% if distro_python_version == '3.9' %}
RUN {{ macros.install_pip(['pip', 'wheel', 'setuptools==67.2.*']) }} \
{% else %}
RUN {{ macros.install_pip(['pip', 'wheel', 'setuptools']) }} \
{% endif %}
&& {{ macros.install_pip(openstack_base_pip_packages | customizable("pip_packages")) }}
{% endif %}
{% if base_package_type == 'rpm' %}
RUN sed -i -r 's,^(Listen 80),#\1,' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \
&& sed -i -r 's,^(Listen 443),#\1,' /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
{% elif base_package_type == 'deb' %}
RUN echo > /etc/apache2/ports.conf
{% endif %}
{% block openstack_base_footer %}{% endblock %}